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National Accounts at a Glance New OECD publication National Accounts Working Party Meeting Paris 4-6 November 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "National Accounts at a Glance New OECD publication National Accounts Working Party Meeting Paris 4-6 November 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Accounts at a Glance New OECD publication National Accounts Working Party Meeting Paris 4-6 November 2009

2 The OECD annual national accounts publications Volume I: Main Aggregates Country tables + Comparative tables Volumes IIa and IIb: Detailed tables Volume IIIa: Financial Accounts - Flows Volume IIIb: Financial Balance Sheets - Stocks Volume IV: General Government Accounts National Accounts at a Glance

3 Objectives of the publication Indicator approach focusing on cross-country comparisons Making the accounts more accessible using meaningful indicators and charts Short definitions easy to understand + information on comparability issues Show the richness of the national accounts dataset Focus on measures other than GDP (Stiglitz commission) Flexible content that may change from year to year

4 An example

5 Content Chapter 1: GDP Chapter 2: Income Chapter 3: Expenditure Chapter 4: Production Chapter 5: General government Chapter 6: Capital Annex –A. Reference series –B. 2008 SNA – changes from 93 SNA –C. Glossary of main terms

6 Chapter 1: GDP Size of GDP GDP growth GDP per capita, OECD = 100

7 Chapter 2: Income Net national income per capita, OECD = 100 Household gross adjusted disposable income per capita Real net national income index Net saving rate, % of GDP Household net saving rate, % of HH disposable income Net lending/net borrowing by sector

8 Chapter 3: Expenditure Household final consumption, % of GDP Actual individual consumption General government final consumption expenditure Gross fixed capital formation by asset Investment in ICT Gross fixed capital formation by sector Exports and imports, annual growth rates in % Terms of trade

9 Chapter 4: Production Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added by activity, % of total Contribution to gross value added growth by activity Compensation of employees by activity

10 Chapter 5: Government General government expenditure, % of GDP Taxes in the SNA, % of GDP Social contributions to government, % of GDP Social benefits to households, % of GDP Financial assets and liabilities of general government, % of GDP

11 Chapter 6: Capital Net capital stock, year 2000 = 100 Consumption of fixed capital, % of GDP Non-financial assets of households per capita (dwellings and lands) Financial assets of households by type of financial asset

12 Comments and suggestions General comments on the publication Comments on the selection of indicators Any important missing information ? Any suggestion to expand the content ? Your experience with similar publication Contact:

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