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Presentation on theme: "SPACE AND MISSILE DEFENSE WORKING GROUP"— Presentation transcript:

UNCLASSIFIED SPACE AND MISSILE DEFENSE WORKING GROUP NDIA-Tennessee Valley Chapter Mr James B. Johnson Director, Future Warfare Center 24 November 2015 UNCLASSIFIED

2 AGENDA Command Video Command Overview FWC Overview
FWC Proponency Activities FWC Future Plans Questions

3 Command Video

4 Headquarters USASMDC / ARSTRAT
LTG David L. Mann Commanding General CSM Jerome Wiggins Command Sergeant Major Distribution A, approved for public release (SMDC-0364)

5 Army Service Component Commands

Priorities Defend the Homeland Support the Warfighter Prepare for the future Develop emerging technologies Sustain strategic advantage Be responsible stewards of the Nation’s resources Commanding General Personal Staff DCG - Operations Command Sergeant Major Deputy to the Commander Special Staff Coordinating Staff Chief of Staff 1st Space Brigade Arlington LNO 100th Missile Defense Brigade (GMD) HHC Future Warfare Center Operations Directorate Capability Development Integration Directorate TRADOC Capability Manager for Space and High-Altitude TRADOC Capability Manager for Global Missile Defense Directorate of Training and Doctrine Tech Center Army Astronaut Detachment Space and Strategic Systems Directorate Air and Missile Defense Directorate Reagan Test Site Directorate Army Space Personnel Development Office

7 Uniquely Organized, Geographically Well-Positioned
A Global Command 1st Space Brigade 100th Missile Defense Brigade (Ground-Based Mid-Course Defense) 49th Missile Defense Battalion (GMD) Joint Tactical Ground Station (JTAGS) – EUCOM E Co/53rd Signal Battalion (Payload Control) Regional SATCOM Support Center (RSSC) Ft Greely AK Future Warfare Center Army Space Personnel Development Office MMC & GEOINT JTAGS-Japan FBM Battery - Japan C Co/53rd Signal Battalion (Payload Control) FBM Battery - Japan HQs USASMDC / ARSTRAT FBM Battery - Turkey 100th MD Bde Det, VAFB, CA A&B Co/53rd Signal Battalion (Payload Control) JTAGS-CENTCOM Army Space Support Teams Commercial Imagery Team Space Support Elements Army Astronaut Detachment JTAGS-Korea Technical Center Future Warfare Center TCM- Space & Global Missile Defense (SGMD) D Co/53rd Signal Battalion (Payload Control) Reagan Test Site (RTS) Regional SATCOM Support Center FBM Battery - Israel US Army Kwajalein Atoll (USAKA) Regional SATCOM Support Center White: HQs, FWC, Technical Center and Army Astronauts Gold: Space Ops Red: Missile Defense Ops Purple: Senior Commander Uniquely Organized, Geographically Well-Positioned

8 Our Three Lines of Effort
Operations (Today) Provide trained and ready Space and Missile Defense forces and capabilities to the Warfighter and the Nation. Capability Development (Tomorrow) Build future Space and Missile Defense forces. Materiel Development (Day-After-Tomorrow) Conduct research and development for Space, Missile Defense, cyber, directed energy & related technologies.

9 Space and Missile Defense Future Warfare Center (FWC)
Mission: Within the Capabilities of Army and Joint Space, Missile Defense, and High Altitude, FWC Trains and Educates Agile, Adaptive, and Ready Soldiers and Leaders; Develops and Integrates Innovative DOTMLPF-P Capabilities; and Enables Informed Decision Making. Mr. James B. Johnson Core Functions or Responsibilities: - Train and Educate the Force - Execute Force Modernization Proponency - Integrate and Synchronize DOTMLPF-P for Assigned Capabilities and Systems - Perform Decision Support - Plan, Integrate and Synchronize FWC Approved for public release, 14 Jan 2011

10 ORGANIZATION 22 Future Warfare Center Director’s Office Operations
Director, Mr. James B. Johnson Deputy Director, COL James Pruneski Business Operations Division Operations Directorate Chief, Ms. Mary Miller Director, Dr. Claudette Owens Deputy Director, Ms. Angela Jones Capability Planning & Integration Division Chief, Mr. Phil Patterson Capability Development Integration Directorate Directorate of Training & Doctrine Director, COL Christopher Baker Deputy Director, Vacant ** Director, Mr. Daryl Breitbach Deputy Director, Mr. Clement Morris* Concepts Development Division Decision Support Division TCM Space & High Altitude TCM Global Missile Defense Institutional Training & Doctrine Division Chief, Mr. Steve Brodersen (Acting) ** Chief, Mr. Paul Page Chief, COL Christopher Baker Deputy, Mr. Bob Deivert* Chief, COL Matthew Tedesco Deputy, Mr. Lorenzo Mack Vacant Space Training Division Models & Simulations Branch Space Prototyping & Experimentation Branch Concept Integration Branch GMD Prototyping & Experimentation Branch Chief, Mr. Daryl Breitbach (Acting) Chief, Mr. Steve Brodersen Chief, Mr. Kevin Crumlish Chief, LTC Kevin Geisbert Chief, Mr. Dave Cox Missile Defense Training Division Concept Evaluation Branch Studies & Analysis Branch Space Requirements Branch GMD Requirements Branch Chief, Mr. Martin Goodman Chief, Mr. Clement Morris Chief, MAJ Mark Cobos Chief, Mr. Bob Deivert Chief, Mr. Kevin Parker Organization Development Branch Computational Engineering Branch Joint-Friendly Force Tracking Testbed Chief, Mr. Jim Barnett Chief, Mr. Kevin Gentry Chief, LTC Jeremy Jeffery * Not actual position; an assignment ** Dual hatted

11 Future Warfare Center Develops space and missile defense concepts and doctrine. Runs the Space and Missile Defense School ~ 200 formal courses with 7200 students during fiscal year 2015. Designs and documents space and missile defense organizations. Performs wargames, experiments, integration & evaluation, and prototyping. Conducts capability integration and synchronization across DOTMLPF-P. Executes rapid fielding of space equipment to the Warfighter. Provides modeling and simulation for Army space and missile defense. Moves capabilities all the way from concepts to the warfighter’s hands. FM 3-14 Space Operations FM 3-27 GBMD Operations

12 FWC Proponency Innovation Opportunities Army Operating Concept
Army Warfighting Challenges AWFC #7 AWFC #17 AWFC #18 Activities of Interest NAVWAR LIRA Innovation Opportunities Science and Technology

13 FWC Future Perspectives
Period of Persistent Conflict Operating Environment Future Forces Space Enabling/Missile Defense Demands Increasing Emphasis in Cyber Anticipated Budget Concerns

14 Questions


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