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Lesson 61 Book II By Miss Chen Can you to tell me the way to...? Lesson 61.

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2 Lesson 61 Book II By Miss Chen

3 Can you to tell me the way to...? Lesson 61

4 Where do teachers / policemen/ postmen / workers/doctors / farmers /work? farm factory hospital Police station school post office

5 I ’ m going to...tomorrow. post office library restaurant video shop hospital 1.send a letter 2.borrow some books 3.have dinner with my friends some VCDS 5.go to see a sick friend

6 Li Ming’s house Go across the bridge bridge Meimei’s house

7 museum Video shop toy store Café People’s hospital Library Ladies’ room Men’s room Church Zhong Shan Road crossing

8 Go across the bridge. 走(穿)过桥。 across “ 横穿,横越 ” ,是介词 (prep.) 。 cross “ 穿越 ” , 是动词 (v.) 。 crossing “ 十字路口 ” , 是名词 (n.) 。 ( turning ) “ 拐弯处 ” Li Ming and Lin Tao crossed the river. Li Ming and Lin Tao went across the river. Li Ming and Lin Tao are at the crossing. {

9 Go on until you reach the end. 一直走,到路尽头为止。 reach “ 到达 ” , 直接 + 地点名词 get to “ 到达 ” + 地点名词 arrive in + 大地点 (town,city, country…) arrive at+ 小地点 (school, hospital, factory, library…) He reaches school at six every morning. He arrives at school at six every morning. He arrives in Beijing. He gets to school at six every morning {

10 Choose the best answer: 1.Don’t ____ the bridge. A. cross B. across C. to cross D. crossing 2.Where’s the nearest ______? A. lady’s room B. ladies room C. ladies’s rooms D. ladies’ room 3. Please turn right ____ the second crossing. A.on B. at C. in D. under 4. ____the third turning ____ the left. A.Have, on B.Take,on C.Turn, at D.Talk, with 5. When you _____Shanghai, please phone me at once. A.arrive B.arrive in C.get in D.reach to A D B B A

11 A: ________ me. Can you tell me the ____to_____________? B: Sorry, I don’t know. You may ____ the policeman. A: Thank you ___ ___ ______ Excuse waythe church ask all the same the hospital the zoo the book shop the post office

12 Complete the dialogue: A: Excuse me. _____ can I get ____ Which is the____ ____ Zhongshan park? B: Go along this road and _____ left ___ the first______ lights. Go on _____ you _____ the end ___ the street. You ’ ll see the Park in front of you. You can ’ t _____ it. A:Thanks___ ___. B: You ’ re________. How to at traffic reach of miss turn until a lot way to } welcome

13 Homework: 1.Make a new dialogue about asking the way. 2.Finish the Exx. in Wb.

14 Fengjiang Middle School

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