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All About Flies!!!.

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Presentation on theme: "All About Flies!!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 All About Flies!!!

2 How many stages are in a life cycle of a fly?
Six stages

3 What are the names of each of the stages of a fly’s life cycle ?
Eggs First larva stage Second larva stage Third larva stage Pupa Adult fly

4 How long does it take for the fly to go through its life cycle?
10-21 days

5 How does the fly look similar to its parents?
Eyes wings

6 How does the fly look different from its parents?
They are smaller

7 What do flies eat? Dead insects and Nectar

8 Where do you find flies? Almost Anywhere

9 Interesting facts About flies!!! HOW DO THEY COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER?
Flies use vision more than most insects do. They also sometimes detect the vibrations of wing beats. Like all insects they use their sense of smell a lot.

10 WHAT DO THEY EAT? Adult flies often drink nectar. Some feed on any liquid that has energy. They also can spit onto dry food and then suck up the spit and some extra nourishment from the dry food. Some female flies drink vertebrate blood such as from mammals to get the protein they need for their eggs. A few adults are predators. They grab other insects and stab them their mouth parts and suck out their blood and organs. Many flies do most of their feeding as larva. This protects the fly larva and gives it plenty to eat. They lay their eggs inside or on other insects or their host while it is still alive!

11 What eats them and how do they avoid being eaten?
Adult flies avoid predators with their speed and alertness. Also many flies mimic stinging insects such as wasps or bee’s, so predators will avoid them. Larva often live in places that are hard to reach.

12 Question and Comments? Flies are Cool! Flies are Awesome!
Flies are Interesting!

13 The End

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