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Age. Gender How many magazines do you buy a month?

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Presentation on theme: "Age. Gender How many magazines do you buy a month?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Age

2 Gender



5 How many magazines do you buy a month?

6 What is the first thing you look at on the cover of a magazine?

7 Artist and Colour Scheme. Participants mentioned that they would like to see artists such as Justin Bieber, One Direction, The Wanted and Little Mix. The participants said that bright colours such as red, blue and white, instantly attracts their attention and draws them in.

8 Special Features.

9 Characteristics The majority of participants said that characteristics such as ‘freebies’ and the way the magazine is presented keeps them engaged and keeps them buying the magazine. They also said that having competitions to win big prizes makes them carry on purchasing it.

10 Front Cover People who took part said that the main image is one of the first things they look at because they are able to tell the content of the magazine mainly from this image. The price of the magazine, also came out as a big result.

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