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< Back Next > Unit 8 Unit 8 Body Language in Communication New Horizon English Course.

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2 < Back Next > Unit 8 Unit 8 Body Language in Communication New Horizon English Course

3 < Back Next > Leading In Introduction Warming-up Activities Home ● 1. Acting out 1. Acting out ● 2. Matching game 2. Matching game ● 3. Interpreting the picture 3. Interpreting the picture ● 4. Sign language 4. Sign language Navigation for Unit Eight

4 < Back Next > Has a foreigner ever hurried away when you stood too close to him? Perhaps your nearness made him nervous. Westerners rarely stand close unless they know each other. This is only one of many miscommunications that can occur when different cultures meet. The following warming-up activities help to raise your awareness of the existence of another “language”, i.e., body language or gestures, which we use everywhere and at any time. Return Introduction

5 < Back Next > 1. Read and act out the following phrases concerning gestures and body movements and tell out on what occasions they are used in Chinese culture. bowing shaking one’s head nodding one’s head waving one’s hand opening one’s mouth wide smiling Return sticking one’s tongue out scratching one’s head Warming-up Activities shrugging one’s shoulders wrinkling one’s eyebrows

6 < Back Next > deny ponder not care about sth. show agreement say goodbye shrug my shoulders nod my head shake my head wave my hand rub my nose Matching game Column AColumn B 2. Match the actions in Column A with the gestures in Column B, and then use the matching to make full sentences in such a pattern: When I deny, I will… Return

7 < Back Next > 3. Look at the picture and guess the meaning. Return Question: What do you think is the officer communicating non-verbally to the enlisted man ( 士兵 ) in this group? Do you think his message would be understood if the sailors saw but did not hear him? Click Click the button to see if you are right. If you thought that the officer was aggressively ( 粗暴地 ) correcting the behavior of the enlisted man, you are right. The officer’s body language is sufficient to communicate his strong disapproval without using any words.

8 < Back Next > 4. Sign language is a kind of body language system for a special group of people, namely, the deaf and dumb. Try to guess the meaning of the signs in American Sign Language below. nightsports heart book Return

9 < Back Next > Navigation for Unit Eight Practical Writing: Writing telephone messages Section C Return Using Gesture to Communicate Section BSection A Body Language in Daily Use

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