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Field Indicators of Hydric Soils
Natural Resources Conservation Service in cooperation with the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils A Training Slide Set to Accompany the Publication “Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the U.S.” This slide set has been developed to assist Soil Scientists in training and presentations involving the publication “Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the U.S.” Comments on these note pages are intended to be both a guide to the slides and to provide some insight into the indicators. Occasional comments noted as “Ed. Note” are by Michael Whited NRCS - Wetland Science Inst. Any questions about this material should be directed to him at: Some instructors may wish to teach directly from the publication. In that case, slides not be useful and students can “thumb” through the document along with the instructor. Most photos have been provided by: Michael Whited, Wade Hurt, H. Chris Smith (NRCS), and Jim Wakeley (COE). Thanks to other NRCS and COE staff if they recognize any photos.
Agenda What, how, why, who Review development of field indicators
Introduce new concepts and terminology in 1998 Field Indicators Review pertinent indicators for use on this sessions field trips The basic objective is to introduce the document, make sure people understand the tremendous amount of background work that went into the development, review new concepts and terminology, and have people develop a comfort level with several (2 or more, dependent upon remaining field sites) of the indicators.
Introduction Field indicators are soil morphological features used to identify hydric soils The features result from soil genesis in the presence of “Anaerobic Conditions” They are used for on-site verification
Why Indicators? NTCHS 1982, “... mottling, chroma 2 or less... no mottling, chroma 1 or less” NTCHS 1992, “criteria not meant for onsite identification or verification” There are soils on the hydric list that may or may not be hydric NAS 1995, “field indicators should be used for on-site verification” This slide is used to reinforce that NRCS didn’t come up with the idea on their own, that even the National Academy of Sciences recommended the use of field indicators. The National Technical Committee on Hydric Soils started the ball rolling in Their general guidance is still a pretty good rule of thumb even today, if only they had said “chroma 1 or less and value 4 or more.” Also, important for people to realize that being on a computer generated list doesn’t mean the soil is hydric - it is just an interpretation that the central concept (or inclusion) of that soil (mapping unit) is a hydric soil. Likewise, there may be soils that aren’t on the hydric list that may be hydric, or have hydric properties within their range of characteristics. One of my favorite examples is SWP drained epiaquepts. Even though they aren’t on list, I believe that many of them are hydric. Another example are Aeric Fluvaquents, which are (generally) much wetter than Soil Taxonomy would indicate. In case you wonder why?, think about Soil Tax. using morphology at 40 cm plus for aquic conditions, when it is the surface of many ponded and flooded soils that show soil hydromorphology.
1996 / 98 Field Indicators Refinements of 1987 Indicators
Low Chroma Colors, Mottles Gleyed Colors “High” Organic Matter Content Organic Streaking Histosol, Histic epipedon Sulfidic Material Address problem soils Like to emphasize that they are important scientific advances on information presented in the 1987 Manual. BUT, they are very similar to the 87 Manual and may be looked at more as refinements. The science of Hydric Soils has made tremendous advances since the 87 Manual was written. These indicators have been developed for use on many of the “Problem Soil” (sic wetland) areas mentioned in the 87 Manual and subsequent guidance. A more (more than the 87 Manual) thorough listing of problem areas and soils exists in the 1989 Interagency Wetland Delineation Manual.
Development Continuous Process Inter-agency Multi-disciplinary
Ongoing since mid 80’s Inter-agency including universities, private sector, federal, state, and local agencies Multi-disciplinary soil scientists, hydrologists, botanists People need to know that we didn’t go through this in a vacuum. That numerous agencies and disciplines were involved, as much as possible they are based on research that has been on-going (e.g wet soils monitoring, etc.).
Hydromorphic Processes
Reduction, translocation, and precipitation of Iron and Manganese Accumulation and differential translocation of Organic Matter Reduction of Sulfur Explain a little about redox processes and OM accumulation in wet soils if that background info. hasn’t been given already. In Reg. IV they usually put up the redox “scale” of reduction the first day so I refer back to that (O - N - Mn - Fe - S, etc.)
