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MIWP 5 – Validation and conformity testing Update and status March 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "MIWP 5 – Validation and conformity testing Update and status March 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIWP 5 – Validation and conformity testing Update and status March 2015

2 SubTask 1.2 - Define process and governance of validation and conformity testing (INSPIRE testing maintenance framework). Manage by Peter Parslow UK (10 people) SubTask 1.3 - Investigate feasibility of setting up a compliance certification facility and process similar to OGC CITE or other rate system. Manage by Giacomo Martirano IT (3 p.) SubTask 1.4 - Establish INSPIRE testing maintenance framework based on results of 1.2. Manage by Peter Parslow and Carlo Cipolloni UK-IT (11 p.) Task 1

3 SubTask 2.1 - Define use cases for (a) commonly agreed validator(s) (for metadata, data and services) Manage by Christian Ansorge EEA(14 p.) SubTask 2.2 - Derive requirements (functional and non- functional) based on use cases.?? (14 p.) SubTask 2.3 - Collect information on existing validation tools/platforms and approaches, including languages/approaches for documenting tests. Manage by Daniela Hogrebe DE (8 p.) SubTask 2.4 - Evaluate existing tools/platforms and approaches on how they meet the requirements defined in 2.2. ?? (7 p.) SubTask 2.5 - Derive software/test development requirements based on results of 2.4. Manage by Ilkka Rinne DK (9 p.) SubTask 2.6 - Collect schema and schematron existing examples from Thematic cluster and proposed in MIWP-14. Manage by Robert Tomas JRC (all the TC Portal people) Task 2

4 SubTask 3.1 - Develop testsuite for INSPIRE metadata. Manage by Paul Hasenohr (13 p.) New extraTask 3.1.3 - Map requirements in MD IR to requirements in MD TG. Manage by Michael Lutz SubTask 3.2 - Develop testsuite for INSPIRE discovery service. ?? (4 p.) New extraTask 3.2.3 - Map requirements in NS IR to requirements in Discovery service TG. ?? SubTask 3.3 - Develop testsuite for INSPIRE view service. Manage by Sven Böhme (6 p,) New extraTask 3.3.3 - Map requirements in NS IR to requirements in View Service TG. ?? SubTask 3.4 - Develop testsuite for INSPIRE download service. ?? (6 p.) New extraTask 3.4.3 - ap requirements in NS IR to requirements in Download service TG. ?? SubTask 3.5 - Investigate feasibility of testing INSPIRE data sets. Manage by Carlo Cipolloni (10 p.) Task 3

5 35 staff applied 3 day x months 1 year of project 57 MM (1260 D/Y) WP resources + Specific Expert Group (11 people) x 2 months 15 sub-Tasks and 30 sub-sub-tasks

6 Activities started First Release of Procedures for change Managment and control the ATSs, documentation, ETSs, software, etc SubTask 1.2 Collect information on existing validation tools/platforms and approaches, including languages/approaches for documenting tests SubTask 2.3 Collect schema and schematron existing examples from Thematic cluster SubTask 2.6

7 Activities started Develop testsuite for INSPIRE metadata: ATS for Metadata Technical Guidance: almost all 39 requirements in the MD TG ready to be reviewed by the MIWP-5 SubTask 3.1 Develop testsuite for INSPIRE view service: ATS for View Services Technical Guidance - ISO 19128 profile: 25/75 requirements tested and ready for the MIWP-5 review ATS for View Services Technical Guidance - WMTS 1.0.0 profile: are tested 6/19 requirements, 6 are considered not mechanically testable or overlapping with other requirements SubTask 3.3

8 Activities started Develop testsuite for INSPIRE download service: ATS for Download Services Technical Guidance - Pre-defined Atom Conformance Class: 4/45 were in draft stage and 5 have been evaluated as non- mechanically testable Suggestion about ATS for the WFS conformance class of the predefined dataset Download Service Suggestion about ATS for the WFS conformance class of the direct access Download Service SubTask 3.4 Dataset pilot case: A pilot on Protect Site is started with EEA and EPSIT for a schematron definition A pilot on Natural Risk Zone is started with ISPRA and EPSIT SubTask 3.5

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