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Lecture Ground Ice Definition Classification Summary Ice content

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1 Lecture Ground Ice Definition Classification Summary Ice content
Genesis Form Process and Form Summary

2 Ground Ice Ground Ice Often found in permafrost Definition Ice Content
Body of clear ice within frozen ground Ice Content Directly related to water content in a frozen conditions ICE CONTENT = Wt. of Ice/Wt. of dried soil x 100% Can’t usually go above porosity of the soil Can get very stupid results 95/5 x 100= 1900 % Moisture Content

3 Excess Ice Content Excess Ice Content Relates to ice rich samples
Use volumetric measurements rather than weight measurements Put 100 g of sample in a beaker Water cannot fit into soil matrix (-supernatent water) H20 E.I.C.= 20% 100 cm3 * Upper limit to sample**


5 Important Storage Term: Gets Little Respect

6 Different Ways of Classifying Ground Ice
1) Genesis 2) Form 3) Examine Process and Form 1) Genesis: Ice in sediment While sediment is being laid down After sediment is being laid down

7 Continued If happening same time - SYNGENETIC ICE (does not happen very often-e.g. Siberia) If happening after a climatic change – EPIGENETIC ICE (e.g. Canada) Ground Ice - want to talk about excess ice content

8 > 2.5 cm < 2.5 cm N=Not Visible Vx= individual ice crystals or
B= Bonded n= no excess ice e=excess ice F=friable, easy for it to fall apart (dry sand, little or no ice present) Vx= individual ice crystals or Inclusions Vs= stratified or distinctly oriented Ice formation (bands are right angle to heat flux) Vc=coatings on large particles in the soils VR= random, or irregularly formed ice formations

9 Process Form Classification-Mackay, 1972
10 different kinds of ice 1) Open Cavity ice Formed by sublimation of ice crystals directly from water vapour-crack -2 Deg. C Ground Surface -15 Deg. C -cooling of water vapour ….ice in crack due to sublimation

10 2) Single Vein Ice Penetration of water into an open fissure (liquid form)-re-freezing of a single vein within the ground. beginning of wedge ice

11 3) Repeated Vein Ice=Wedge Ice
Cracking takes place repeatedly near vertical wedges Tends to crack repeatedly at the same place….see vertical foliation

12 Epigenetic Ice Wedges

13 Ice Wedge, NWT

14 4) Tension Crack Ice Pressure-sometimes by other features (e.g. pingos) 5) Closed Cavity Ice-RARE 6) Epigenetic Segregated Ice Movement toward a freezing plane Freezing Plane Movement of water from below to freezing plane

15 Continued Pore water migration
Forms ice right behind the freezing plane Temps. –0.1 to –0.2 Deg. C Frozen fringe of soil Buildup of Ice Layer

16 Continued Freezing plane can remain stationary until we build up a thicker ice lense Ice lense-mm’s to 10’s of cm thick In course particles Freezing plane into coarse particles pushes water down and up Sands and gravels

17 Continued Pore Water Expulsion
OCCURS-no where for the excess water to go-has to go into the unfrozen soil This is very important for pingo formation


19 Aggradational Ice Segregated Ice Ground Ice Slump ICE MUDFLOW

20 Continued Mudflow will dry up- 1 to 2 m deep
Permafrost will grade into the bottom of it Porewater movement to the base of the mudflow Lenses of ice in the new permafrost -old mudflow -aggregated, segregated ice

21 8) Intrusive Sill Ice (Injection Ice)
Water is injected into frozen soil f’table Injection of water, Gives rise to an Ice body p’table

22 Intrusive Pingo Ice Pingos are ice cored hills
> 60 cm-up to 300 m in diameter Some cores are almost pure ice


24 10) Pore Ice Bonding ice which holds soil grains together
Pore ice fill spaces, to get water, you must have coatings on particles Must have segregated ice to get water Pore Ice fills spaces

25 Proportions of Ground Ice
Alaska North Slope-CREEL-Total vol: 1, 500 km3 71% of ground ice was pore ice Greatest conc. of ice near the top of the permafrost table. 50% Active Layer -below active layer, get wedge ice, therefore lots of ice

