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1 HONEST PROSPER NGOWI; +255 754 653 740 Land Conflicts Between Pastoralists and Others Users: Impacts on Livelihoods.

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Presentation on theme: "1 HONEST PROSPER NGOWI; +255 754 653 740 Land Conflicts Between Pastoralists and Others Users: Impacts on Livelihoods."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 HONEST PROSPER NGOWI; +255 754 653 740 Land Conflicts Between Pastoralists and Others Users: Impacts on Livelihoods and National Economic Growth –Which Path to Go? 1

2 Introduction & Background Introduction & Background  Conseptual-theoretical issues:  Almost all investments take place on land  Land-based investments can cause conflicts  Land-based conflicts: Between and within various land users –Typically: Pastoralists versus farmers –Pastoralists versus pastoralists; –Pastoralists versus tourism sector –Farmers versus farmers etc

3 Nature of land-based conflicts Nature of land-based conflicts  Based on fight for resources: land, water  Due to resources scarcity: Supply < Demand  Due to blocked access to resources  Due to blocked access to holy sights/places of worship/shrines  Due to lack of proper land plan  Due to lack of conflicts prevention plans  Due to lack of conflicts resolution strategies  More: Rejea tamko la wafugaji – 16th December 2015

4 Selected Examples of Pastoralist Land conflicts: Case of Mvomero Selected Examples of Pastoralist Land conflicts: Case of Mvomero  December Saturday 12 th 2015: Mvomero  Kanga Ward; Dihimba Village Turiani  162 cows belonging to Shabani Mang’ati  Entered in a farmer’s (Rajabu Kilama) beans farm  Are cows removed from Wami Mbiki national park/reserve area and from Handeni, Kilindi & Manyara  1 farmer killed, 4 injured hospitalized at Bwagala hospital;  71 cows killed, 80 cows seriously injured  Fear in the village, people moving out to neighboring village (No production – farmers fearing to go to farms)

5 Conflicts examples …  Frequent fights between Kongwa farmers and Kiteto pastoralists  Farmers and pastoralists in Biharamulo  Pawaga Iringa: Pastoralist land turned into national park/hunting block; Pastoralists moved to Pawaga  Water only available in the valley where paddy and vegetables are cultivated  Cattle destroy paddy and vegetable gardens causing conflict

6 Others  Ihefu/Usangu Valley: Pastoralists evicted to pave way for paddy investments and hydroelectricity  More: Rejea tamko la wafugaji – 16th December 2015

7 Impact on Poor Communities Livelihoods  Disturbed, destroyed sources of livelihood  Reduced incomes  Reduced standard of life: Less quantity and quality of consumed goods and services  More poverty  More: Rejea tamko la wafugaji – 16th December 2015

8 Impacts of conflicts on National Economic Growth  NB: Peace is essential for growth: Conflicts lead to:  Reduced growth and growth forecasts  Reduced level of economic activities  Reduced government revenues: Taxes and none-tax  Scares away investors: local & foreign  Increased healthcare costs  Increased security/legal costs: Not good economically: More: Rejea tamko la wafugaji – 16th December 2015

9 What should be done (Which way?)  Identify root causes in general and in specific cases  Address each case accordingly  Have preventive measures: Land use plans  Conflict resolutions, peace building measures  Rule of law, respect of human rights  More: Rejea tamko la wafugaji – 16th December 2015

10 The End, Thank You 

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