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The role of Public Sector in the job quality of ancillary activities Albert Recio (QUIT – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Alejandro Godino (QUIT – Universitat.

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Presentation on theme: "The role of Public Sector in the job quality of ancillary activities Albert Recio (QUIT – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Alejandro Godino (QUIT – Universitat."— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of Public Sector in the job quality of ancillary activities Albert Recio (QUIT – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Alejandro Godino (QUIT – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Sofia – 18/11/2012

2  To explore the role of public sector in the advancement of job quality in low-wage sectors and workplaces in outsourced sectors  based on sectoral and case studies (developed under WALQING project) on Contract Catering and Office Cleaning, but also appliable to other sector cases. OBJECTIVES

3 The role of public sector (I) Obvious role: Determination of:  basic labour conditions,  collective bargaining framework and  union rights. Latent role: It is the main customer of ancillary activities in outsourced services.

4 The role of public sector (II) Active role of Public Administration as explanation in the expansion of outsourcing. Source: Fédération Européenne de la Restauration Collective Concédée (2009).

5 Main policies  Minimum wage implementation (considereded very low in Spanish context): 621 € per month  Collective bargaing model: Sectoral agreements cover to the whole of the workforce in each industry, despite they are notaffiliated to any union.

6 Wage average in cleaning sectors (2000 – 2007).

7  Subrogation: when a company substitutes other in a work center, they have to maintain its staff. Guarantee of job stability and long term tenure.  Standardization of wage levels Salary of each proffessional category is the same at every firms No chance of downward by wage competition Crucial effects of collective bargaining

8 Public sector as customer  The price payd for outsourced services corresponds with the ceilling of wage agreements.  Particular demands:  Specifics hours of work  cleaning  Profesional recognition by qualification acknowledging.

9 A new conjuncture Economic crisis changes Government policies:  Budgetary cuts generates pressures to outsourced activities: Downward in prices and quantities.  Structural reforms

10 Aftermaths (I)  Activity reductions: cuts in cattering and cleaning related to service cloussures (hospitals) and social transfers.  Pressures to suppliers Increasing of part-timers(consequent reduction of wages wages) and work intensification.

11 Aftermaths (II)  Deterioration of collective bargaining: road from sectoral to company agreements.  Danger to loose subrogation clause (guarantee of stability).  Increasing of wage competition Exposure to vulnerability in low-wage sectors.

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