New Concepts and Terminology
Regionalized Control Sections Depleted Matrix Gleyed Matrix Test Indicators What’s new? Regionalization - by LRR’s Control Sections - combo’s of thickness and color / OM requirements Depleted Matrix - “Gray” soil color due to reduction and depletion of Fe., originated from term redoximorphic depletion. Gleyed Matrix - Gley colors, not the same as soil survey g suffix. Test Indicators - Things we saw that seemed to accurately identify hydric soils in certain parts of the country, but data was (is) lacking to prove they are correct. The most important concept here is the depleted matrix - which will be discussed in more detail later in the presentation.
Regional Lists by Land Resource Region Addresses “Problem” Soils
Mollisols and Vertisols Sandy Soils Flooded and Ponded Soils Red Parent Materials Regionalization has enabled a more thorough development of indicators for problem soils and to refine things such as thickness of organic layers.
Right now USDA Land Resource Regions (LRR’s), if the interagency group working on ecoregion’s ever agree on a uniform approach this may change.
Control Sections or Zones
Layers with : high value, low chroma or; redoximorphic features or; organic matter accumulations at a depth of certain thickness The concept of “control sections” seems to be a difficult one for non-soil scientists to grasp. Whatever, they need to be aware that thickness requirements exist for most indicators. Sometimes people say the indicators are too complicated but actually this is the “guts” of all of them. I think the language (because it is somewhat structured like Soil Tax.) intimidates users. The layers to look for have certain colors (or OM), thickness, and occur within specified (usually “) depths from the surface. Why is indicator layer thickness included? In order to eliminate mis-identification of non-hydric soils. E.g. redox features can occur in thin layers that perch water because of mechanical compaction, irrigation, plow pans, etc. Thin layers (E horizons) of gray colors do occur in upland soils, etc.
Redox Morphology Depleted Matrix Gleyed Matrix
Value > or = 5, Chroma < or = 1 Value > or = 6, Chroma < or = 2 Value 4, Chroma 1 or 2 with cd “mottles” Value 5, Chroma 2 with cd “mottles” Gleyed Matrix All Gleyed Pages Value > or = 4 This is important so tell them, show them, and show them again. The major diff. Between the 87 Manual and FI’s is here. 87 Manual says 4/1 without redox. is wet. (If this is a big deal to someone in the crowd be sure to point out that 5Y 4/1 is listed as a “test” gleyed matrix). Editors Note: Personally, unless color of parent material is an issue, 5Y 4/1 is a hydric color, and 2.5 Y 4/1 probably is also. Also, 87 Manual says “high chroma mottles”. FI’s say distinct, I would say that a good soil scientist never takes much stock in mottles that are faint when it comes to interpreting wetness. The 87 Manual also does not list a percentage of mottles, I don’t think its a big deal because it doesn’t take much to get 2%. Ed. Note: In Mollisol country I have seen people take the 1 chroma guidance from the 87 Manual and use it to say a soil with 2/1 or 3/1 color is hydric. Be sure to point out that that is totally wrong and one cannot just go by dark color alone, except I would say that N 2/ or 3/ is usually pretty good evidence (but not 1 chroma).
Depleted / Gleyed Matrix
Sometimes I skip the previous slide and just use this one because all that text is hard to follow. 4/2, 5/2, 4/1 5/1 6/ Value >=4 with 2% redox. with or without Gley pages concentrations
Depleted Matrices Examples of depleted matrix in loamy soils. The soil on the right is “Grady”, a southeastern hydric soil. Other soil is unknown. On some projectors the left slide may appear to be pinkish, it actually is gray with red orange redox accumulations.
Gleyed Matrix Be sure that any soil scientists in the audience realize that gleyed matrix is not the same as the Soil Survay Manual criteria for putting a g on a horizon (like Bg isn’t necessarily gleyed). You might want to point this out to others also that the g horizon designation in soil survey reports just generally means high value, low chroma due to wetness and it has been inconsistently applied over the years. Also, reduced matrix (one that changes color upon exposure to air as per Vepraskas) fits this. It is a rare phenomena but maybe worth mentioning.
Three Major Divisions All Soils Sandy Soils Loamy Soils
Use regardless of soil texture Mostly surface layers of organic material Sandy Soils Loamy Soils - Use sandy indicators in sandy layers, loamy indicators in loamy layers Similar to 87 Manual. Most indicators for the category All Soils are usually based upon organic surface layers.
