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Introduction to Infant/Toddler Curriculum Planning

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1 Introduction to Infant/Toddler Curriculum Planning
Implementing (10 minutes) Welcome and Introductions- Participant Sign-in sheets, ask if any participants who want to share a challenge and or a success as they began reflecting on the observation process for their program since the last session. Climate of Care – Have participants review list of ground rules that will contribute to their sense of safety and security. Talk about breaks and Restrooms

2 Learning Objectives Participants will be able to:
Implement different ways of interacting and modifying the environment utilizing the written, flexible curriculum plans. Observe the children’s responses to changes and collect documentation to determine if these modifications were more effective in facilitating the children’s meaning-making efforts. Continue the reflective curriculum planning process of observing, documenting, reflecting, planning and implementing.

3 Curriculum Planning Process
Document Observe Implement Overview of Curriculum Planning Process The Infant Toddler Guidelines New Perspectives DVD (disk 2) Responsive Curriculum Planning Combines the Following: Knowledge of how young children develop and what they are learning; Appropriate expectations for different “ages”; Understanding individual children’s interests and current levels of development; Observation and documentation skills; Responsive, sensitive facilitation. Reveal title and say: “ Responsive planning for infants and toddlers requires a combination of knowledge and skills, and the development of an attitude of respect toward children and the processes by which they acquire knowledge, skills and abilities”. Reveal first point and say: ”During the first three years of life, children develop more rapidly and accomplish more in terms of the acquisition of skills, abilities and knowledge than they are likely to accomplish in any other period of similar length in their lives. (Could ask participants to name some of the major accomplishments of this period or name a few yourself.) Reveal second and third points and say: “There are two sources for this information, each very important”. Then, you could ask what they are or say: “Information from the formal study of child development (book learnin’ ) and direct observation of the children in your care”. Reveal/read next point and say: “ These skills are essential in helping us acquire knowledge about child growth and development and, in turn, improve as we learn more about that growth and development “. Reflect & Plan 3

4 (Infant/Toddler Program Guidelines page 106)
Teachers implement their plans for facilitating learning. G U I D E L I N E 8.6 From Program Guidelines: Basing I/T planning on actual observations, documentation & reflections is essential – these steps can not be skipped Teachers become researchers – looking to see which hypothesis worked / what needs tweaking Another vital aspect comes from reflecting on the DRDP-R assessment, not as a test but as an indicator of unfolding development There are simultaneous areas unfolding: ( may create PPT slides ) Program leaders: providing necessary play & learning materials / providing time for staff to plan & prepare the environments Teachers: generating ideas / identifying levels of development / examining all ideas an selecting the ones most appropriate / creating brief plans (Infant/Toddler Program Guidelines page 106)

5 Strategies: Form Selection and Use
Revisit the form(s) selected previously. Discuss strategies for the following: Who is going to use it? How you are going to use it? Where will you post it? Report back to the large group. Note: Form(s) will be used in the following implementation activity(ies). Let the participants know that the strengths and the weakness of the forms were discussed last week and selection was already made. However, consideration needs to be made at this time how the forms will be utilized – who will be using it? Where will they be kept? Who is going to make copies? Will observation be documented there directly or will the information be transferred from somewhere (sticky notes, audio, etc..), how often will they be using the forms (every week, every other week, as appropriate and needed, etc.) - Let participants know that the reason why they will be reporting back in large group is so that other groups can hear their brilliant ideas or they can hear other ideas and may take those strategies as well)

6 Encounter with Cornstarch, 18 months
Let’s Try it Out! Encounter with Cornstarch, 18 months Observe the clip two times. Document your observation on the form or forms you have selected Reflect with someone or a small group Insert Guidelines DVD Disc3 –video clips – click “Encounter with Cornstarch, 18 months” Watched as many times as necessary. Document your observation on the form or preferable more than one forms you have selected Reflect with someone or a small group California Infant/Toddler Learning & Development Foundations DVD Series, Disc 3

7 Teachers as Researchers
Observe/note Discover their intentions. This leads to: Reflect, Ask questions How might we support/ Expand the play? This leads to: This is to remind the participants that the process is like a research process – observe – reflect, ask question – think about how to continue the process. Since teachers do the same thing, they serve as researchers as well. What we’ll do New Perspectives – Session Three

8 Facilitating Learning: The Teacher’s Role
7:30 min. The Next Steps – Care Teacher’s Role Let participant know to watch this clip with “Encounter with Cornstarch” in mind. The Next Step: Including Infants in the Curriculum

9 WestEd, Teacher As Researcher
How might we create opportunities for infants/toddlers to explore? What strategies do infants & toddlers use to explore? How might we return infants’ experiences to them? Will they:_________________ Will they: _________________ How can we broaden the search? Following the DVD go through this slide with the participants and give them the opportunity to modify it. How might we add complexity and problems? WestEd, Teacher As Researcher

10 Complete the cycle Plan Implement
In the situation of “Encounter with Cornstarch, 18 months” How can we adapt How can we support How can we expand learning? Implement Environment Interaction Activities Report back and share ideas with large group… Complete the entire form at this point in small groups and then share you reflective curriculum plan with the whole group… If possible each group can post their plan for everyone to look at, and take ideas.. Ask participants to share their thoughts about the process.

11 Extended Scenes – Exploring Books,
Let’s Try Out the Whole Cycle Extended Scenes – Exploring Books, 18 months Allow participants to practice again using a different Planning form the whole process of: Observe Document Assess and Reflect Plan Implement California Infant/Toddler Learning & Development Foundations DVD Series, Disc 3

12 Extended Scenes – Pretend Bedtime, 36 months
Optional – if time allows participants can observe and discuss their observation and their plan for one or both children in this scene. California Infant/Toddler Learning & Development Foundations DVD Series, Disc 3

13 NOTE: When Planning & Implementing…
Be Flexible Follow the child’s interest when introducing an idea or new interaction The child’s interest may last for one afternoon or several weeks Be open to where children go with an idea PPT - Paraphrased from Program Guidelines 8.5B Other information to use (actual wording from Guidelines below only): --After much thought and consideration, it is time to make a plan. --The information gathered and considered provides rich material for creating a plan that can engage children in continuing to explore and learn with their minds and bodies.

14 Brainstorm: Seeking Input from Parents
Gather Resources: Approaches for gathering input from families: Learning Boards / books (Carter & Curtis) Sample parent boards Highlights of the Day forms Daily Experience forms on clip boards Primary care: as point of connection Brainstorm with participants how learning can be made visible and how parents can be involved in curriculum planning process

15 Seeking Input from Parents
Successes: Struggles: Use this or an easel to scribe program experiences.

16 Program/Classroom Action Plan
As a group, consider your next steps: Which strategies will infant care teachers follow up on? Which strategies will the administrative staff weave into their program policies? What help do you need to accomplish these tasks?

17 I/T Curriculum Planning Course - Assignment #5:
Guidelines Workbook Activity 8.5B: Create brief and flexible written plans. Points Possible: 20

18 I/T Curriculum Planning Course - Assignment #6:
Guidelines Workbook Activity 8.6A: Implement the curriculum plan. Points Possible: 40

19 Next Session – Next Steps
Please complete assignment #6 and bring it to the Next Steps session. Be prepared to present to the other participants in the group. See You Next Time!

20 Thank you for participating in the I/T Curriculum Planning Course!

21 Questions Closing Wrap Up
Talk about the next session opportunity to work on planning and implementing Curriculum using Observations and Documentation

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