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Project «Development of lake Druksiai/Drisviaty Basin Management Program », Initiative of UNEP-UNDP-OSCE-NATO "Ecology and Safety”»

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Presentation on theme: "Project «Development of lake Druksiai/Drisviaty Basin Management Program », Initiative of UNEP-UNDP-OSCE-NATO "Ecology and Safety”»"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project «Development of lake Druksiai/Drisviaty Basin Management Program », Initiative of UNEP-UNDP-OSCE-NATO "Ecology and Safety”»

2 Goals and Objectives To develop draft integrated water resource management plan and the pilot environmental information management system for Druksiai/Drisviaty lake as building blocks for development of the transboundary water resource management system.

3 The overall objective of the project Development of draft integrated water resources management plan laying the foundation for the Basin Management Program in the framework of the EECCA Component of the EU Water Initiative integrated water resources management (IWRM) focus area It includes inter alia: Support of institutional capacity building, Strengthening of water resources monitoring and assessment, Improvement of access to information and public participation, Support of development of integrated water resources management plan

4 Who is who? International partners: UNEP Regional Office for Europe, UNEP / GRID-Arendal (Norway), REC for Central and Eastern Europe. National partners - Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Republic of Belarus and the Environmental Protection Agency of the Republic of Lithuania. Observer: The Ministry of Environment Republic of Latvia. Donor: The International Initiative "Environment and Security”

5 Project Deliverables Cross-border assessment study Draft integrated water resources management plan Pilot electronic resource database Workshop on water resource management and GIS Workshop on public relations and awareness raising Improved local capacities for management of water resources Increased cooperation among stakeholders

6 What has been done so far? Workshop of stakeholders in Minsk (December 2007) Meetings and consultations with stakeholders (RECs experts and GRID-Arendal) Collection and evaluation of primary materials Preparation of data for the pilot GIS database Development of draft integrated water resources management plan

7 The aim of the meeting - Consideration and discussion of the draft management plan for the lake basin Drisvyaty / Druksiai - Discussions and presentations about GIS- based info system of the lake and train skills to use it in everyday work - Planning of future activities on water resources management of Lake Drisvyaty / Druksiai

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