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Jamaica By Zach and Hunter.

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1 Jamaica By Zach and Hunter

2 Location The Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Caribbean Sea all surround Jamaica. Jamaica is 20°north and 75° west. Jamaica is on the Western Hemisphere and is part of Latin America. West Indies Northwestern hemisphere North America

3 Place Tubers is the most important crop in the Jamaican economy
Crops-coffee, coconuts, sugarcane, bananas, oranges, cacao beans. Non economical Plants/trees include- ferns, mahogany, cedar, coconut, palm bamboo, mango trees, and logwood.

4 Place Wildlife-cuckoos, parrots, humming birds, frogs, lizards, turtles, rays, and colorful fish, but Jamaica has only 2 land mammals the rat and the rare Coney

5 Place: Attractions Climate-hot and humid
Attractions-Bob Marley experience, Martha Brea River, Dunn's River falls Landforms-Bad Hole cave, The Alligator Pond, Navy Island

6 Place The population of Jamaica is estimated to be 2.6 million
The major language is English Jamaica is under British control

7 Human/Environment Relationships
Jamaica's natural resources are bauxite, gypsum, limestone and illegal drugs High unemployment averaging 14.5% underemployment, growing debt, and high interest rates are the most serious economic problems. Violent crime is a serious problem, mostly in Kingston.

8 Food Cuisine-Jerk, seafood, tropical fruits, meats, curry goat, fried dumplings and ackee

9 Sports Basketball, baseball, boxing, bobsledding and cricket

10 Movement Migration- Jamaicans Migrated to the US because of the Jamaican economy Jamaica has a fully digital telephone system most national holidays, are Christmas cake, pudding at Christmas time, fried fish, lent at Easter time and other national holidays The most widespread Jamaican customs is pardner an established method of saving a banking system

11 Usain Bolt Is a and a three-time World and Olympic gold medalist
He is a world record holder in the 100 meter the 200 meter dash He is the youngest Olympian to ever win a gold medal

12 Movement Transportation- railway and air plane Immigration-
The first wave took place between 1900 and the 1920s, bringing a modest number of Caribbean immigrants. Official black immigration increased from 412 in 1899 to 12,245 in 1924, although the actual number of black aliens entering the United States yearly was twice as high. By 1930, 178,000 documented first-generation blacks and their children lived in the United States. About 100,000 were from the British Caribbean, including Jamaica. The second and weakest immigration wave occurred between the 1930s and the new immigration policy of the mid-1960s. The McCarran-Walter Act reaffirmed and upheld the quota bill, which discriminated against black immigrants and allowed only 100 Jamaicans into the United States annually. During this period, larger numbers of Jamaicans migrated to Britain rather than to the United States due to the immigration restrictions.

13 Extra Jamaican parents are by nature very strict from early childhood they want their children to excel academically and athletically Homes are very nice for the higher class but very run down for the lower class The clothing in Jamaica reflects the cultural spirit among its people

14 Music and activities Heard around the world reggae, dancehall, folk, and pop Amusement parks, water sports, concerts

15 History with important people
Usain Bolt- born in August in a small town called Trelawney Jamaica, he lived with his parents and went to school at Waldensia he played cricket but his coach saw his running ability and made him go for track since then he has won the gold Olympic medal 4 times for running

16 Work Cited

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