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SEALS Welcome to Selinsgrove Elementary’s Second Grade Literacy Night!

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Presentation on theme: "SEALS Welcome to Selinsgrove Elementary’s Second Grade Literacy Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 SEALS Welcome to Selinsgrove Elementary’s Second Grade Literacy Night!

2 o More rigorous curriculum. o Requires your child to think about and respond to the text they are reading.

3 o Read aloud every day! o Answer your child’s questions, even if they interrupt the story.

4 o Talk as you read. Ask questions like: “What do you think is going to happen next?” “Why did that character do that?” “What would you do?”

5 o Read books that are interesting to your child. o Encourage your child!

6 o Have your child retell the story in his or her own words. o After finishing the book, talk with your child about what you read.


8 Before Reading: Comprehension Connections #1: Picture Walk #2: Make Predictions I predict… #3: Share What You Know

9 Comprehension Connections During Reading: #1: Post-it Notes #2: Stop and Talk#3: Make A Movie

10 Comprehension Connections After Reading: #1: Beach Ball Comprehension #2: Question Wheel #3: Story Element Chart

11 Comprehension Connections After Reading: #1: Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then

12 What is fluency? o Fluency is defined as the ability to read with speed, accuracy, and proper expression. o Fluency is necessary for students to understand what they are reading (aloud or silently). o read in phrases o add intonation appropriately o read smoothly o read with expression

13 Why is fluency important? o Fluency is the bridge between simple word recognition and comprehension. o When children can automatically recognize words, they can put more effort into comprehension – which is the main goal of reading! word recognition comprehension o The reading task is also more enjoyable for fluent readers because they’re not struggling to read each word!

14 How can you help? #1: #2: Support and Encouragement #3: Echo and Choral Reading

15 #4: Repeated Readings #5: Reader’s Theater #6: Poetry

16 Guided Reading Guided reading occurs when a teacher meets with a small, flexible group of students with a common reading goal. During guided reading, your child has the opportunity to develop reading strategies in order to read increasingly difficult stories independently.

17 ThinkCentral Journeys Reading Series Students can access their textbook and other resources from home! https://www-

18 Access ThinkCentral from Home ! Journeys Reading Series



21 Thank you for attending Selinsgrove Elementary’s Second Grade Literacy Night!

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