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Section 3: Working with Victim Advocates The Role of the Victim and Victim Advocate in Managing Sex Offenders.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 3: Working with Victim Advocates The Role of the Victim and Victim Advocate in Managing Sex Offenders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 3: Working with Victim Advocates The Role of the Victim and Victim Advocate in Managing Sex Offenders

2 Section 3: Working with Sexual Assault Victim Advocates2 Learning Objectives Participants will be able to: zIdentify the different kinds of victim advocates. zDistinguish between system-based and community-based victim advocates. zExplain the significance of confidentiality for victims and victim advocates.

3 Section 3: Working with Sexual Assault Victim Advocates3 Who are Victim Advocates? zProfessionals whose primary role is to serve the needs of crime victims. Individual-level: help victims navigate the criminal justice and social systems. System-level: help change the way the system responds.

4 Section 3: Working with Sexual Assault Victim Advocates4 Main Functions of Advocates zHelp victim navigate system zExplain legal process zAccompany victim to court z Assist victims in providing input into decisions made about the case z Provide or refer victim to other resources

5 Section 3: Working with Sexual Assault Victim Advocates5 Exercise: Victim Advocacy and Victim Service Organizations What are some of the victim advocacy agencies or organizations that you work with or are aware of?

6 Section 3: Working with Sexual Assault Victim Advocates6 Types of Advocates z“System-based” advocates yWork for criminal justice agency zCommunity-based advocates yWork for independent agency, often non- profit

7 Section 3: Working with Sexual Assault Victim Advocates7 System-based Advocates zGive victims voice in CJ system zAct as liaison, access to system personnel zAccompany to court zHave access to system info zKnowledgeable about system z Provide info to base agency -- not confidential z Often responsible for victims of all crimes z Only available during justice process

8 Section 3: Working with Sexual Assault Victim Advocates8 Community-based Advocates zServices precede and extend beyond court involvement zConfidentiality zRelationships with system vary zOngoing support for victim’s family zAvailable 24/7 z Specialists in sexual assault -- take specific concerns into account z Accompany to court z Provide assistance with release notification and compensation

9 Section 3: Working with Sexual Assault Victim Advocates9 Important Lessons zFind out what services are available in your community. zCapitalize on every resource possible.

10 Section 3: Working with Sexual Assault Victim Advocates10 Confidentiality zCommunity-based advocates’ communication may be privileged, which: yrequires signed consent to release; and yprovides protection for victims. zThis confidentiality protects victims in the places to which they turn for support.

11 Section 3: Working with Sexual Assault Victim Advocates11 Conclusion zQuestions Coming up next: zEnhancing Victim Involvement in Sex Offender Management; and zStrategies for Applying the Victim- Centered Approach.

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