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Theme: population Incomes And a standard of living. Salary and labour relations. THE PLAN: 1. Incomes of the population and their classification 2. A salary.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme: population Incomes And a standard of living. Salary and labour relations. THE PLAN: 1. Incomes of the population and their classification 2. A salary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme: population Incomes And a standard of living. Salary and labour relations. THE PLAN: 1. Incomes of the population and their classification 2. A salary and its forms. 3. A standard of living and its indicators.

2 In the economic theory distinguish 2 types of income: First, the income as the concept is private economic, т.е at microlevel Secondly, the income as concepts it is national - economic (the national income), i.e. at macrolevel

3 Income definition at microlevel: The income - is money resources, is received - ные as a result of economic activities for a certain time interval.

4 Classification of incomes is made by different criteria. If to distinguish incomes depending on subjects of assignment (the one who receives) in this case incomes share on: Population incomes; Incomes of the enterprise (firm); State incomes; Society incomes (the national income);

5 In dependence of size of the received and real had income in population incomes allocates: The nominal income; The had or private income; The real income;

6 Incomes of the enterprises: The gross revenue; The average income; The limiting income;

7 Family incomes include the following articles: Salary; The enterprise income; Incomes of the property (a rent, percent, rent payments, dividends); The state transfer payments (pensions, grants, grants, free services in the field of public health services, formations); Incomes from other sources;

8 2. Objective necessity of distribution on work: The level of development of productive forces is still insufficiently high for transition to distribution on requirements. Work did not become still the first vital need of the person, distinctions in work cause necessity of its material stimulation.

9 Main principles of the organisation of a salary: Equal payment for equal work, regulirova - ние the state of level of a salary on the scale of all society. Combination of material and moral stimulus. Faster growth of labour productivity in comparison with salary growth.

10 Salary levels: 1. A nominal salary 2. A real salary Factors of growth of the real salary: Growth of nominal salaries Decrease in taxes Reduction of prices on consumer goods and services

11 Index of the monetary salary Index of the monetary salary Index of the real salary = Price index on the goods and services Price index on the goods and services Index of monetary salaries - 203 Index of the various prices for the goods and services - 75 203 х 100 203 х 100 Index of the real salary = = 271 75 75

12 3. The standard of living is defined by security of the population essential commodities Indicators of a standard of living Quality indicator Monetary-cost index Naturally-material indicator

13 The consumer basket - is a full set consumer (material and spiritual) the blessings and the services necessary for satisfaction of normal requirements of a sredne-strategic family, providing its normal ability to live.

14 The consumer's basket shares on 3 parts: ProductsServices

15 The consumer's basket forms a basis for a living wage. At living wage definition it is considered, not only prodovolstven - ная a basket, but also articles of food and services. Cost prozhitoch - ного a minimum includes also taxes and obligatory payments.


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