Indicator Format 1. Alpha Numeric Listing 2. Short Name
3. Applicable Land Resource Region (LRR) 4. Description of the Indicator 5. User Notes Explain alpha numeric listing A=any, S=sandy, F= loamy & clayey. Short name does not necessarily have any technical meaning. They were made up to assist the senile old folks working on these to remember stuff. Applicable LRR’s and suggested LRR’s for testing. Description of the Indicator - this is the indicator criteria that has to be met. This language can not be changed. User notes, always intended to be added to at the local / regional level. Maybe lists of landforms, soil series, etc. where certain indicators are found. Unfortunately, I have not seen anybody do this yet.
For example, A1 indicates the first indicator for All Soils; Histosol is the short name; the indicator is for use in all LRR’s. Classifies as a Histosol, except Folists is the indicator description; and user notes are added.
Torry - Typic Haploisaprist (Florida).
“All Soils” A2, Histic Epipedon A3, Black Histic A4, Hydrogen Sulfide
A layer of peat, mucky peat, or muck 20 cm or more thick starting within the upper 15 cm of the soil surface having hue 10YR or yellower, value 3 or less, and chroma 1 or less A4, Hydrogen Sulfide A2, Histic epipedon as per Soil Taxonomy requires aquic conditions or artificial drainage, A3 does not require aquic conditions.
Histic Epipedon
Sulfihemist Sulfihemist from a tidal marsh in Massachusetts.
Sulfuric material is the black soil material aligned with wooden part of spade handle. These are the only soils that commonly have a sulfidic odor. The sulfidic odor does occur in freshwater wetlands but it is not as common.
All, cont. A5, Stratified Layers
Several stratified layers starting within the upper 15 cm of the soil surface. One or more of the layers has value 3 or less with chroma 1 or less and/or it is muck, mucky peat, peat, or mucky modified mineral texture. Useful for separating clearly hydric soils from non-hydric / questionable hydric soils in floodplains. Developed originally for use in the southeast; has been reported to occur in southern Indiana. Limited information about its occurrence / use in other areas of the country.
A5 in Loamy Materials (left) & Sandy Materials (right)
This works well on floodplains to separate truly hydric from non-hydric. Ed. Note: One thing about floodplain soils, because of the way Soil Taxonomy is written, I think Aeric Fluvaquents may be mis-listed as Non Hydric. They are almost always hydric and are much wetter than Soil Tax. would lead one to believe.
All, cont. A6, Organic Bodies
Presence of 2% or more organic bodies of muck or a mucky texture, approx. 1 to 3 cm in diameter, starting within 15 cm of the soil surface. Organic bodies usually occur as “balls” of material attached to roots of plants. Here SS’s are examining the organic bodies attached to this uprooted plant. This indicator is not often used and a very hard one to explain to anyone without being able to show it in the field.
All, cont. A8, A9, A10 A layer of muck x cm or more thick with value 3 or less and chroma 1 or less starting within 15 cm of the soil surface. (thickness depends on climatic location) This is a prime example of regionalization. Only the “presence” of muck is required in south Florida, as one goes North thicker layers are required. In New England (and other areas) muck (sapric materials) occurs on upland soils so this indicator is not used in some LRR’s.
Sandy Soils A Layer less than 25 cm depth is loamy fine sand or coarser “Control Section” < 15 cm depth Indicators include: organic surface layers differential translocation streaking of OM Fe stripped matrix Most sandy indicators are based upon OM accumulation, but (unlike the 87 Manual verbiage) color can be an effective indicator in some sandy soils.
Sandy Soils with High OM surface layers
S1, Sandy Mucky Mineral S2, 2.5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat S3, 5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat
Sandy Soils with Redox Colors
S4, Sandy Gleyed Matrix S5, Sandy Redox Sandy Gleyed Matrix is a rare phenomena. The 87 Manual says don’t use colors in Sandy soils; however, if redox. colors occur, why not use them? Caution should be taken is using matrix colors because of sandy soil colors being due to soil genetic processes other than reduction. Often soil colors in sandy materials are inherited from the parent materials (lithochromic). This is why S5 (and others) require some redox. features, or “splotchy” colors. So rephrased, very rarely (if ever) should high value low chroma matrix colors be used to identify hydric sandy soils; some sort of redox. features or “streaking” should be present when using color to identify sandy hydric soils.
