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Published byShona Richardson Modified over 9 years ago
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 1 Barry Barish PAC Meeting Academia Sinica, Taiwan 19-May-11 GDE Director’s Report Grooved Insert for CesrTA Wiggler Energy stability over 3hrs with 4.5mA ~0.02% pk-pk 9 Feb 2011 FLASH Stability Tests
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 2 Outline Responses to Nov 2010 PAC Report Update on ILC accelerator R&D Plans and Scope of for the TDR –TDR Baseline –TDR Phase 2 plans –Scope and Contents of the TDR Future beyond 2012
PAC Report (Nov 2010) 4. PAC Summary and Recommendations General The PAC is very impressed by the progress made in both accelerator and detector areas since the previous PAC meeting; the Committee thanked the speakers for the high quality of their presentations. ok It is important that consideration be given by ILCSC, GDE and RD to maintaining global coherence of the ILC accelerator and detector R&D efforts past the 2012 design report. strongly agree The ILC-CLIC collaborative activities in both the accelerator and detectors are growing, and the PAC views this positively. ok 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 3
PAC Report (Nov 2010) – continued Accelerator The PAC is very pleased to note that the GDE’s approach to cavity production in the ILC construction phase intends to follow the successful example of the LHC in the industrialization of complex superconducting components, rather than that of the much smaller-scale XFEL project. see update by Yamamoto following industrial visits, etc The PAC is very impressed by the recent progress on SCRF cavity gradients; 9 out of 10 cavities from one manufacturer meeting the nominal ILC gradient requirement is an outstanding achievement. thankyou There is a need to pay attention to the issue of field emission in the SCRF cavities. agree ---- see Geng report 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 4
PAC Report (Nov 2010) – continued The Committee is impressed with the progress made so far on the R&D programs at existing accelerator facilities. –The FLASH 9 ma experiment is a good demonstration that the ILC accelerator parameter goals are realistic. The PAC recommends that ILCSC make efforts to ensure that the needed future FLASH beam time becomes available. agree – nothing new to report (update by Ross) –ATF has achieved success with the fast kicker performance reaching ILC requirements; the small beam size goal is still to be achieved. recovery from earthquake still uncertain (see Tauchi report) –The CesrTA program on electron cloud studies is excellent, and is also very valuable for accelerators other than the ILC. It is essential that simulation codes are benchmarked against experimental data before the end of this program. agree – (see Palmer report) 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 5
PAC Report (Nov 2010) – continued The PAC endorses the methodology for GDE design change control which is now in place, and which appears to be working well. The Committee also notes positively the membership of a detector physicist on the GDE Change Evaluation Panel. baseline is now established through this process for the TDR The PAC sees significant progress in addressing the issues raised by the SB2009 proposals, including progress towards resolution of several hardware questions following from the proposals. The Committee is gratified to observe the greatly improved collaboration with the detector community in SB2009 discussions. we agree At the previous PAC meeting, the Committee was concerned with the lack of progress on positron source issues, but is pleased that this lacuna now appears to be well covered. There seems to be increased interest within the detector community in the additional physics that can be realized with polarization of the ILC positron beam. no new report this meeting 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 6
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 7 Outline Responses to Nov 2010 PAC Report Update on R&D Plans and Scope of for the TDR –TDR Baseline –TDR Phase 2 plans –Scope and Contents of the TDR Future beyond 2012
Global Design Effort 8 Major R&D Goals for Technical Design SCRF High Gradient R&D - globally coordinated program to demonstrate gradient by 2010 with 50%yield; improve yield to 90% by TDR (end 2012) Manufacturing: plug compatible design; industrialization, etc Future systems tests: NML (FNAL), STF2 (KEK) Test Facilities ATF2 - Fast Kicker tests and Final Focus design/performance CesrTA - Electron Cloud tests to establish damping ring parameters/design and electron cloud mitigation strategy FLASH – Study performance using ILC-like beam and cryomodule 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan
Global Design Effort 9 SCRF Status/Progress high gradient cavities system tests industrialization See Geng, Hayano, Yamamoto
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 10 The ILC SCRF Cavity - Achieve high gradient (35MV/m); develop multiple vendors; make cost effective, etc - Focus is on high gradient; production yields; cryogenic losses; radiation; system performance
Global Plan for ILC Gradient R&D 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 11 New baseline gradient: Vertical acceptance: 35 MV/m average, allowing ±20% spread (28-42 MV/m) Operational: 31.5 MV/m average, allowing ±20% spread (25-38 MV/m)
