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Second Grade Mrs. Chesney Lilac School Room 305 (760) 751-1042.

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Presentation on theme: "Second Grade Mrs. Chesney Lilac School Room 305 (760) 751-1042."— Presentation transcript:

1 Second Grade Mrs. Chesney Lilac School Room 305 (760) 751-1042

2 A Bit About Me... Grew up in Escondido, live in Murrieta. Graduated from SDSU. Taught 29 years for VCPUSD Married with 2 adult children. Enjoy spending time with family.

3 What is 2nd Grade About? Reading: become fluent readers while using patterns to read multi-syllable words Comprehension: cause/effect, facts & details, author’s purpose, retelling Writing: narrative, opinion & informative

4 Math Place value Double digit addition & subtraction Introductory multiplication Classify geometric shapes Analyze data Count money & Tell Time Students will also need to explain their answers. Memorize add/subtract facts through 20

5 Science Life: explore animal & plant life cycles Earth: soil, rocks, & fossils Physical: observe & measure movement

6 Social Studies Economics (Goods/Services) Family History Project Famous Americans Everyday Heroes U.S. Geography

7 A Road to Success... Check daily homework-Excel Math Read daily together-RAH reading log Weekly Envelope sent each Monday. Please review graded work/behavior. Discipline plan: rewards/consequences Letter sent home on first day.

8 i-Pads * Used in class only-not taken home * Kids A-Z Reading Program-Access to hundreds of books on-line. Use the log-in info. provided tonight to use Kids A-Z at home. *Star/AR Reading tests-Read and pass 1 AR test per week. *Learning apps used to reinforce concepts taught in class.

9 Other Information Library-Every Wednesday: may check out 2 books Patriotic Assemblies/Lizard Lairs monthly. We will sing at the assembly in MAY. PE- Please wear tennis shoes everyday. Parent teacher conferences Thurs., Oct. 29 th -30 th. FAVE Art parent volunteers needed to teach lessons Parents Helpers are WELCOME!

10 Teacher Contact Information ysecondgrade Contact info. or (760) Thank you for all your help and support!

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