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We’re going to the Zoo… Friday, October 30, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "We’re going to the Zoo… Friday, October 30, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 We’re going to the Zoo… Friday, October 30, 2015

2 Zoo To-Do’s During the field trip, you and your group members have to manage your time to be able to complete three activities: 1)Zoo class – take notes 2)Analyzing Adaptations – choose 3 animals 3)Endangered Species Scavenger Hunt In addition, be sure to plan time to: 1)Eat lunch (30 minutes) 2)Take pictures and have fun!


4 FAQs What do I bring? Bagged lunch OR money to buy lunch (only one food place open, expect lines) May bring electronic devices – music, camera, phone - but you are responsible Pen and something to lean on Bag What should I wear? Sneakers, no flip flops! Watch the weather, dress in layers

5 FAQs continued Can we text and play games on our cell phones? School rules for cell phones apply, except you may use them for photos only. Can we go to the gift shop? Yes, but must be on bus by 1pm – don’t go to gift shop after 12:30 What time do we have to get back on the bus? 1 pm sharp! We have to get back in time for the busses? What if my parent is chaperoning? An email is going out to chaperones today. They should meet in the cafeteria by 8:10am.

6 Zoo Groups Please find the student whose parent is chaperoning you in PINK. Remember your class time, group number, and bus number.

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