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Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss Poster Presentation Working Group 3: Physical Aspects.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss Poster Presentation Working Group 3: Physical Aspects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss Poster Presentation Working Group 3: Physical Aspects

2 2 Poster Presentation | Working Group 3: Physical Aspects Poster titles … Matteo Buzzi: Performance of the single column aLMo turbulence scheme for a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer: the first GABLS case Thorsten Reinhardt: A prognostic graupel microphysics scheme for high-resolution NWP Silke Dierer: Evaluation of the Kain-Fritsch/Bechtold convection scheme Alessio Bozzo: Comparison of LM fast radiation scheme to RTX LbL model: cloudy processes Gerd Vogel: The impact of surface forcing on diurnal boundary layer development Andreas Will: The LM climate mode (CLM) and the behavior of the soil model TERRA_ML Felix Ament: High resolution soil moisture analysis by assimilation of observations in LM-TERRA

3 3 Performance of the single column aLMo turbulence scheme for a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer: the first GABLS case Matteo Buzzi and Mathias W. Rotach, MeteoSwiss

4 4 Poster Presentation | Working Group 3: Physical Aspects Poster titles … Matteo Buzzi: Performance of the single column aLMo turbulence scheme for a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer: the first GABLS case Thorsten Reinhardt: A prognostic graupel microphysics scheme for high-resolution NWP Silke Dierer: Evaluation of the Kain-Fritsch/Bechtold convection scheme Alessio Bozzo: Comparison of LM fast radiation scheme to RTX LbL model: cloudy processes Gerd Vogel: The impact of surface forcing on diurnal boundary layer development Andreas Will: The LM climate mode (CLM) and the behavior of the soil model TERRA_ML Felix Ament: High resolution soil moisture analysis by assimilation of observations in LM-TERRA

5 - Thorsten Reinhardt, DWD Sensitivity Tests Regarding Assumed Graupel Particle Properties In LMK simulations of idealized strong convection simulated precipitation can be highly sensitive to the assumed graupel particle properties. This sensitivity was much weaker in simulations of real weather situations. Changing graupel properties toward those of more hail-like properties does not cure problem of underestimated convection in LMK. Therefore a change in the parameterization of the graupel category in the microphysics scheme was not introduced. Gilmore et al (MWR 2004) found high sensitivity to assumed graupel/hail particle properties in simulations of idealized convection. Can in LMK graupel particle properties changed to more hail-like properties help to reduce problem of underestimation of convection? Conclusion Motivation

6 6 Poster Presentation | Working Group 3: Physical Aspects Poster titles … Matteo Buzzi: Performance of the single column aLMo turbulence scheme for a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer: the first GABLS case Thorsten Reinhardt: A prognostic graupel microphysics scheme for high-resolution NWP Silke Dierer: Evaluation of the Kain-Fritsch/Bechtold convection scheme Alessio Bozzo: Comparison of LM fast radiation scheme to RTX LbL model: cloudy processes Gerd Vogel: The impact of surface forcing on diurnal boundary layer development Andreas Will: The LM climate mode (CLM) and the behavior of the soil model TERRA_ML Felix Ament: High resolution soil moisture analysis by assimilation of observations in LM-TERRA

7 7 Poster Presentation | Working Group 3: Physical Aspects Evaluation of the Kain-Fritsch/Bechtold convection scheme (Dierer & Schubiger) all < 800m 800m – 1500m > 1500m black: operational; red: Kain-Fritsch/Bechtold

8 8 Poster Presentation | Working Group 3: Physical Aspects Poster titles … Matteo Buzzi: Performance of the single column aLMo turbulence scheme for a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer: the first GABLS case Thorsten Reinhardt: A prognostic graupel microphysics scheme for high-resolution NWP Silke Dierer: Evaluation of the Kain-Fritsch/Bechtold convection scheme Alessio Bozzo: Comparison of LM fast radiation scheme to RTX LbL model: cloudy processes Gerd Vogel: The impact of surface forcing on diurnal boundary layer development Andreas Will: The LM climate mode (CLM) and the behavior of the soil model TERRA_ML Felix Ament: High resolution soil moisture analysis by assimilation of observations in LM-TERRA

