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Unit 1 Lesson 1. Phrases 1 Be at a conference A talk on Might be Have got sth to do with At all I ’ m not sure whether The one about How did you find.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Lesson 1. Phrases 1 Be at a conference A talk on Might be Have got sth to do with At all I ’ m not sure whether The one about How did you find."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Lesson 1

2 Phrases 1 Be at a conference A talk on Might be Have got sth to do with At all I ’ m not sure whether The one about How did you find sth? Be useful for disappointed/

3 Phrases 2 I doubt if Be asked to do As good as Last year ’ s Go out for a walk Have fun Be willing to do Devote to Go over I ’ m sure of

4 Unit 1 Lesson 2

5 Phrases 1 Be sure about Be remembered as Become interested in As … as she could On the subject At that time Be not admitted to Be determined to do Live on Carry..up 6 floors

6 Phrases 2 Keep warm Succeed in doing Take a … degree in Two years after Do research Even though/if Not long before Give off Study this area for Give sb sth

7 Phrases 3 One day A certain Name sb sth In honor of From then on Work on Devote to Go by Seem endless Describe … in words

8 Phrases 4 Above all Believe in Each one of us Do sth well Work hard at Go down to Put on On the ground floor On the bench Come from

9 Phrases 5 Work hard at The Curies Look like 3 times … than Go through Make money out of Treat … as though Belong to Share sth with Leave a light on Keep … a secret Protect … against

10 Unit 1 Lesson3

11 Phrases 1 Be used to do Set off Because of Go deep into Be used as A cure for The Nobel Prize for Physics Work with Have a bad effect on

12 Phrases 2 Not only … but also Make sth radioactive In fact Three of Be considered to be Too … to Be deeply shocked by Be determined to do Go on working As head

13 Phrases 3 Be received by Be invited to Give speeches about For the last ten years of At the age of Be remembered/admire d as Be remembered for Her willingness to do

14 Phrases 4 Take X-rays Heart and soul Cure sb of sth On one ’ s own Put away Provide sb with sth Pay off

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