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Japanese Animation Toni Lumley Finding Resources Image Source: Google Images.

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1 Japanese Animation Toni Lumley Finding Resources Image Source: Google Images

2 Finding Resources via Google Scholar From Library Journal From the first examples in 1917 to today's feature-length animated masterpieces like Princess Mononoke, Japanese animation (or anime) has drawn a devoted international fan base. For quite some time, these enthusiasts have needed an all-encompassing, detail-oriented reference work. Fortunately, Clements and McCarthy, who coedited The Erotic Anime Movie Guide and have an outstanding history in anime indexing, translation, and criticism, are just the folks to carry it off. Choosing the best examples from a field that was about twice the final number of entries, the authors review and detail more than 2000 anime films and TV series. Each entry includes a short synopsis, commentary, details about key creative personnel, and evaluation of the work's significance. Over 100 illustrations representing major releases are sprinkled throughout. Other notable features include a selective bibliography, a name/studio index, and a title index that makes it easy to go right to the vital information about a particular example. The end product is a huge, exhaustive, timely, and authoritative compendium of information that will be appreciated by anime experts and neophytes alike. 1300952?ie=UTF8&s=books#_ Image Source:

3 Finding Resources via Google Scholar Product Description: With the popularity of Pokemon still far from waning, Japanese animation, known as anime to its fans, has a firm hold on American pop culture. However, anime is much more than children's cartoons. It runs the gamut from historical epics to sci-fi sexual thrillers. Often dismissed as fanciful entertainment, anime is actually quite adept at portraying important social and cultural issues like alienation, gender inequality, and teenage angst. This book investigates the ways that anime presents these issues in an in-depth and sophisticated manner, uncovering the identity conflicts, fears over rapid technological advancement, and other key themes present in much of Japanese animation. q=japanese+animation+article&ots=OK9mLunepy&sig=9xR9hvFi4RJoheQgx2kNhmM th4Q#v=onepage&q=japanese%20animation%20article&f=false Image Source: Google ImagesGoogle Images

4 Finding Resources via SHU Library Further reading available at; HIGHLIGHT: Japanese animation has become a powerhouse in the world of alternative entertainment. Proselytization by fans ignited the anime movement in America, despite Japanese copyright holders' abandonment of the American market. Through systematic and widespread copyright infringement, these grassroots activist created a commons from which they grew a domestic market for Japanese animation and related character goods--a great windfall to the amazement of dismissive rights holders. Ideological camps issue antagonistic claims, and academic discourses reach divergent conclusions, about the effects of copyright infringement on file sharing networks. However, the Japanese animation case is clear: for over two decades fans' continual infringement spurred the progress of knowledge and commerce in the world of animation.

5 Finding Resources via SHU Library INTRODUCTION: Geisha, samurai, kimono, sushi, sumo... eccentric mind-boggling animation? For years, Japanese animation has been heralded as an exciting, albeit bizarre, artistic phenomenon from the same country that introduced us to the tranquil Zen garden and the shockingly hard-working businessman. Despite often being stereotyped as nothing more than senseless cartoons featuring cutie-pie romping pocket critters, anime, as it is commonly called, is a delightfully inventive reference manual into the world of Japanese symbols, folklore, religion, history, social musings and aesthetic traditions. When audience members are no longer exclusively Japanese, anhe unexpectedly becomes a vehicle for cross-cultural communication. Examining the history of anime distribution and fan appreciation in America is a free-for-all revelation into the effects of cultural appropriation, as well as a reflection of Western mores and artistic preferences. It also serves as an example of how art forms can cross national boundaries, uniting audiences from all over the globe under the guise of pure unadulterated entertainment. Disney fans beware; the following just might have dear Uncle Walt spinning in his cryogenic freezer!

6 Locating Online Reading & Watching of Japanese Animation Started on March 12, 2009 with the goal of bringing popular anime and manga to your computers or portable devices. This is phase two of the Anime Avenue Project as we grow out of that modest blogspot to a more robust platform. Formed in 2006 Manga was developed for the Anime fans of storytelling, giving the audience first look into animate stories available to read online completely free.

7 References Amazon [online], Last visited 15 th October 2011, at: 7/qid=1160468299/ref=sr_1_7/102-5695156-1300952?ie=UTF8& 7/qid=1160468299/ref=sr_1_7/102-5695156-1300952?ie=UTF8&s=books#_ Anime Avenue [online], Last visited 15 th October 2011, at: [online], Last visited 15 th October 2011, at: R9hvFi4RJoheQgx2kNhmMth4Q#v=onepage&q=japanese%20animation%20article&f=false R9hvFi4RJoheQgx2kNhmMth4Q#v=onepage&q=japanese%20animation%20article&f=false Google Scholar [online], Last visited 15 th October 2011, at: Google Images [online], Last visited 14 th October 2011, at: Helen McCarthy and Jonathan Clements, November 1 st 2006, The Anime Encyclopedia: A Guide to Japanese Animation Since 1917, Revised and Expanded Edition, Stone Bridge Press Leonard S, 2004, Celebrating two decades of unlawful progress: Fan distribution, proselytization commons, and the explosive growth of Japanese animation, UCLA entertainment law review Lexis Nexis [online], Last visited 14 th October 2011, at: Manga Daddy [online], Last visited 15 th October 2011, at: Price, Shinobu, 2000, Cartoons from Another Planet: Japanese Animation as Cross-Cultural Communicatin, Journal of American & comparative cultures SHUSpace Libary Gateway [online], Last accsessed 15 th October 2011, at : Susan J. Napier, November 24, 2005, Anime from Akira to Howl's Moving Castle, Updated Edition: Experiencing Contemporary Japanese Animation, Palgrave Macmillan; Revised and Updated edition Wiley [online], Last visited 15 th October 2011, at:

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