A 10 S 5
S6, Stripped Matrix A layer starting within 15 cm of the soil surface in which Fe/Mn oxides and / or organic matter have been stripped from the matrix (in places) exposing the primary base colors of the minerals. The striped areas and translocated oxides and / or organic matter form a diffuse splotchy pattern of 2 or more colors. Example of a Sandy indicator, this shows that a soil could be hydric even if it is dominantly “brown.”
Stripped Matrix Left is OM, Right is Fe and OM
Stripped matrix, left is OM stripping, right is Fe and OM stripping. Depth on right photo is not accurate. Depth on left photo is too deep to meet indicator but a great example of what to look for.
S6, Stripped Matrix E horizon over Ortstein
S6 Indicator in E horizon. Note light gray splotches in the E horizon above the cemented (ortstein) Spodic horizon. Hemlock swamp, New York. Photo courtesy of Peter Veneman, UMass.
S7, Dark Surface A layer 10 cm or more thick starting within the upper 15 cm of the soil surface with a matrix value 3 or less and chroma 1 or less. At least 70% of grains are dark colored. The matrix color of the layer immediately below the dark layer must have chroma 2 or less. (Eastern LRR’s) S7 in a typic Aquod. Must be 70% dark to qualify, “salt-and-pepper” does not qualify. Indicator not used in Midwest / Great Plains Mollic country.
70% black 50% black 90% black Model railroad dark sand samples courtesy of David Lindbo, North Carolina SU. Clockwise from lower left: 50% black, 70% black, 90% black.
S8, Polyvalue Below Surface
A layer with value 3 or less and chroma 1 or less starting (at least 70% dark particles) within 15 cm of the soil surface underlain by a layer(s) where translocated organic matter forms a diffuse splotchy pattern. The splotchy layer has a mix of value 3 and 4, and chroma 1 or less. This indicator was written for Spodosols. It is similar to S6 and S7 combined except no thickness req. exists for the dark surface.
S9, Thin Dark Surface A layer 5 cm or more thick within the upper 15 cm of the surface, with value 3 or less and chroma 1 or less. At least 70% dark particles. Layer is underlain by a layer with value 4 or less and chroma 1 or less to a depth of 30 cm or to the spodic, whichever is less. Similar to S7; however, only 5cm dark needed because the E horizon (or other subsoil layer) is “dirty” colored.
Loamy Soils If Any Layer in upper 25 cm is loamy very fine sand or finer Control Section usually starts within cm Most indicators are based upon the reduction / oxidation of Fe
Loamy Gleyed (F2) indicator in a dominantly Sandy soil.
Gleyed layer at approx. 9 inches, sandy material above. To emphasize the use of loamy indicators in loamy material, sandy indicators in sandy material. Do not “average” the textures as in Soil Taxonomy. Note: You may ask, Why no F1 example? That is because F1 has been shown by lab data to incorrectly identify upland soils as hydric soils in several parts of the country. In addition, only an experienced soil scientist with local knowledge of soils and organic matter contents is able to correctly identify mucky modified textures. Ed. Note: I never use F1 because it is not a pertinent indicator without lab data.
F3, Depleted Matrix A layer at least 15 cm
F3, Depleted Matrix A layer at least 15 cm. thick with a depleted matrix that has 60% or more chroma 2 or less starting within 25 cm. of the surface. The standard 87 Manual - 10” or below the A F2, Gleyed matrix was a previous slide.
Another F3. Note that the thickness requirement is “relaxed” to 2 inches if the depleted matrix occurs at the surface. Ponded and / or flooded soils sometimes have the redox morphology on the surface because they have “top down” hydrology.
F4, Depleted Below Dark Surface
A layer at least 15cm thick with a depleted matrix that has 60% or more chroma 2 or less starting within 30cm of the surface. The layer(s) above the depleted matrix have value 3 or less, chroma 2 or less. This indicator was written to address the plowing of Mollisols and the dark colored surfaces which may mask redox. features. So, dig a little deeper than 10”. Ed. Note: In hindsight, I would write an indicator that fits between F4 and F5, in that it would ask for 1 chroma colors in the Mollic and a gleyed or depleted matrix within 18”. It isn’t written anywhere but may be worthy of investigation.
