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Language points for Warming up Words and expressions for warming up 1. wild adj. living in a natural state, not changed or controlled by humans e.g.

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3 Language points for Warming up

4 Words and expressions for warming up 1. wild adj. living in a natural state, not changed or controlled by humans e.g. wild flowers / a wild rabbit wildlife n. ( 不可数 ) animals and plants growing in natural conditions e.g. a wildlife park

5 2.threaten vt. 1 ). 恐吓,威胁 threaten +n.+with+n. 以... 恐吓... eg.The robber threatened me with a gun. threaten to do 恐吓说要... eg.He threatened to make the photo public. 2 )有... 征兆 / 忧虑 These dark clouds threaten rain. 3 ) vi. 迫近 A typhoon was threatening. threat n. threatening adj. 恐吓的,威胁的

6 3.decrease vt./vi. n. 减少,( 使)变小或变少 The membership decreased to 150. He decreased the speed of his car. on the decrease 在减少中 decrease to 减少到 decrease by 减少了 decreasing adj. 减少中的,在递减的 4.endanger vt. 危害,使危险 Smoking endangers your health. endangered adj. 遭受危险的,濒临灭绝危险的 endangered animals

7 5. as a result 结果 ; 因此 ; as a result of + n./v-ing “ 由于 …” ,作为... 的结果 e.g. I was very busy. As a result, I couldn ’ t take care of her. e.g. About twenty people were killed as a result of the big fire.

8 result from… 起因于 …., 源自 … result in … 结果为 …. ,导致 … 1). The terrible accident ____________ his carelessness. 2). His carelessness __________ the terrible accident. resulted from resulted in

9 1. May was very sick, ____ he could not eat or sleep. A. as a result B. after all C. anyway D. however 2. The car accident _____ the driver’s carelessness. A. resulted in B. resulted of C. resulted from D. result for

10 6. die out: disappear completely 灭绝,绝 种,( 风俗, 习惯等 ) 逐渐消失 ; ( 光, 火等 ) 逐渐熄灭 e.g. This kind of bird has died out. e.g. many old customs are dying out. 区别 : die away: (sound, wind, or light … ) becomes weaker and finally stops 渐渐 消失 e.g. The noise of the cars died away.

11 die off : 先后死去 ;( 草木 ) 先后枯死 由于缺水, 这植物的叶子先后枯死。 As a result of the lack of water, the leaves of this plant are dying off.

12 die of/ from 因 … 而死 ( 由于疾病, 饥寒, 情感原 因造成的死亡一般用 die of, 除此之外的原因 造成的死亡用 die from.) The old man _________ drinking dirty water. The old man ________ cold and hunger. died from died of be dying for 很想要, 渴望 be dying to do 很想做某事

13 请用适当的介词填空 1. Whales will die ___, if we don’t protect them. 2. Nowadays every woman is dying ___ fair skin. 3. The trees are dying __ because of the drought. out for off

14 4. The weak light is dying _____. 5. His anger died _____ after being given some money. 6. About 10 million people die __ cancer every year. 7. Some people die ____ the lack of water in the dry areas. away down of from

15 7. loss n. 损失; 遗失;丧失;败北 He reported the loss of his wallet to the police. He suffered a loss of 10,000 dollars on the business. 那笔生意中,他损失了 10 000 美元。 Our team has already had 3 losses. 我们队已经败了三场了。 At a loss adj. 困惑,不知所措, adv. 亏本地 She was at a loss for an answer. lose vt. 丢失,损失

16 8.hunt vt./vi. 打猎;猎取;猎食;寻找 November is a good time to hunt deer. hunt ( for ) = search for; try to find 寻找 / 求 hunter 猎人 go hunting 去打猎 a hunting dog 猎狗

17 9.peace n. 和平,安静,宁静 in peace 和平的,和睦的,安祥的 live in peace with one’s neighbours be at peace with other countries make peace( with ) (跟...) 讲和;(与...) 重新和好 The two countries are ___now, but they used to be at war. A. in peace B. at peace B

18 They are in danger of disappearing. 10. in danger: 处于危险中 in danger of : 有 … 的危险(受到外来的危险) E g :他有生命危险. He is in danger of losing life . 脱离危险: out of danger dangerous adj. 可能引起危险,对别人构成危险 Eg. It’s dangerous to play with a tiger.

