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By Dejonee Burnett A4.  Mass political and social unrest  Strikes  Peasant unrest  Military mutinies  Establishment of limited constitutional monarchy/

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1 By Dejonee Burnett A4

2  Mass political and social unrest  Strikes  Peasant unrest  Military mutinies  Establishment of limited constitutional monarchy/ State Duma  1906:Russian Constitution Background of the Russian Revolution 1905

3  R.R contained a series of events  Bloody Sunday= set it off  The events afterward altered Russia permanently  Nicholas II= Czar of the time  Events altered Nicholas’ relationship with the citizens The Startup of the R.R 1905

4  January 22, 1905  Peaceful protest of St Petersburg citizens  Led by Russian Orthodox priest  Included 150,000 people  Took place in front of Winter Palace  Wanted Czar to improve their living standards Bloody Sunday

5  Hundreds killed by Nicholas II’s troops  Held a petition to state their needs  Stated; -Czar =no longer in grace of people What Happened?!

6  Strikes broke out across Russia -Included 400,000 people  Peasants attacked homes of landlords  Grand Duke Sergei= Czar’s uncle; assassinated The After-Math

7  Demands became political  Citizens of St Petersburg demanded an elected parliament (Duma)  Finns/Poles demanded right to national independence Summer-Time Demands

8  Took place in Moscow  It quickly spread to other cities  Was a strike demanding change including; - students, factory workers, revolutionaries, doctors and teachers  26 th : St Petersburg Soviet of Workers' Deputies= formed.  30 th : Nicholas issued October Manifesto The October General Strike

9  Promise civil/political liberties which included;  personal immunity  Freedom of speech/religion  Freedom of assembly/association  No laws introduced w/o agreement of Duma.  Was a precursor to first Russian Constitution October Manifesto

10 Important Names of the RR of 1905

11  Social democratic leader: sided with Bolsheviks  Bolsheviks: people who sided with Vladimir Lenin  Sent to Siberia after his arrest (1897)  Returned to Russia during the Revolution  Elected chairman of the St. Petersburg Soviet  Arrested in Dec. 1905: denouncement Nicholas’ plan  no law be passed without state duma Leon Trotsky

12  Originally close colleague with Vladimir Lenin  exiled to Turkhansk Siberia (Arctic):founding group  Part of the Social Democratic Labour Party  Developed the Bolsheviks  Arrested/exiled for the founding of group  Exiled to the warm ‘Siberian Italy’  Lead small party of professional revolutionaries Julius Martov and Vladimir Lenin

13  Advised Nicholas II to issue October Manifesto  Czar’s new chief minister  June: negotiated end to Russo-Japanese war Sergi Witte

14  Played a leading role in the Revolution  Active in the soviets  Establishing group of the St Petersburg Soviet  Under the leadership of Martov  Large party of activists with broad representation Mensheviks

15  Feb. 8 1904-Sept. 5 1905  “Great War of the 20 th Century”  Russians sought a warm water port  Japan declared war: gain dominance in Korea  Japanese victory over the Russians  34,000 killed and 52,623 died of wounds  9,300 – 18,830 died of disease, 146,032 wounded Russo-Japanese War



18  The first Major event of the 1917 Revolution  Culmination of century+ of civil/military unrest  Feb 23 rd  International Women's Day Festival (St Petersburg) -women workers left factories : protested food shortages  Czar: deposed/ replaced by a provisional government The February Revolution 1917

19  Theory of property (believed by many peasants)  “Land should belong to those who work it”  Workers:  worked 10 hour days/week before 1916  By 1916 it changed to 11-12 hours/day  At constant risk of death/injury -(poor safety/ sanitary conditions)  Everyone worked 6 days a week  Inadequate wages (worsened due to the war) Economic/ Social Changes

20  The war broke out in August 1914  Began to initially quiet the political protests  Took place in the situation of heavy military setbacks  Mutinies began to occur -fraternizing with the enemy started to develop  By Oct. 1916, Russia lost 5,000,000 soldiers  Soldiers went hungry/ lacked shoes and weapons  Mid- 1915:soldiers sent to front bearing no arms Russia in WWI

21  Demand for production of war supplies -Factory workers caused more labor riots/strikes  Skilled workers; replaced with unskilled peasants -Famine hit: poor railway system -workers abandoned the cities to look for food  Soldiers lacked equipment/protection from elements -soldiers began to turn again the Czar WWI’s Impact on Russia

22  Russia’s first battle of the war  30,000 Russian troops killed or wounded  90,000 troops captured  Germany had only 20,000 casualties  Autumn 1915: Nicholas took complete control of troops  Leaving wife Alexandra in charge of government Battle of Tannenburg

23  Focused on what is now St Petersburg  Members of Imperial Parliament (Duma) controlled country  Therefore created the Russian Provisional Government  March 7: workers at Putilov announced a strike March 1917

24  Provisional government : replaced by Bolshevik (communist) government  Led by Vladimir Lenin  Bolsheviks overthrew Provisional Government in St Petersburg  Based on Lenin’s writing on Karl Marx’s ideas  Began spread of 20 th century communism October 1917

25  Economy was breaking down because of war  Food Shortages and rising prices  Inflation caused incomes to decrease  Shortages made it difficult to buy affordable items  Nicholas was blamed for all of the crises  November 1916:  State Duma issued a warning to Nicholas By the End of 1917

26  Nicholas ignored the warnings given  July 16 th 1918 at 1:30 a.m.  Nicholas, Alexandra, their children/ physician and several servants were taken to the basement and killed  Order came from Vladimir Lenin/ Yakov Sverdlov in Moscow Death of the Imperial Family

27 Nicholas’ unrightfully handling of his country/ War destroyed the Czars and cost him both his rule and his life In the End….

28 Works Cited

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