F4, Depleted Below Dark Surface
F5, Thick Dark Surface . A layer at least 15 cm. thick with a depleted or gleyed matrix that has 60% or more chroma 2 or less starting below 30 cm. of the surface. The layer(s) above the depleted / gleyed matrix have hue N and value 3 or less in upper 30 cm. and value 3 or less and chroma 1 or less in the remainder of the epipedon
F5, User Note The soil has a black or very dark gray surface layer > 30 cm. thick. The dark colored subsoil is mollic with chroma 1 or Neutral. Immediately below the Mollic epipedon is a depleted/gleyed matrix. This indicator is for cumulic soils in concave landscape positions. Some have asked for this indicator to be re-written to include 2/1 colors in the surface in addition to the neutral colors. Unfortunately, I have seen 2/1 surface colors with a depleted matrix below on what seem to be non-hydric soils on low terraces and sloping drainageways in the Midwest. There is a test indicator that uses 2/1 colors. Ed. Note: Another note on this, I have seen drained (farmed) potholes in Iowa where the surface is now 1 chroma most likely due to loss of OM. On the other side of the fence in native tall grass prairie, the soils had neutral black surfaces. Good opportunity to use a reference site for soils. If an area is in a depression and has been drained, I feel the 1 chroma throughout to the depleted matrix below may indicate a hydric soil.
F6, Redox Dark Surface A layer at least 10 cm. thick entirely within the upper 30 cm. that has: a. matrix value 3 or less and chroma 1 or less and 2% or more distinct or prominent redox concentrations, or b. matrix value 3 or less and chroma 2 or less and 5% or more redox concentrations. Chroma 1 with 2% Chroma 2 with 5% A very common indicator in Mollisols of the Midwest. One cautionary note, this morphology can occur in non-hydric soils that have been compacted, and in livestock feedlots. Never investigate hydric soils in end rows, machinery travel and turn areas, or other high-traffic areas. Although feedlot soils maybe anaerobic and exhibit this morphology, they usually are not wetlands.
F 6 Often times in dark colored soils the redox. concentrations (if present) become much more visible when the soil is dried. Moist color Dry color
F 6
F7, Depleted Dark Surface
Redox depletions, with value 5 or more and chroma 2 or less, in a layer at least 10 cm. thick entirely within the upper 30 cm. of the mineral soil that has: a. value 3 or less and chroma 1 or less and 10% or more redox depletions, or b. value 3 or less and chroma 2 and 20% or more redox depletions. Chroma 1 with 10%; Chroma 2 with 20%
F7, Depleted Dark Surface
Note how the depletions also have micro-sites of accumulations. Photo by Mike Vepraskas, NCSU.
Depressional Landform
Vernal Pool in California. This is what is meant by depressional landform, also potholes, playas, even micro-depressions in gilgai Vertisols. But generally not tree-throw depressions, etc. Depressional Landform Vernal Pool, CA
Loamy Depressions F8, Redox Depressions F9, Vernal Pools
In CD’s subj. to ponding, 5% or more redox conc. in a layer 2 cm or more thick entirely within upper 15 cm. F9, Vernal Pools In CD’s, presence of a depleted matrix 5 cm or more thick entirely within the upper 15 cm. F8 has no matrix color requirement. Photo is from a vernal pool in California, meets both F8 and F9. These features would also qualify as oxidized rhizospheres (a secondary hydrology indicator) because they are “adjacent” to living roots.
F 10, Marl So. Florida, LRR U. A layer of Marl with value 5 or more starting within 10 cm of the soil surface. Marl is limnic (type of organic) material deposited in water as precip. of CaCO3 by algae. Has been reported to occur in hydric soils in parts of the Midwest.
F 12, Iron / Manganese Masses
On floodplains, a layer 10 cm or more thick with 40% or more chroma 2 or less, and 2% or more redox conc. as soft Fe/Mn masses with diffuse boundaries. The layer occurs entirely within 30 cm of the soil surface. This isn’t the greatest photo, it is borderline if it is 40% gray, but it does illustrate this indicator. It is only applicable on floodplains in LRR’s N,O,P, and T; however, I believe it can / should be used in the Midwest also, especially on Aeric Fluvaquents. Even though the indicator concentrates on Mn masses, bottom line is a soil of any color, usually brown, with 40% depletions and 2% or more concentrations. Another test indicator for floodplains in the Midwest is TF 10, which is basically a 3 chroma soil with 2% redox. concentrations.
F13, Umbric Surface LRR’s P & T.
