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July 12, 2010.  A promise to pay money.  Maker = Promises to pay money  Payee = Person maker promises to pay.

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Presentation on theme: "July 12, 2010.  A promise to pay money.  Maker = Promises to pay money  Payee = Person maker promises to pay."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 12, 2010


3  A promise to pay money.  Maker = Promises to pay money  Payee = Person maker promises to pay





8  Special type of note:  1. Financial institution acknowledges receipt of money.  2. Financial institution promises to repay the money.

9  An order to pay money.  Drawer – Orders the payment of money  Drawee – Person to pay the money  Payee – Person entitled to the money


11  Special type of draft:  1. Financial institution is the drawee, and  2. Payable on demand.


13 Drawee (Lincoln) has accepted the check.

14 Drawer and drawee are the same bank (Peoples Bank)

15 Drawer (Community Bank) and Drawee (Wells Fargo) are different banks.

16 Sign when purchase Sign again when cash







23  Express condition to payment not allowed.  “I promise to pay only if Spain wins the World Cup.”

24  “Subject to” or “Governed by” another contract not allowed.  “This note is governed by the contract the parties signed on June 1, 2010.”

25  Incorporating other writings generally not allowed.  “This provision incorporates by reference the contract the parties signed on June 1, 2010.”

26  Statement of consider is allowed.  “This note is to pay for an Apple iPhone.”

27  Referring to another contract (“as per” or “in accordance with”) is allowed.  “This note is executed as per the contract the parties signed on June 1, 2010.”

28  Incorporating by reference the following terms in a contract is allowed:  Collateral  Prepayment  Acceleration  “This note incorporates by reference the prepayment terms of the contract the parties signed on June 1, 2010.”

29  Limitation of payment of a particular fund or source is allowed.  “This note is payable only from the proceeds of my 2010 wheat crop.”

30  Requirement of a countersignature is allowed.  Example = Traveler’s Check

31  Requirement imposed by state or federal law that note contain consumer protection language is allowed.  But, later holders cannot become holder in due course of the note.

32  Amount of principal is clear.

33  Interest  Presumption = no interest

34  Interest  Presumption = no interest  Can state interest with amount or rate

35  Interest  Presumption = no interest  Can state interest with amount or rate  Can refer to outside source to determine rate (prime rate, rate charged by a particular bank, etc.)

36  Interest  Presumption = no interest  Can state interest with amount or rate  Can refer to outside source to determine rate (prime rate, rate charged by a particular bank, etc.)  If state “interest” but not a rate, interest is at the judgment rate.


38  Instrument is just for payment of money.

39  Exceptions:  Promises concerning collateral.

40  Instrument is just for payment of money.  Exceptions:  Promises concerning collateral.  Waiver of rules that would otherwise benefit maker or drawer.

41  On demand:  Express Statement, or  Silent about payment date.

42  At a definite time:  Date (“payable on August 1, 2010”),

43  At a definite time:  Date,  Fixed period after sight (“payable 30 days after sight”),

44  At a definite time:  Date,  Fixed period after sight,  Time readily ascertainable (“payable on first day of Winter 2010”).

45  At a definite time:  Prepayment provisions allowed.

46  At a definite time:  Acceleration provisions allowed.

47  At a definite time:  Extension provisions: ▪ By holder – to any time. “The holder may extend the due date to any date the holder desires.”

48  At a definite time:  Extension provisions: ▪ By obligor – only to later definite time stated in instrument “The maker may extend the due date from August 1, 2010 to October 1, 2010.”

49  At a definite time:  Extension provisions: ▪ By event – only to later definite time state in instrument “If Spain wins the World Cup, the due date of the note is extended from August 1, 201o to October 1, 2010.”

50  Bearer:  “Payable to bearer.”  “Payable to the order of bearer.”  “Payable to _______________.”  “Payable to cash.”

51  Order:  “Pay to the order of Gerry W. Beyer.”

52  If both types of words on same instrument, bearer language controls.  “Pay to the order of Gerry W. Beyer or bearer.”

53  If lack of words of negotiability is ONLY element of negotiability missing on a check, the requirement is waived.

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