9 9 SW Heating rate IWC=0.03 g/m 3 Solar parameterization of ice particles works fine! Heating rates for the 3 habits and LM are in exceptional agreement along all the troposphere for all the analyzed standard atmospheres Aggregates and columns show slightly more extinction inside the cloud

10 10 Poster Presentation | Working Group 3: Physical Aspects Poster titles … Matteo Buzzi: Performance of the single column aLMo turbulence scheme for a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer: the first GABLS case Thorsten Reinhardt: A prognostic graupel microphysics scheme for high-resolution NWP Silke Dierer: Evaluation of the Kain-Fritsch/Bechtold convection scheme Alessio Bozzo: Comparison of LM fast radiation scheme to RTX LbL model: cloudy processes Gerd Vogel: The impact of surface forcing on diurnal boundary layer development Andreas Will: The LM climate mode (CLM) and the behavior of the soil model TERRA_ML Felix Ament: High resolution soil moisture analysis by assimilation of observations in LM-TERRA

11 11 Soil moisture: LME vs. measurements (Falkenberg)

12 12 Poster Presentation | Working Group 3: Physical Aspects Poster titles … Matteo Buzzi: Performance of the single column aLMo turbulence scheme for a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer: the first GABLS case Thorsten Reinhardt: A prognostic graupel microphysics scheme for high-resolution NWP Silke Dierer: Evaluation of the Kain-Fritsch/Bechtold convection scheme Alessio Bozzo: Comparison of LM fast radiation scheme to RTX LbL model: cloudy processes Gerd Vogel: The impact of surface forcing on diurnal boundary layer development Andreas Will: The LM climate mode (CLM) and the behavior of the soil model TERRA_ML Felix Ament: High resolution soil moisture analysis by assimilation of observations in LM-TERRA

13 Developed by the CLM-Community in cooperation with the German weather service,,Open Questions’’ and,,Work in Progress’’ IntroductionModel ResultsWork in Progress W_so Initialisationsaturation + annual cycle T_so – Initialisation phase relation + annual cycle Underestimation of Latent HeatROOT_DEPTH, VEG3D Únderestimated Variance of T_soW_so-dependent heat cond. λ Constant T at the Lower BoundaryZMAX dependent on TEND zero flux Adjustment of Gravitational Flow and Run-offprocess analysis and Limitation of Soil Heat Fluxfurther evaluation } } }

14 14 Poster Presentation | Working Group 3: Physical Aspects Poster titles … Matteo Buzzi: Performance of the single column aLMo turbulence scheme for a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer: the first GABLS case Thorsten Reinhardt: A prognostic graupel microphysics scheme for high-resolution NWP Silke Dierer: Evaluation of the Kain-Fritsch/Bechtold convection scheme Alessio Bozzo: Comparison of LM fast radiation scheme to RTX LbL model: cloudy processes Gerd Vogel: The impact of surface forcing on diurnal boundary layer development Andreas Will: The LM climate mode (CLM) and the behavior of the soil model TERRA_ML Felix Ament: High resolution soil moisture analysis by assimilation of observations in LM-TERRA

15 15 Poster Presentation | Working Group 3: Physical Aspects MSMA (Measurement driven soil moisture analysis) 100m 10km 100km 1m 10m 1km Satellite In situ Observational gap NWP time Meteorological Forcing: T, p, u, q, Q down Precipitation RR Simulation of Energy balance Soil processes Annual cycle of vegetation SVAT „TERRA“ Surface OBS Radar Satellite (TERRA two layer, Lindenberg, 2003) Problem Possible Solution Result Accurate soil moisture analysis with good representation of rain induced effect, if forcing data is of high quality model physic has no deficiencies No observation available at scale of interest! “Use a good soil module and force it with observations!”

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