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What it takes: Characteristics of Sustainable Efforts Joan Cleary, M.M. AF4Q National Meeting May 9, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "What it takes: Characteristics of Sustainable Efforts Joan Cleary, M.M. AF4Q National Meeting May 9, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 What it takes: Characteristics of Sustainable Efforts Joan Cleary, M.M. AF4Q National Meeting May 9, 2013

2 Outline What does sustainability mean for your work and your project? Our story Sustainability scenarios Five life stages of nonprofit organizations Closing remarks

3 Our story: Minnesota Community Health Worker Alliance CHW field-building to address health disparities, expand access, improve outcomes, increase cultural competence and foster healthier communities Workforce development: Scope of practice Education: Statewide standardized, competency- based curriculum in higher ed Policy: Medicaid coverage of CHW services Alliance: Catalyst, convenor, expert, partner…from working group based in higher ed to nonprofit with fiscal agent

4 Sustainability scenario: Your work seeds innovation that is sustained Tools Models Policies Standards Guidelines

5 Sustainability scenario: Your project identifies next-stage work and/or structure Interrelated considerations & key decisions: Vision, value, competencies, customers Organizational structure Legal/Tax status Revenue model Leadership

6 Life Cycle of a Nonprofit Stage One: Imagine & Inspire Stage Two: Found & Frame Stage Three: Ground & Grow Stage Four: Produce and Sustain Stage Five: Review and Renew Decline & Dissolve can follow any stage Judy Sharken Simon. Five Stages of Nonprofit Organizations, Fieldstone Alliance, 2001

7 Closing Remarks: The Way of Sustainability Thank you and best wishes with your sustainability pathway! Joan Cleary Joan Cleary Consulting 612-250-0902 c

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