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Northumberland through the eyes of the customer Sub title.

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Presentation on theme: "Northumberland through the eyes of the customer Sub title."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northumberland through the eyes of the customer Sub title

2 Who? Who are our customers? How do they behave? What drives them? What do they like about us? What don’t they like?

3 Core Values? What style & type of experience do they want? What type of service & product do want Why do they buy? What media channels do they use? How do they respond to marketing? What are their holiday habits

4 Arkenford Segmentation Arkenford (aka Ark Leisure) were commissioned by VisitBritain to undertake a national study to identify tourism market segments in 2002. The Arkenford segmentation was developed because existing generic segmentations based on Age/Class/Lifestage were becoming increasingly less appropriate and less effective in leisure and tourism markets. The Arkenford segmentation is based upon dual components: -‘Aspirations’ i.e. Life values and willingness to pay. -‘Choice Drivers’ i.e. Practical considerations such as income, responsibilities and other life factors.

5 Style Hounds Followers Functionals Discoverers Traditionals Cosmopolitans High Street Habituals Mass Market Independent Market Innovators Sustainers


7 Which Market Segments for Northumberland? Research done by ‘Arkenford’ reveals four main types: Functionals - ‘tea and pee’, not loyal, low spend, come in droves Traditionals - history & heritage, very loyal, pay for good service Discoverers - adventurous, sporty, high spend, but not loyal Cosmopolitans - brand-conscious, loyal, like quality, spend well

8 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Brian and Susan Both aged 50, staying in self catering cottage with their dog. Their children have just left home. Brian runs a small business and Susan works part time in an estate agents. Daily spend £62 each (av £75) (Functional/creatures of habit) Interests DIY Heritage and nature Visiting attractions Gardening Sports Crafts Magazines Specialist interest Specialist sports Newspapers Television Light watchers of TV Internet Regular users Low on-line spend, using the internet to save time, finding information and to expand horizons Website –Dell –Pixmania –OCADO Background/Outlook Household income £24,500 Self reliant Price driven – seeking value for money Value function over style Traditional values Like sensible, practical things

9 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Robert and Hilary Have both taken early retirement from working in local government. Daily spend £73 each (av £75). (Traditional/Rural hikers) Interests Walking and hiking Arts & Culture Gardening Crafts History and nostalgia Nature and rural landscapes Newspapers Paid for local paper Magazines Specialist interes t Television Heavy watchers of TV Internet Use internet to explore and try to expand their horizons Websites – –Amozon Background/Outlook Household income; £28,500 Active minds and bodies Slow to adopt new options Strong orientation towards traditional values Value individual attention, comfort and service Enjoy fresh air and exercise Enjoy attractions, scenery & dining out

10 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Adrian and Chloe Aged 33 and 35, newly married, a teacher and a researcher. Daily spend £72 each (av £75). (Discoverer/explorers) Interests History and culture Nature Attending sports events Video games Music Films Newspapers Magazines Specialist sports Television Medium weight of TV viewing Internet For information, entertainment and staying in touch Websites –eBuyer –One Village –Gamespy Background/Outlook Household income: £37,000 Independent in mind/action Interested in new options, new places and new experiences Not brand orientated Buy on function and value Looking for educational experience Lucrative, independent explorers

11 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Jake and Tamsin Both aged 28 and work in media and computing. Daily spend £84 each (Av £75) (Cosmopolitans/go for its) Newspapers Television Infrequent watchers of TV Interests Outdoor activities Arts, culture & music Cooking and eating out Shopping Nature Magazines Internet Hi on-line spend Socialising keeping in touch Websites –Guardian Unlimited –Pixmania, Filmhouse –The Rough Guide Background/Outlook Household income £36,000 Strong, active, confident, adventurous High spenders Seeking new challenges Like variety in life Cosmopolitan Want to have fun and willing to try anything

12 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd What does this mean for Northumberland? Opportunities to grow as higher spend Cosmopolitans Discoverers Traditionals Keep them happy and keep them coming Functionals

13 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd What are the opportunities/challenges?

14 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd What does this mean for the food and drink industry? Food tourism increasingly popular. In a recent survey of tourist perceptions of the UK food industry, two-thirds of Britons said food and drink influenced their holiday choice. 2010 visitor survey shows 2% of visitors named food and drink as the reason of their visit to Northumberland. (The first time ever!) In 2010 the average spend per person per day was 12.24% on food and drink, compared to 8.86% in 2008.

15 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd



18 Coquetvale Hotel 60/70% of restaurant customers from local B&B’s. Vouchers given to encourage B&B’s to visitors to come. 2,500 + database with regular newsletters informing of special offers and promotions. Approximate age range of guests to hotel 50+. They know what they want and they know what to expect. Rothbury very much a second visit destination. Regular menu change, special offers and theme nights keep the locals coming to the restaurant. Facebook and Twitter a definite advantage.

19 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd

20 Battlesteads Hotel 50+ ‘Grey Pound’ market with disposable income who visit all year round. Nearly all have researched us if not booked online. Many of our customers choose us because they want something different. Our philosophy of sourcing locally is where the market is now. The expectation across our whole offer is our visitors want good quality accommodation and food with a degree of sustainability. If you serve average food, you’ll get average occupancy rates. Special offers and promotions are integral to occupancy numbers, especially in the shoulder seasons. Awards have been instrumental in gaining new visitors. BBC Cutting Edge, Jeremy Vine. PR/media coverage, Facebook and Twitter an excellent way to promote your business as well as listen to your customers.

21 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd


23 Old School B&B – Breakfast Menu

24 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Old School B&B – A Taste of Northumberland

25 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Old School B&B Ideal visitor is a 3-night stay, we price and market ourselves accordingly. Our typical visitor generally comprises a retired, semi-retired couple, who have time, disposable income and access to the internet. This market tends to be more recession- proof than others. We decided from day 1 that all our marketing would be done online. I can honestly say that online booking is the one, single best thing we have ever done. Awards are an integral part of our marketing strategy: Spanish National newspaper as best B&B in Britain. Also on front cover of Visit Britain accommodation guide 2011. We haven’t paid for this! We had always planned to be a 5* B&B and our breakfast offer was always going to match this. Our pièce de résistance! Runner up in the 2009 Taste Awards. Yes, a B&B can compete with restaurants when it comes to quality food! But quality isn’t enough, you have to cook it to perfection.

26 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd 10 Top Tips Get under the skin of your customers, find out who they are and what they want. Tailor your product development to suit your target markets. Concentrate your marketing activity to make it more powerful and give it higher profile. Differentiate your offer from the competition – find your ‘Unique Sales Proposition’. Add value, with special offers and promotions to increase market share and win new customers. Get online! Get your website talking and seek feedback. Change your menu regularly to keep your customers interested. Celebrate your story, gain emotional connection with your visitor and appeal to their desire for uniqueness. Celebrate the seasons, there’s always something tasty in season in Northumberland. Celebrate the producer, educate the gastronomic tourist on what Northumberland has to offer!

27 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd 29/01/201627 So Which One is your next customer?

28 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Reaching the Visitor......

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