19 1. He is hunting ___ his lost watch here and there. A. to B. at C. for D. out 2. It will be ___ wonderful world if all nations live in ___ peace with each other. A. a a B. the the C. a the D. a /

20 3. I hear Tim once was ___ of losing his life, but now he is ___. A. in danger, out of danger B. in the danger, out of danger C. in danger, out of dangerous D. in danger, out of the danger

21 ◆ Although they both hope to live_______, they often quarrel because of their bad temper. ◆ How many factory workers are_______ of losing their job. ◆ When hearing that he has passed the exam, _______ he went to play basketball A B C D in danger in peace in relief in the wild : 和平地, 和睦地在危险中 如释重负在野外 You are _______ if you don’t take any medicine A in peace B in relief C in danger D in the wild

22 Language points for Reading

23 (longed) ( responded ) (distant land) 3. Please take me to a land far away. 2. Daisy answered immediately. 1.Daisy had always wanted to help endangered species of wildlife. long 作动词 意思是 “ 对 … 渴望,很想 ” ◆ 我盼望再见到你。 ◆ 孩子们总是盼望假期的。 I‘m longing to see you again. Children are always longing for holidays long to do / long for Please find words similar to the underlined part from para1

24 4. in relief 如释重负 relief from sth. 减轻 …… eg. The drug gives some relief from pain. 这种药可以减轻一些痛苦。

25 5. burst into laughter 突然笑起来 burst into 突然 eg. The aircraft crashed and burst into flames. 飞机突然坠地起火。 习惯用语 burst in 闯入 ; 突然出现 ; 突然发作 burst out 大呼 ; 惊叫 ; 冲出 ; 突然发作

26 6. mercy n. 仁慈;慈悲 show mercy to sb. 对某人起了怜悯之心 e.g. They showed mercy to their enemies. 他们对敌人很仁慈。 at the mercy of 任 … 处置;无能为力 e.g. The ship was at the mercy of the storm. 那只船在暴风雨中失去控制。 have mercy on ( 对 …. 怜悯 )

27 A B burst out tears C D bust out laughter burst into laughter burst into tears 突然笑起来 突然哭起来 ■ On hearing the sad news, she____________ burst into + n. 表示 “ 突然 …” ※ 让我很吃惊的是,他突然唱起歌来。 Much to my surprise, He suddenly____________burst into song. ◆ ◆ ※ 警察毫不留情的将鳄鱼击毙 The policemen shot the crocodile ___________without mercy ※ 她请求法官对她丈夫法外开恩 She appealed to the ____ to __________ her husbandjudgehave mercy on The destiny burst into song. ◆ 突然唱起歌来 ※ 人类的命运受自己控制 of Man is at the mercy of himself ( 命运 ) ( 对 …. 怜悯 ) without mercy 毫不留情 ◆ ( 对 …. 怜悯 ) have mercy on ◆ at the mercy of 受 控制 ◆ ….. 7. burst into

28 8.certain adj. 确定的;有把握的 (sure) ;某一; 某种;一定 (some) For certain reasons /a certain reason,he will not come. He’s certain to pass the exam.=It’s certain that he’ll pass the exam. 辨析 certain and sure certain 的主语既可以是指人的词 ,也可以是 指物的词,而 sure 的主语通常为指人的词 It’s certain that the earth is round. (sure can’t replace certain)

29 9 protect v. to keep someone or sth. safe from harm, damage or illness protect sb. / sth. from (against) sth. e.g. Kids should be protected from the violence. e.g. The walls were built to protect the country against the attack. protection n.