26 Continued Top portion of p’frost is rather warm
Water vapour and liquid water can penetrate Year after year water trickles down ……..going to have an ice rich layer on top of the permafrost

27 Richard’s Island Pollard and French….
Upper 10 m over 2, 335 km2….vol: km3 *Pore ice most impt. *Pore ice and segregated ice-constitute over 80% of the total ice volume 20% other types were wedge ice 50% of the top m was excess ice

28 Massive Ice Does not contain much soil Very large exposure
Largest in N. Siberia C. Yakuta….exposures are 70 m high N. America Beaufort Sea, Alaska, MacKenzie, 40 m thick Very large syngenetic ice wedges Epigenetic relies on cracking-can’t have thermal crack that high






34 Continued Could be buried Wisconsin Glacier
Ice in the Mackenzie….suggested that it is buried glacier ice Ice at Peninsula Point Not glacier ice MacKay-bore hole data Logged for soil and ice 85% of cases-ice was underlain by sands or gravels Overlain was silts and clays Coast was below sea-emerged later ice

35 MASSIVE ICE BODY Movement of water to the freezing plane
Clay and Silts Sand Sand Movement of water to the freezing plane Water going to build up lenses in the clay and silts MASSIVE ICE BODY

36 Ice Wedges Significant True indicators of permafrost
1 to 1.5 m in wide 3 to 4 m in depth 3 to 4 m wide 5 to 10 m deep DEEP FREEZING

37 Ice Wedge, NWT

38 Ice Wedges (continued)
Favourable environment: Poorly drained tundra In the continuous p’frost zone Further north-arid-less snow Further south-hard rock, not severe enough **soils has to be cooled –15 to –20 Deg. C ** rate of cooling is also impt.

39 Gary Island Only 40% of ice wedges crack in any given year
Wire to a recorder Records when Wire is broken Snow cover is a critical factor To see if cracks will open **Mackay put up snow fences and stopped cracking -max. growth after 6 years is 2 mm, < 1 mm/year

40 High Centred Ice Wedge Polygons, NWT
Low Centred Ice Wedge Polygons, NWT

41 Eastwind Lake, Ellesmere Island (2005-2006)
dry ground 10 20 m 1 -1 -2 -3 trough ice wedge active layer low-centred polygon after Mackay 1980 Hydrologic Connectivity of Tundra Ponds, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut By May Guan Seasonal Hydrochemistry of a Polar Oasis Wetland Complex By Dan Thompson Photo: K.L. Young


43 Pingo Two basic types Open System Pingo
Occurs in the discontinuous permafrost zone, in areas that were not glaciated during the Wisconsin- Yukon, Alaska Tend to occur in valley bottom or valley slopes * can have circulation of groundwater….crucial in open system pingos


45 South North Piezometric WT Pingo Ice Permafrost Groundwater

46 Pingo Continued Pingo is below the top of the water table
Need artesian pressures to start the pingos up Hydraulic head and ice segregation…these mound the pingo up Usually the substrate is sands and gravels…allows a permeability…may get a spring and a rupture.

47 Closed System Pingo Form
In continuous permafrost…usually in low relief pings-Mackenzie Delta Area has the highest concentration Pingos require a talik


49 Pond sand Freezing Plane Water will move up To the freezing plane
Pore water Expulsion as Freezing takes place

50 Pond is the thinnest layer, Build-up of pressures It will deform there
Ice Pingo Hts. Pulsate -Change in hydraulic head -Hydraulic potential is changing…. -Impt. Component Unfrozen



53 Palsas 10- 50 wide 1 to 7 m Is a peat mound Peat overlies mineral soil
Looks like peat plateaus They form in bogs and occur in the discontinuous zone wide 1 to 7 m Peat P’frost

54 Palsas Continued Snow-low…influences development
Get deeper frost penetration Peat mounds are higher than surround zones Water movement is important-have ice formation in the higher areas More ice lense development raises the mound above the surrounding area….more snow blown off……CIRCULAR ARGUMENT Process tends to promote a higher mound

55 Continued Tend to be growing or dying…not in an equilibrium state

56 Ramifications


58 Summary Definition Classification Ice content Genesis Form
Process and Form Pingos (open and closed)

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