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Role of KVK system in Agricultural Extension Programmes

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1 Role of KVK system in Agricultural Extension Programmes
Harjit Kaur Principal Scientist Agricultural Extension Division ICAR Hqrs, New Delhi

2 Design of KVK

3 Mandates of KVKs Collaborate with the subject matter specialists of the State Agricultural University/ scientist of the Regional Research Station (NARP) and the state extension personnel in "On-farming testing", refining and documenting the technologies for developing region specific sustainable land use systems. Organize trainings to update the extension personnel within the area of operation with emerging advances in agricultural research on regular basis. Organize long-term vocational training courses in agriculture and allied vocations for the rural youths with emphasis on "learning by doing” for generating self-employment through institutional financing. Organize front-line demonstrations in various crops to generate production data and feedback information.

4 No. of KVKs at present

5 Strategy In order to consider productivity, production and income of the farmers in totality for pursuing sustainable agriculture, the following strategies are adopted. Remunerative agriculture: Increasing productivity & production, management of post-harvest losses, value chain for increasing farmer’s income and ultimately system sustainability. Climate smart agriculture: Conservation of soil & water, bio- conservation, reducing environmental pollution, climate resilience and increasing productivity and production of greenhouse/protected cultivation. Food and dietary diversification agriculture: Removing malnutrition, nutritional disorders, year round house hold food security, stable and sustainable food supplies, improving livelihood at grass root level through convergence of all schemes for eliminating hunger and poverty.

6 Status of pump sets in India
Indian farmers are currently drawing more water than is sustainable, removing about 212 million megaliters from the ground each year to irrigate about 35 million hectares. Agriculture % of total water consumption The problem of water is more serious as the water level is continuously decreasing and cultivated area demands for electrical energy for irrigation are increasing. Even drip irrigation doesn't completely address the problem of dwindling groundwater resources especially in northern India. How to best allocate water resources for the entire population of India needs top priority, followed closely with more efficient energy consumption. Agriculture sector % of total electricity consumption 20.27 million pump sets in India. Av. Efficiency 20-30%. AgDSM programme of Bureau of Energy Efficiency --- a unique way to influence and change the equipment buying habits of end use consumers so that they prefer to adopt efficient technologies.

7 KVKs role in AgDSM and Obligations of BEE
BEE has envisaged training programmes for the farmers in coordination with ICAR and other agencies to create awareness for energy efficient pump sets and best operational practices. Provide training materials to SDAs/KVKs for effectively imparting training to farmers. Provide financial support to KVKs through SDAs for organizing the sessions. Coordinate with SDAs/DISCOMs for successfully organizing the farmers training sessions and other promotional activities. If required, organize consultation sessions with State Agriculture departments/SDAs for preparation of long term state level action plan for promotion of energy efficient pumps/practices. Training programme organised at KVK, Baramati on April 9, by Maharashtra Energy Development Agency on Energy and water conservation in Agriculture pumping.

8 Obligations of ICAR Suggest suitable KVKs for organizing training sessions in different States. Facilitate organizing Farmers Training Sessions at identified KVKs located in selected States. Provide necessary logistics and infrastructure facilities available with KVKs. Develop state specific long term plans/framework in consultation with stakeholders for promotion of energy efficient pumps/irrigation practices Engage appropriate officials to coordinate in organizing farmers training sessions at KVKs. Invite local farmers and other related stakeholders for participation in training sessions. Suitable officers from regional/state agriculture department may also be deputed for imparting the training to farmers on related subject.

9 Output Awareness among farmers on common energy efficiency practices for agricultural pumpsets. Capacity building of local service providers/mechanics for energy efficient repairing/rewinding methods. The replacement of inefficient irrigation pumps with high efficiency pumps will reduce the amount of electricity needed to pump irrigation water. If the savings from the reduction in electricity usage can be sustained and the total cost of the electricity saved exceeds the total installed cost of the pump over its useful life, there will be a net economic gain.

10 Thank you

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