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Headway East London. MISSION: Supporting people affected by brain injury VISION: A society where people with brain injury are valued, respected & able.

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Presentation on theme: "Headway East London. MISSION: Supporting people affected by brain injury VISION: A society where people with brain injury are valued, respected & able."— Presentation transcript:

1 Headway East London

2 MISSION: Supporting people affected by brain injury VISION: A society where people with brain injury are valued, respected & able to fulfil their potential to lead full, active lives. VALUES: Respect the distinctive worth of every person Co-Production; all people have something to contribute to Headway East London & the community Empowerment: Support & challenge people to take personal responsibility for themselves & lead fulfilling lives within the community

3 MISSION: Supporting people affected by brain injury ACTION Help people with a brain injury regain quality of life through a wide range of services: Headway House / Carer & Family Support / Community Outreach / Young People’s Network / Occupational & Volunteer Programmes /Respite Care / Therapies Activism - challenging preconceptions, pushing for policy change & asking difficult questions. A separate Charity; affiliated to Headway UK

4 Types of Brain Injury Traumatic brain injuries 1 million people attend A&E following head injury (traumatic brain injury) every year Vascular events (related to the blood supply to the brain) – stroke, haemorrhage Infections, e.g. meningitis, encephalitis Tumours Hypoxia (lack of oxygen), e.g. through cardiac arrest, drowning, overdose, carbon monoxide poisoning.

5 The Effects of Acquired Brain Injury… The effects of Brain Injury can be devastating and long term. Each person is unique: affected in different ways. Following a brain injury, the person usually experiences problems with aspects of their life. These problems could be: Health-related Physical Sensory Cognitive. Communication. Emotional. Behavioural Social Financial

6 Who Can Help? Supposed to be a clear pathway for statutory support: acute – rehab (in-patient) – community rehab + support. Medical – neurosurgeon, neurologist, relevant specialists + nurses (e.g. epilepsy, pain, orthopaedic) Allied Health Professionals – physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, clinical neuropsychologists, dieticians Social Services, Continuing Care (NHS), Housing Third Sector e.g. Headway

7 Advice and Advocacy: Third Sector Headway East London Advice and Advocacy: Sean Kinahan: Tel. 020 7749 7790 Amanda D’Souza: 14 Boroughs: N E and Central London Headway SE London NW Kent: Tel. 0208 185 7775 Stroke Navigators via The Stroke Association Borough-specific; Tel: 0303 303 3100 e.g. Jacqueline Anderson, Waltham Forest

8 Advice and Advocacy Neuro – Navigation: Case management via NHS e.g. City and Hackney: Simon Grobler c/o Adult Community Rehabilitation Team: Tel. 020 7683 4614

9 Headway East London

10 Headway House

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