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Fertilisation Assessment D. Crowley, 2007. Fertilisation Assessment  To be able to describe what happens at fertilisation Friday, January 29, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Fertilisation Assessment D. Crowley, 2007. Fertilisation Assessment  To be able to describe what happens at fertilisation Friday, January 29, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fertilisation Assessment D. Crowley, 2007

2 Fertilisation Assessment  To be able to describe what happens at fertilisation Friday, January 29, 2016

3 Pants  “When a man and a women are trying to have a baby, it is better for the man to wear boxer-shorts rather than tight underpants”  Do you think this is true?  What evidence would you need to support your opinion?  “When a man and a women are trying to have a baby, it is better for the man to wear boxer-shorts rather than tight underpants”  Do you think this is true?  What evidence would you need to support your opinion?

4 Graph  Does this graph help support your ideas – what other information would you need?  When were the pants being worn?!

5 Assessed Task  Your task is to design a cartoon or map that shows how a sperm reaches the ovum for fertilisation  You will be assessed on your ability to label parts of the reproductive system, as well as you knowledge of the functions each of these parts have  You should consider: -  Where the sperm is made  Where the sperm has to go before it reaches the ovum  What each of the parts it travels down are like  How the sperm travels  What are the jobs of the different parts it travels through  Your task is to design a cartoon or map that shows how a sperm reaches the ovum for fertilisation  You will be assessed on your ability to label parts of the reproductive system, as well as you knowledge of the functions each of these parts have  You should consider: -  Where the sperm is made  Where the sperm has to go before it reaches the ovum  What each of the parts it travels down are like  How the sperm travels  What are the jobs of the different parts it travels through

6 Male System Scrotum Sac of skin the testis are held in. Sperm production is higher at lower temperatures Testis Produces the sperm and testosterone (the male hormone) Glands These add fluid to the sperm with nutrients. The fluid and sperm is known as semen Penis The penis can swell with blood to cause an erection Urethra Carries urine and sperm out of the body

7 Female System Ovary These produce the egg cells. They also produce the female hormone oestrogen Fallopian tube (oviduct) These carry the eggs to the uterus. This is where fertilisation should happen Uterus This is the muscular bag where the baby develops Cervix This is a ring of muscle that keeps the foetus (baby) in place during pregnancy Vagina The vagina receives the sperm during sex

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