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Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Step 1 Lead in.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Step 1 Lead in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Step 1 Lead in

2 Section A 1 1a-1c

3 Step2 Show the learning aims
1.I can master the new words about TV shows; news, talk show, talent show, sports show, game show, sitcom, soap opera, 2.I can use the main sentences to talk about my likes and dislikes. -What do you think of talk shows? -I don’t mind them. -What do you think of talk show? -I can’t stand them!/ I love watching them!

4 Look at the picture and answer: What kind of TV show is it?

5 Tell it like it is 《实话实说》
talk show 脱口秀

6 news《新闻联播》

7 soap opera

8 sports show

9 sitcom (situation comedy)

10 game show

11  cartoon 

12 Chinese cooking

13 talent shows

14 Animal World

15 fashion shows

16 Weather Report

17 step3: Learning (1)Read the new words and phrases in your groups.

18 New words sitcom n 情景喜剧 news n 新闻节目;新闻 soap 肥皂剧 cartoon 卡通片
documentary 记录片 talk show 脱口秀 sports show体育节目 game show 游戏节目 talent show选秀节目 animal world 动物世界 fashion shows 时尚节目 weather report 天气预报

19 Step4 presentation and comment 展&点 New words
news Brainstorm soap opera talk show sports show game show sitcom

20 Task1 Students look at the pictures and do the matching.Then check the answers.

21 talk show ___ 2. soap opera___ 3. sports show ___ 4. sitcom ___
Task 1:Match the TV shows with the pictures [a-g]. 1a e talk show ___ soap opera___ 3. sports show ___ sitcom ___ 5. game show ___ talent show ___ 7. news ___ d c b g a f

22 Do you want to watch TV?

23 What do you want to watch?
channel 1 channel 2 channel 3 channel 4 channel 5 channel 6 What do you want to watch?

24 news What kind of TV show is it? It’s news. What do you think of news?
It’s boring. I can’t stand it. But my father loves it.

25 talk show What kind of TV show is it? It’s a talk show.
What do you think of talk show? It’s good. I like it.

26 soap opera What kind of TV show is it? It’s a soap opera.
What do you think of it? It’s OK.I don’t mind it.

27 sitcom What kind of TV show is it? It’s a sitcom.
What do you think of sitcom? I don’t like it.

28 sports show What kind of TV show is it? It’s a sports show.
What do you think of it? I can’t stand it.

29 talent show What kind of TV show is it? It’s a talent show.
What do you think of talent show? It’s wonderful. I love it.

30 Step5 Group work Task2 A: What do you want to watch?
B: What do you think of talk shows? A: They’re OK. I don’t mind them. B: Then let’s watch a talk show.

31 Listen and number the shows [1-4] in the order you hear them. 1b
Step6 Listen Task3 Listen and number the shows [1-4] in the order you hear them. 1b ___ talent show ___ talk show ___ soccer game ___ news 3 1 4 2

32 Practice makes perfect!
Step 7 Practice Practice makes perfect!

33 Step8 Summary 1.kinds of TV shows:
news, talent shows, sports shows, game shows, soap opera, sitcoms, talk shows 2.learn to talk about: 1) A: What do you think of …s? B: I… them. 2) A: What do you want to watch? B: I want to watch …

34 Step 9 homework assignment like love don’t like don’t mind can’t stand
Do a survey. Ask your family members for opinions towards different TV shows. Use the expressions in the box to help you. like love don’t like don’t mind can’t stand

35 Part7 Blackboard Design
Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A 1 1a-1c Part7 Blackboard Design news talk show talent show sports show game show sitcom soap opera think of want to watch -What do you think of …? -I like/love them. I don’t like/love them. I can’t stand them. -What do you want to watch …? -I want to watch …


37 survey Sub title father mother grandfather grandmother talent shows
TV shows father mother grandfather grandmother talent shows talk shows soap operas sitcoms news

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