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Gauger-Cobbs Middle School. The Instructors... Ms. Kathryn Belczyk Mrs. Kim Givens Room 138 Phone:

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Presentation on theme: "Gauger-Cobbs Middle School. The Instructors... Ms. Kathryn Belczyk Mrs. Kim Givens Room 138 Phone:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gauger-Cobbs Middle School

2 The Instructors... Ms. Kathryn Belczyk Mrs. Kim Givens Room 138 Phone: (302) 454-2357 ext. 235

3 The Books… Thinking with Mathematical Models Thinking with Mathematical Models Looking for Pythagoras Looking for Pythagoras Growing, Growing, Growing Growing, Growing, Growing Frogs, Fleas, and Painted Cubes Frogs, Fleas, and Painted Cubes Kaleidoscopes, Hubcaps and Mirrors Kaleidoscopes, Hubcaps and Mirrors Say It With Symbols Say It With Symbols The Shapes of Algebra The Shapes of Algebra Samples and Populations Samples and Populations

4 Princeton Teachers’ Goals: Help Your Child Succeed Help Your Child Succeed Communication With You Communication With You  Agenda Book  Email  Homework Hotline 454-2357 ext. 607  Homework Wiki

5 Supplies Every Class: Every Class: –Agenda Book –Math folder (was provided) –Writing utensil –Math Journal (composition notebook) –Loose leaf or Spiral Notebook

6 Math Journals Goals: –The journals should reflect your child’s understanding of the math concepts being taught. –The journals should help your child develop successful study skills and note-taking skills for high school and college. –The journal provides unit goals and focus questions to help you be more involved with homework and studying.

7 Math Journals Serves as the study guide for tests and quizzes Serves as the study guide for tests and quizzes Expected for EVERY class Expected for EVERY class Graded at the end of each book study Graded at the end of each book study

8 Homework ~ Given every night Monday through Thursday. Given every night Monday through Thursday. Collected as a packet on Mondays for a weekly homework grade. Collected as a packet on Mondays for a weekly homework grade. If they say that they don’t have homework,… If they say that they don’t have homework,… –there is always review –check their agenda book –call the homework hotline –check the homework wiki The building is open until 10:30 pm weekdays !! The building is open until 10:30 pm weekdays !!

9 How Are Students Graded? Traditional Methods Traditional Methods –Class work –Group work –Homework –Projects, etc. Unit Goals / Class Goals Unit Goals / Class Goals –Tests –Formative Assessments –Journaling

10 Thank you for coming!! Any questions? Any questions? Any concerns? Any concerns?

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