In depressions and other concave landforms, a layer 15 cm or more thick starting within the upper 15 cm of the surface with value 3 or less, chroma 1 or less underlain by a layer 10 cm or more thick with chroma 2 or less Commonly found in hydric Umbraqults of the southeast. The thickness requirement for the indicator is slightly less than that of an Umbric epipedon in Soil Taxonomy.
F16, High Plains Depressions
In closed depressions subject to ponding, a layer at least 10 cm. thick within the upper 35 cm. of the soil that has chroma 1 or less and: a. 1% or more redox concentrations as nodules or concretions, or b. redox concentrations as nodules or concretions with distinct or prominent halos. This indicator was written on a field trip to small playa type wetland depressions in western Kansas. The requirement for “halos” (also called coronas) is to ensure the features reflect contemporary hydrology.
Closed depression subject to ponding, located in the Great Plains.
“Test” Indicators Proposed indicators for further study
Formatted the same as others Have “suggested” LRR’s for use Any indicator on list may be evaluated for use in other regions Test. The suggested LRR’s are areas where these were seen during the development of the FI’s and may be applicable. BUT any indicator may be evaluated for use anywhere.
TF2, Red Parent Material In parent material with a hue of 7
TF2, Red Parent Material In parent material with a hue of 7.5YR or redder, a layer at least 10 cm thick with a matrix chroma of 4 or less and 2% or more redox depletions and/or redox concentrations as soft masses and/or pore linings. The layer is entirely within 30 cm of the soil surface. One of the more useful test indicators. If any of the other test indicators are pertinent to your region they should be discussed using the publication and any slides you may have available.
Glossary These terms are either defined for the first time or they have definitions that are slightly different from the definitions in the referenced materials. Gleyed Matrix Depleted Matrix Mucky Distinct “mottles” Gleyed and Depleted Matrix are phrases (and definitions) coined anew. Mucky is based upon 1952 Soil Survey Manual and (old) internal SCS communication. This definition of distinct eliminates the overlap between distinct and faint in older SCS Soil Survey guidance. It is in accordance with new NRCS Soil Survey specs. (or at least it is supposed to be). The authors of the NRCS Soil Field Description Handbook failed to update / communicate and what they have in their handbook is not correct / up-to-date as of July 2000. Ed. Note: this may be changing as an agreement on 1 set of definitions for faint, distinct and prominent is eminent. Be sure to check latest National Soil Survey guidance.
Correlation of 1987 Indicators and 1998 Indicators
Important to point out the correlation table in the back of the document which should be helpful when doing CWA delineation’s.
The Future 1998 Field Indicators is a “classification” system
Meets an indicator – it is hydric Doesn’t meet an indicator – may or may not be hydric, professional judgment required The “Second Approximation” Dynamic, it is anticipated that more indicators will be added Classification system - Meets an indicator it is hydric (there is always a chance of one being wrong when dealing with Mother Nature, but.....) If it does not meet an indicator, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is an upland soil. This is important!! What the NRCS Advanced Hydric Soils Training Cadre has come to agreement on is: if one is traversing a landscape and indicators are present in the low areas and then not present up “higher”; the hydric line is where the indicators “drop out.” Taking the line any further up (or down) is based upon professional judgement. If one is traversing a landscape and indicators are not present, then use 87 Manual indicators, hydric soils list, and professional judgement. Still working to identify new indicators, collect data, and refine what exists now.
To Propose Additional Indicators
NRCS Wetland Institute NRCS - NSSC COE / WES Universities USFWS EPA Russ Pringle Wade Hurt Russ Theriot Michael Vepraskas Buck Reed Bill Sipple
Where to get more Information
Inter-agency training sessions Field Indicators on INTERNET edu:80/soils-info/hydric Available in hard copy from NRCS Wetland Science Institute Russ Pringle:
Summary “Field Indicators of the U.S.”
are based upon soil genetic processes use hydromorphic features are “test positive” represent “state of the science” are regionalized will require further development, testing, and validation can be used in CWA delineations per 17 Sept, 1998 John Studt Memo Summary: Have a firm foundation in Soil Genesis. Use hydromorphic features which are documented to be associated with wet soils. Are test positive, the lack of an indicator is not necessarily test negative. Represent the best efforts of many experienced soil and wetland scientists - they are state of the science. Are regionalized to deal with soil variability across the U.S. as recommended by the National Academy of Sciences report on wetlands published in (We were way ahead of them!) Will need continuous testing, data collection, validation, and refinement.
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