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Dystopia Unit. Components of a Perfect World Government Services Provided Health CareEducation Careers Judicial System Laws Punishment Family Unit Marriage.

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Presentation on theme: "Dystopia Unit. Components of a Perfect World Government Services Provided Health CareEducation Careers Judicial System Laws Punishment Family Unit Marriage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dystopia Unit

2 Components of a Perfect World Government Services Provided Health CareEducation Careers Judicial System Laws Punishment Family Unit Marriage Children Leisure Activities Selection of Leaders

3 Dystopia Response Journals Date 1. Intro Journal-Complete sentences(3-4). 2. Create your own title-Provide a specific reason why 3. Create your own title-Provide a specific reason why 4. Response to the reading 5. Annotations (questions, comments, connections, predictions) stuck on the page.

4 Journal #1  Describe your perfect world. Use as many specific details as possible.

5 Chapters 1 and 2: $1.00 Summary  $1.00 Summary. You have $1.00 to write a summary about chapters 1 and 2. Each word costs 5 cents, so your summary can only have 20 words

6 Journal #2  Think of one person, place or thing that you couldn’t live without today and describe why.

7 2 Wows and 1 Wonder  What are two specific events that shocked you in chapters 3 and 4? What is one thing that made you think—this doesn’t seem right. In your Journal, write 2 WOWs from these chapters and one “I wonder….”

8 Journal #3  Agree or Disagree and provide a reason why: A life where everything is already planned for you is ideal

9 Tweet!  Create two “Tweets” about these chapters using specific events. Remember, tweets cannot have more than 180 characters.

10 Journal #4 Before Reading: The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.” –H.L. Mencken How does this quote relate to the novel and/or your personal beliefs?

11 Now I Know Poem Now I know That _____________ That______________ I still want to know why_______________ I’m sad/ nervous/excited Because________

12 Journal #5  Do you question any of the decisions that a character has made? Describe that decision and explain why you disagree with that decision.

13 That was Then, this is Now  After reading the assigned chapters, create a Before/After list to compare the ways in which characters or towns have changed over the course of the story

14 Journal #6  “The greatest discovery is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.” – William James  Do you agree with this quote? How does this relate to our novel?

15 Status Update  Choose a character from the novel and write a “status update” about how he/she is feeling. Be sure to include a specific event from what we read AND An inference about how you believe he/she feels after the event.

16 Journal #7  T.S. Elliot said, “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain how this quote relates to our novel.

17 Top 5  Think back on all the chapters we have read, and rank the top 5 events that our main character has faced.

18 Journal # 8  Oscar Wilde said, “All great ideas are dangerous” How does this apply to our novel/the characters in our novel?  Use specific evidence to support your thinking

19 Ask the Author  What are three questions you would want to ask the author about the book? (These questions should NOT have answers that can be found in the book)

20 Journal #9 “Progress always involves risks. You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first.” ~Frederick B. Wilcox Do you agree with this quote? Explain why or why not using specific evidence from the text.

21 Story Elements Answer the following questions in your journal: 1. What Point of View is this story told? Provide text evidence to support your thinking 2. Who is the Protagonist and Antagonist of this novel? Explain your thinking 3. What is a theme from the novel? Provide text evidence to support your thinking

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