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World Class City Management. Westminster Wireless City – A Technical and Business Overview. 28th June 2007. Andrew Snellgrove, ICT Manager & Wireless City.

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Presentation on theme: "World Class City Management. Westminster Wireless City – A Technical and Business Overview. 28th June 2007. Andrew Snellgrove, ICT Manager & Wireless City."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Class City Management. Westminster Wireless City – A Technical and Business Overview. 28th June 2007. Andrew Snellgrove, ICT Manager & Wireless City Technical Design Authority.

2 To update and inform ‘ICT for Safe Digital Cities’ conference on the use of Wireless technology in Westminster. Particular emphasis on the organisation, digital CCTV, wireless, mobility & the business case. Provide some history and background information. To be interactive. Presentation Objectives

3 The Organisation.

4 Showcase for London and the UK Home of monarchy and centre of government Fastest growing residential population 2.2% of national GDP Tourism: 12 million overseas and 17 million UK residents visit Westminster each year 47,000 businesses employing over 550,000 people. About Westminster. Showcase for London and the UK Home of the monarchy and centre of government. 2.2 % of national GDP Tourism: 12 million overseas and 17 million UK residents visit Westminster each year. 47,000 businesses employing 550,000 people.

5  222,000 residents  A daily population of over 1 million with commuters and tourists  24 hour City: over 2,300 bars, pubs and restaurants  Borough contains some of the most deprived areas in UK  Over 150 languages spoken in our schools  Diversity: 30% of our population are from a black or ethnic minority background Challenges we manage

6 Licensing Issues. Overview: Almost 4,000 premises licensed The densest concentration anywhere in the UK Transformation driven by the Licensing Act 2003 50% growth in licenses expected

7 Parking Transformation. Overview: Largest parking service in Europe Need to improve service, cut costs and increase revenue recovery rates c16,000 Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) per week, approx 30% challenged.

8 Multi-agency working NCP Chubb Haywards Property Services Pinnacle PSG Phase 1B CityWest Homes

9 Our front-line staff Over 1,000 police officers in Westminster 1250 street based staff working for Westminster City Council 250 parking attendants 200 inspectors e.g. licensing officers, highway officers 70 refuse trucks and 450 street cleaners 80 City Guardians

10 The Wireless City Project.

11 The technical Solution.

12 The Wireless Network

13 Trocadero All cameras have a dedicated link back to the monitoring station Installing a new camera involves putting in a new link. A conventional Wired Installation

14 Trocadero Some cameras have a direct link to the BT network. All cameras share a network link through BT back to City Hall. Adding a new camera involves connecting it to power only. A Wireless Installation City Hall Wireless Network Wireless Network

15 Access to back office systems wirelessly from the Street.

16 CCTV. Mobile Workers. Management of on street assets. Over the same wireless IP infrastructure. Convergence of technologies. The Three Pillars.

17 Any questions?

18 Andrew Snellgrove. (0) 20 7 641 2868 (0) 77111 53728

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