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Module 3: Programmatic Assessment Strategies

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1 Module 3: Programmatic Assessment Strategies
D. Kent Johnson, PhD

2 Programmatic Assessment Strategies
Three broad approaches Traditional Alternative Course Scaffold Portfolio

3 … a few comments before discussing strategy
Making Programmatic Assessment Meaningful The strategies presented are not the only approaches that departments might use Often academic units will use a hybrid approach The priority is delivering assessment that contributes to the success of academic units in promoting student success

4 Traditional Approach Define broad programmatic SLO’s
Overview Define broad programmatic SLO’s SLO’s mapped to “key” courses and experiences shared by all students (primarily course based) Common assessments delivered at key points (might also use external instruments) to assess student progress to outcome and evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum in advancing student development to SLO.

5 Traditional Approach Planned Assessment within Traditional Mapping
Course or Experience Student Learning Outcomes by Course and Level Achieved I=Introduced, E= Expanded, R=Reinforced, M=Mastered, A=Assessed Programmatic SLO 1: Upon graduation students will analyze and interpret data to produce meaningful conclusions and recommendations I E R M A  200 Level x  3oo Level  400 Level

6 Alternative Course Level Scaffold
Overview Programmatic SLO’s Defined and Mapped Course level SLO’s developed in a scaffold to program level SLO Course level SLO’s assessed at key points in curriculum (typically embedded in courses)

7 Alternative Course Level SLO Scaffold
Curriculum Map and Assessment Plan Programmatic SLO 1: Students will analyze and interpret data to produce meaningful conclusions and recommendations  Course Level Outcome Capstone 4 Milestones 3 2 Benchmark 1 200 Level A – List characteristics of valid data X 200 Level B - explain data collection strategies used in a lab assignment 300 Level – analyze a data set 400 Level – analyze and interpret data to produce a ….

8 Portfolio Approaches Overview Portfolio approaches leverage “pre-identified” student products to assess a program Can be a “Program Portfolio” or a carefully designed sample of products in “Student Portfolios” Typically a group of faculty is trained to ensure inter-rater reliability of scoring on rubrics used to evaluate work – multiple raters typically used

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