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FCM Quality of Life Reporting System A Strategic Planning Approach for Canadian Communities Prepared by: Halifax Regional Municipality, Priority & Policy.

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2 FCM Quality of Life Reporting System A Strategic Planning Approach for Canadian Communities Prepared by: Halifax Regional Municipality, Priority & Policy Group 1998

3 HRM Priority & Policy Group2 What Does “Quality of Life” Mean? n Measure the extent to which peoples happiness requirements are met. n Identify needs not wants. n Measure satisfaction (McCall from McGill) … Philosophical Views !

4 HRM Priority & Policy Group3 The Meaning of “Quality of Life” n Maslow’s hierarchy of need - from physiological need to safety, belongingness, esteem, self- actualization need. … A Sociological View!

5 HRM Priority & Policy Group4 The Meaning of “Quality of Life” n Harmony n Viable environment n Economic activity –adequate prosperity, distributed equitably, and sustainable n Built environment … A Community View!

6 HRM Priority & Policy Group5 The Meaning of Quality of Life n Income and social status n social support network n Education n Employment and working conditions n physical environments n biology and genetic endowments n healthy child development n Health services (Federal, Provincial, and Territorial Advisory Committee on Population Health 1994) … A Health View!

7 HRM Priority & Policy Group6 What does “Quality of Life” mean? The Peoples view... Responses Up to 3 responses recorded % Survey results from a poll conducted by Corporate Research Associates in Halifax Regional Municipality, Quarterly poll 1997.

8 HRM Priority & Policy Group7 FCM’s Quality of Life Reporting System is founded on the following beliefs: n Quality of life is achieved: when individuals have the ability to meet their basic needs and to achieve personal goals, hopes or aspirations while living in communities that : support rich, social interactions, the inclusion of all residents in community life, a fair and equitable sharing of common resources and a safe, clean environment. n Federal,. Provincial/Territorial, and Municipal governments must work collaboratively to ensure that all individuals and communities are supported in achieving a meaningful quality of life.

9 HRM Priority & Policy Group8 Defining the Quality of Life Reporting System The quality of life in any given community is influenced by interrelated factors such as: health status, personal safety, affordable housing, appropriate housing, social supports, meaningful employment and life style opportunities, the local economy, adequate personal income and demographic characteristics. The quality of life indicators are designed to measure and track changes in individual opportunities and community services over time. Study of these measures will inform and influence governments and decision makers across Canada.

10 HRM Priority & Policy Group9 In short a QLRS is…A set of social need indicators that : Quality of Life Reporting System Quality of Life Reporting System n Measure satisfaction from subjective and objective perspectives, n Measure change, n Set the stage for community strategic planning, and n Goal setting.

11 HRM Priority & Policy Group10 What is our Interest in a QLRS? n Knowledge acquisition, n Advocacy, and, n Planning. Quality of life reporting system is a useful tool for:

12 HRM Priority & Policy Group11 Commentary on The Quality of Life Measurement n An Attraction for Economic Development –A community that values its environment, its people and its resources is valued by others. –A good quality of life attracts new economic activity and skilled people. –A great quality of life keeps them.

13 HRM Priority & Policy Group12 The Benefits of using a National QLRS …. n Evaluation tool respecting existing policies. n Quantitative reference for communication of Municipal concerns to Provincial and Federal Governments. n Method to see how cuts in social spending have affected programs at the municipal level n Assists in setting goals. n Provides a way for us to rate and compare ourselves with respect to national standards and other municipalities. n Provides valuable information in contributing to a regional planning approach

14 HRM Priority & Policy Group13 More Benefits of using a National QLRS …. n Objective means of measuring certain aspects of the quality of community life. n Allows monitoring of conditions over time to identify changes in key aspects of life in the community. n Identifies local problems. n Stimulates discussion and debate on social objectives. n Improves communication between municipalities. n National voice for lobbying the Federal Government n Develop policy that will improve people’s lives.

15 The End Any Questions may be directed to Barbara Nehiley, Planning & Development Services Halifax Regional Municipality (902)490-4612

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