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Unit 34 2D animation production portfolio John Strawson.

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1 Unit 34 2D animation production portfolio John Strawson

2 Mind map Shapes Circles squares triangles Back ground Racism Discrimination Gender Disability's Ethnicity Money Bullying Characters Anthropomorphism Natural Environment Brick wall Bridge Park Shop Woods road Friends Shapes become friends Shapes bullied because they are different to other shapes Difference Discrimination Stick men Smile Sad Cry Characters are bullied and has sad facial expression. Characters laugh with different facial expression Narrative structure Equilibrium Disruption recognition Repair New equilibrium

3 Mood board

4 Mood board for back ground

5 Character mood board

6 Task  To be able to device an 2D animation to do with equality and diversity using a chosen technique and idea with a sound track that matches your story.

7 What is equality and diversity ?  What is equality?  Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age.  What is diversity?  Diversity aims to recognise, respect and value people’s differences to contribute and realise their full potential by promoting an inclusive culture for all staff and students.

8 Type of animation  The purpose will be to show a short clip of diversity through co operation and friend ship through animation.  I am going to use a soft wear called wideo and using key frames I will create my animation  I will create the 2D subjects using Paper and card.  This subject will not be human however will have human qualities. Anthropomorphism  For the back ground I will use animated back grounds off a woods with trees as it will match my story line well  The sound track will have to match the story and what is happening at the time. It will have to be fairly synchronised with the animation it self.  Audience will be people who care about equality and diversity and people who want change.  Props. I will only need one prop that is a moving part of the back ground and that is the piece of fruit that the circles are trying to get down from the tree.

9 Stop frame animation  I have chosen to use the technique which is stop frame animation.  The subject will start and every small movement the subject is moved into a picture will be taken off the subject.  Once this edited together the subject will be a fully animated moving object.

10 Wideo  Wideo is an online video creation platform that enables users to create, edit, and share online videos free of charge. Wideo’s platform allows individuals who do not have previous video making or design experience to create explainer videos, animated presentations, video e-cards and more.

11 The audience  Type Informative. To teach the audience about equality and diversity.  The audience for my piece will be people who care about equality and diversity and people who want to change the world to make it more equal.  However the age range is very different. The age range would be young kids around the ages 9 to 12. This is because this can teach them through animation about equality and diversity and it is a lot more fun for them which makes it easier to learn about it.  Also because of my characters it is very easy to understand the difference between the two types of character and the diversity between them.  The will not be a gender for my animation as it will be aimed towards all sexes

12 The characters  Their will be around 6 characters in my animation  Their will be four circles and three squares.  I will make these characters out of card and paper. I will pin the legs and arms onto the body. This way they can be adjusted easily and make the character's or shapes able to walk and move their arms just like a human being would be able to. This is anthropomorphising and also gives the animation a bit of realism as does the natural back ground.  The characters will not be human however will have human qualities such as arms legs and faces and also hair to make them different from the other circles.  I will have to create at least two of each main character for different facial expressions. For example when the square is yelled at by the circles he will have to have a sad and depressed face. But when he discovers he can help the circles get the apple from the tree he brightens up.

13 Expressions  I will have to create different characters for different facial expressions.  For example when the circles first acknowledge the square I need the facial expression's to be mad and angry.  However when the squares help the circles they will be grateful for what the squares have done for them and they will all become friends.  I will either create many of the same characters different expressions using photo shop.  or I will create the different characters all together.

14 Character movement  Once I have animated and created my characters I will cut off the arms and legs.  By doing this I can pin them back on at a later stage.  This allows a lot more movement in the arm and legs to make the character look like he is actually walking.  This is another way of anthropomorphising and giving characters more human quality's.

15 Short story line  There are four circles who are trying to get an orange from the top of the tree. A square walks past and the circles shout at him and point. (we don’t want your kind her go away !!!!) The square walks off sad and lonely. He comes across some friends and he tells them to come and help him. The three squares go back to the circles and form a step for the circles to go up and get the orange. The circles are great full to the squares and thank them. They all become friends and this shows cooperation.

16 What my animation represents.  My animation will be about co operation and helping one another despite their sex gender personality culture ETC. In my situation it will be about difference in race EG. The squares and circles. The squares will help the circles even though they are not friendly to the squares in the first place. This shows co operation and helping others even when they don’t help you.

17 The back ground  For my back ground I am going to print off already animated back grounds of woods because this will be a lot easier to create my animation around. I will however use two different back grounds and these will need to match up in some ways such as colour and setting.  So for my 2 nd back ground it will be a wood land setting like my first all though different ways such as less trees and more walk way space for the characters.

18 The sound effects  I have not yet selected a sound effects however I would like it to match the tone of what is happening in the animation at the time.  For example in the first piece of the animation I would like the music to be quite dark slow paced and sad. This will match the feelings of the square at the time.  Then when the square finds another of his own kind the music will change to more up paced and happy.  By doing this throughout the whole animation the squares feeing's and emotions are matched by the sound track.

19 Back ground number one Square can enter here and exit by walking among the tree line on the right Orange could be hanging from this tree and circles could be next to it trying to reach it. Good back drop plenty of space for squares to walk past at the front whilst the circles are standing at the back This is where the squares will make a step for the circles to get the fruit. Enlarge to A3

20 First back ground outline

21 Story board for my animation.  Scene 1: The circles are jumping up trying to reach the orange in the tree.  Scene 2: The first square appears on shot and walks towards the circles.  Scene 3: The circles tell the square to go away(Speech bubbles).  Scene 4: The square walks off shot with a sad face.  Scene 5: Walks into next background. Then light bulb appears above his head(Idea) He walks over to his square friends an tells them the idea.(Muffled voices)  Scene 6: The original square walk off with his two friends back to the circles.  Scene 7: The squares appear back on 1 st back ground. The squares jump on top of each other to form a step for the circles to get the orange.  Scene 8: The circles hop up the made step by the squares and get the fruit.  Scene 9: The circles and the squares shake hands and part ways.

22 Character sketch

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