30 A B C D protect prevent…. from stop…. from keep…. from protect…..from ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ (keep sb or sth safe) 保护 …. 不受 … 阻止 …. 做某事 ※ An umbrella is used to ______people ____ rain. ※ Even the heavy rain can’t ______ him ____ going to school. ※ A line of forts ( 堡垒 ) was built along the border to ____ _the country ____being attacked. prevent from protect from We must do our best to _______ Tibetan antelopes _____ A prevent …from hunted B protect …. from hunting C prevent….. from hunting D protect…from being hunted We should take action immediately to prevent the earth from ___ A washing away B being wash ed away C to wash away D to be washed away

31 10 contain v. to have sth. inside or have sth. as a part 包含;容纳;容忍 e.g. He opened the bag, which contained a wallet, a car key and a mobile phone. e.g. This article contains important information about wildlife protection. container n. 容器

32 The album______ twelve songs in all,______ many classics A includes ;including B. contains; included C. includes; included D. contains, including ◆ contain: ◆ include: 包含 词汇辨析 指包含所有的东西 指包含的是整体的一部分或几部分 ■ The album _____ forty pictures, _______ten of my brother’s ■ The book_______all the information you need. ■ The plan ______ most of your suggestions. ■ Six people were invited to his party, ________me contains includes including containsincluding

33 11 affect v. have an effect on 影响;感动;侵袭 e.g. Smoking greatly affects health. 区别 : effect n. have an effect on / upon sb. / sth. e.g. Smoking has a great effect on health.

34 ■ The change in climate may affect ■ She was affected 影响打动, 感动 your health. by the movie A B C影响侵袭 ( ) As a child she was very weak; so slight change in the weather could ____ her delicate health. A result B develop C decrease D affect The habit of your life will have a great ______ on your future A affect B effect C result D mercy ◆ affect = have an effect on : 影响

35 12 pay attention to give your attention to 注意 1) Please pay attention to this clause in the sentence. 请注意看句中的这个从句。 2) Please pay attention to the difference between the two words. 请注意这两个词之间的区别。 3) You must pay attention to your teacher in the class. 上课的时候必须专心听老 师讲课。

36 2.The air quality is getting worse and worse. We should pay more attention to _______the environment. A protecting B. protect C. be protected D. being protected 1 He_____what the teacher said. That’s why he didn't finish the exercises. A. paid no attention B. drew his attention to C. paid no attention to D. paid special attention to Pay attention to 中 to 是介词, 其后的动词用动词 ing 形式

37 13. appreciate vt. 1) 感激;感谢 eg. I appreciate your help. 我感谢你的帮助。 2) 鉴赏;欣赏;赏识 eg. Do you appreciate good wine? 你会鉴赏好酒吗? 3) 察觉;意识到 eg. We appreciate the danger ahead. 我们意识到危险临头。

38 ■ we appreciateyour helping us. ■ I don’t think she really appreciatesthis movie ■ I think that young children can often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. A B C 鉴赏, 欣赏意识到感激 鉴赏, 欣赏 ■ You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together. ( 意识到 ) ( )

39 14.No rainforest, no animals, no drugs. = If there was no forest, there would be no animals and no drugs. 没有热带雨林,就没有动物,也没有药物。 No pains, no gains. 不劳无获。 Nothing venture, nothing gain. 不入虎穴, 焉得虎子 Nothing seek, nothing find. 无求则无获。

40 15. as 引导方式状语从句 [ 表示方式 ] 象, 按照, 如同 Run As I do. 像我这样跑。 Leave it as it is. 保持原状, 不要动它。 As they landed, things began to disappear.

41 [ 表示时间 ] 当..., 的时候, 一边... 一边, 随着 She sang as she worked. 她一边工作一边唱歌。 I saw him as he was getting off the bus. 正当他下公共汽车时, 我看见了他。

42 ■ 当熊猫宝宝开始自己啃咬竹子时,这些科学家知道他们会成功完成实验的。 The scientists knew that they would_________________ the experiment when the panda babies began to ___ and eat bamboo by themselves. succeed bite With the help of his friend, he _____ in moving the big rock A failed B managered C succeeded D tried A B Csuccesssuccessful(n)(v)(adj)to finishfinishingin finishing succeed in doing: 成功做某事 ◆ fail ◆ succeed fail to do 失败做某事 succeed

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