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Helping Colleges Prepare for Extreme Budget Fluctuations Lesley Kawaguchi, Educational Policies Chair Dianna Chiabotti, Napa Valley College Kim Harrell,

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Presentation on theme: "Helping Colleges Prepare for Extreme Budget Fluctuations Lesley Kawaguchi, Educational Policies Chair Dianna Chiabotti, Napa Valley College Kim Harrell,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping Colleges Prepare for Extreme Budget Fluctuations Lesley Kawaguchi, Educational Policies Chair Dianna Chiabotti, Napa Valley College Kim Harrell, Folsom Lake College Phil Smith, American River College


3 2011 - 2012 cut $400 million

4 So …….. Enrollment reduced Focus on keeping basic skills workforce training Transfer

5 December of 2011 $102 million


7 February Surprise $149 million mid-year cut (on top of the $313 million cuts in the 2011- 2012 enacted budget)

8 Total 2011-2012 cuts $564 Million

9 Results…. More class cuts Fewer students served Programs discontinued Other

10 Variety of approaches…

11 Case Study #1 Folsom Lake College FLC Guidelines for Cutting Class Sections Follow current agreement between administration and senate on cutting low enrolled sections Consider state emphasis on transfer, CTE, basic skills Cut stand alone courses (not part of GE or required by degree or certificate)

12 Case Study #1 Folsom Lake College Cut sections which incur additional costs such as outside facility rentals, travel costs for instructors, etc. Cut sections in which other duplicate sections are available to students

13 Case Study #1 Folsom Lake College LRCFT Contract 4.11 Workload Study Committee The committee is charged with the clarification of workload issues assigned to it jointly by the District and LRCFT. This shall be accomplished by defining each issue, listing the interests of all affected parties, ad identifying reasonable options to meet those interests and resolve the issues.

14 Case Study #1 Folsom Lake College Campus workload committee developed Department chairs and deans examine schedules GE, AA/AS, IGETC spreadsheets FTE allocation per area 2011-2012 changes in courses offered by area Dynamic model Ed. plans, job trends, CSU capacity Student-centered

15 Case Study #2 Napa Valley College NVC Guidelines for cutting classes…… NVC Guidelines for cutting classes……

16 Case Study #2 Napa Valley College

17 Guiding concepts The highest priority – courses critical to mission Reduce sections of a course – consider have already been cut Assess off campus courses Minimum electives Scrutinize enrollments – some classes may need to be small No lay offs Guidelines will be followed.

18 Case Study #2 Napa Valley College How developed? Mutual Agreement Committee Vetted through instruction council and Senate Needed to be done

19 Case Study #2 Napa Valley College Expanding idea/concept to college in general

20 Faculty Role in the dialog How should faculty participate in class cuts? Who should participate?

21 What if there is a Miracle?

22 The Process Important aspects Who participates? Reversible Dynamic and responsive

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