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Creativity: Logo. Search online for the following logos Can you identify what they represent? Are they effective logos? McDonalds Nike Disney Apple Vodaphone.

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Presentation on theme: "Creativity: Logo. Search online for the following logos Can you identify what they represent? Are they effective logos? McDonalds Nike Disney Apple Vodaphone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creativity: Logo

2 Search online for the following logos Can you identify what they represent? Are they effective logos? McDonalds Nike Disney Apple Vodaphone World Wildlife Fun Kellogg’s Coca-Cola IBM Tic Tac MTV Adobe Linux HP Red Hat SEGA

3 Search online for the following logos How have these changed over time? Why do you think they have changed? Original Xbox Xbox 360 PlayStation PS2 PS3 Nintendo Entertainment System Super Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo 64 Nintendo DS Nintendo Wii Extension: Nintendo used to be Famicom -can you find their logos? -What do you think about them?

4 Task Create a design for a new logo for your school 1.Individually, produce 5 different ideas for the logo 2.Individually, select one 3.Get into pairs, compare your chosen ones and select one 4.Get into a team of five, compare your chosen one and select one 5.Teams present their chosen logo to the class and decide on the final logo Rules on the next slide...

5 Task Rules: It must be a minimum of 10cm x 10cm and a maximum of 20cm x 20cm You are limited to 3 colours (this includes black or white) It must represent the school It may or may not include the school’s name

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