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Discussion on Physics Curricula HST 2002 Generalities about some different Physics Syllabus (HST) Contemporary Physics (Particle Physics) in different.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion on Physics Curricula HST 2002 Generalities about some different Physics Syllabus (HST) Contemporary Physics (Particle Physics) in different."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion on Physics Curricula HST 2002 Generalities about some different Physics Syllabus (HST) Contemporary Physics (Particle Physics) in different countries The case of each country represented at HST02 General Discussion Conclusions

2 Generalities Big differences from one country to another and even in the same country (local syllabus) Different approaches in Teaching Physics: classical, related to the daily life and applications of Physics IT as a resource in a lot of countries Nuclear Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Special Relativity, (General Relativity in Slovak and USA) Cosmology and Particle Physics at different levels (more or less Maths, more or less experimental work)


4 Portugal Classical Mechanics A little of Quantum Mechanics at the Chemistry Syllabus No Modern or Contemporary Physics in the present syllabus

5 Spain Topics on Modern Physics: Nuclear Physics at 17, Particle Physics, Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics before University s/HST2001Spain.ppt

6 France Classical Mechanics, including oscillators and differential equations to solve, the same in electrical oscillators and with approximations molecular or atomic oscillators. Spectroscopy and quanta of energy, therefore E = h Recommended experiences of modern physics in French high schools: re_quantique_meca_de_Newton.doc re_quantique_meca_de_Newton.doc

7 Italy yllabus.htm#Italy yllabus.htm#Italy. Some Modern Physics, including Particle Physics, but, most the time never reached

8 Greece Some Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics (15-18) us/syllabus.htm#Greece

9 Bulgaria All the topics of Modern Physics at the last year (18)

10 Hungary Quantum Mechanics and Nuclear Physics but nothing about Relativity or Particle Physics

11 Romania Modern Physics with some Mathematical development

12 Slovak Republic Modern Physics, but not Particle Physics HST2001/syllabus/syllabus.htm#Slovakia HST2001/syllabus/syllabus.htm#Slovakia

13 Czech Republic Modern and Particle Physics at 18 for all Physics Students HST2001/syllabus/czech.htm HST2001/syllabus/czech.htm

14 Poland Contemporary Physics including Particle Physics and Cosmology HST2001/syllabus/syllabus.htm#Poland1 HST2001/syllabus/syllabus.htm#Poland1

15 Germany It’s possible to teach all kinds of modern Physics, even in special courses. But it’s also possible to teach a very small version of Physics. Syllabus contains too many very different possibilities. HST2001/syllabus/syllabus.htm#Germany HST2001/syllabus/syllabus.htm#Germany

16 Austria All Physics students learn Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology and do some experimental work from 17 to 19 m m

17 Netherlands Students learn Quantum Mechanics and Nuclear Physics No Particle Physics or Relativity Lots of experimental work HST2001/syllabus/nedprog.htm HST2001/syllabus/nedprog.htm

18 Belgium A little bit of Special Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Nuclear Physics

19 UK Particle Physics at Secondary School since the 1990’s! Advancing Physics Salters

20 Ireland Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics are optional from 16 – 18 Experimental work and applications of Contemporary Physics HST2001/syllabus/syllabus.htm#Ireland HST2001/syllabus/syllabus.htm#Ireland

21 Norway All topics of Contemporary Physics at 18 with experimental work

22 Sweden A little of Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics and Relativity but a lot of Nuclear Physics (16-17 and 19-20) Experimental work as often as possible

23 Finland All the topics of Modern and Contemporary Physics (18-19) Cloud Chamber experiment Medical Applications

24 Russia

25 USA Different Syllabus from State to State HST2001/syllabus/syllabus.htm#US HST2001/syllabus/syllabus.htm#US

26 Discussion Points

27 Conclusions

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