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 12 Cavity Gradient Milestone Achieved 2010 Milestone TDR Goal See Geng Toward TDR goal Field emission; mechanical polishing Other progress
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 13
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan 14 MHI-09 MHI-07 MHI-06 MHI-05AES004ACC011Z108Z109 FNALDESYKEK Comparison of cavity performance ave. Eacc,max VT : 30 MV/m 1 cav : 27 MV/m 7 cav : 26 MV/m D C D : Detune C : Coupler D See Hayano Global Design Effort
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 15 Test Facilities: FLASH SCRF accelerator tests See Ross
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 16
Example Experimental Results Flat gradient solution achieved –4.5 mA beam Characterisation of solution by scanning beam current –model benchmarking Beam Current (mA) 12 345 Gradient change over 400us (%) 0 -3 -5 +3 +5 Gradient Tilts vs Beam Current (ACC7) Intended working point ~2.5% 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 17
FLASH: Stability 15 consecutive studies shifts (120hrs), and with no downtime Time to restore 400us bunch- trains after beam-off studies: ~10mins Energy stability with beam loading over periods of hours: ~0.02% Individual cavity “tilts” equally stable Energy stability over 3hrs with 4.5mA ~0.02% pk-pk 9 Feb 2011 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 18
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 19 Test Facilities: Cesr-TA eCloud broad accelerator applications See Palmer
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 20 Mitigating Electron Cloud Simulations – electrodes; coating and/or grooving vacuum pipe Demonstration at CESR critical tests eCloud R&D
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 21 Mitigation - Simulation Studies
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 22
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 23 CesrTA - Wiggler Observations IWLC2010 - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland 0.002” radius Electrode best performance
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 24 Field Region Baseline Mitigation Recommendation Alternatives for Further Investigation Drift*TiN CoatingSolenoid WindingsNEG Coating DipoleGrooves with TiN Coating Antechambers for power loads and photoelectron control R&D into the use of clearing electrodes. Quadrup ole* TiN Coating R&D into the use of clearing electrodes or grooves with TiN coating WigglerClearing Electrodes Antechambers for power loads and photoelectron control Grooves with TiN Coating Proposed ILC Mitigation Scheme
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 25 Test Facilities: ATF-2 large international collaboration See Tauchi
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 26
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 27 ATF2 – Beam size/stability and kicker tests IPShintake Monitor Final Doublet
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 28 ATF Recovery Plan
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 29 Outline Responses to Nov 2010 PAC Report Update on R&D Plans and Scope of for the TDR –TDR Baseline –TDR Phase 2 plans –Scope and Contents of the TDR Future beyond 2012
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 30 Design Update Global Design and Decision Making (SB2009) N Walker for baseline details
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 31 Establishing Baseline for the TDR
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 32 Proposed Design changes for TDR RDRSB2009 Single Tunnel for main linac Move positron source to end of linac *** Reduce number of bunches factor of two (lower power) ** Reduce size of damping rings (3.2km) Integrate central region Single stage bunch compressor
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 33 Technical Design Phase and Beyond AD&I studies 20092010 RDR ACD concepts R&D Demonstrations TDP Baseline Technical Design 201120122013 RDR Baseline Beijing Workshop TDR TDP-1 TDP-2 Change Request SB2009 evolve change control process AAP PAC Physics CERN Workshop
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 34 Global Design Effort 34 Top Level Change Control Process Issue Identification Planning Identify further studies Canvas input from stakeholders … Baseline Assessment Workshops Face to face meetings Open to all stakeholders Plenary Formal Director Approval Change evaluation panel Chaired by Director keywords: open, transparent 34
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 35 Global Design Effort 35 TLCC Process WhenWhereWhat BAW 1Sept. 7-10, 2010 KEK1.Accelerating Gradient 2.Single Tunnel (HLRF) BAW 2Jan 18-21, 2011 SLAC3.Reduced RF 4.e+ source location Baseline Assessment Workshops Face to face meetings Open to all stakeholders Plenary Increased Physics and detector input / representation in the process
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 36 Global Design Effort 36 Formal Director Approval Change evaluation panel Chaired by Director TLCC Process Final formal step (recommended by AAP) Change Evaluation Panel –Chaired by director –Experts to evaluate impact on performance, cost, schedule, risk –F. Asiri, K. Buesser*, J. Gao, P. Garbincius, T. Himel, K. Yokoya + J Brau* for BAW-3,4 Decision by Director –Accepts – becomes baseline; guidance in decision memo –Rejects – sent back for further work with comments 36
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 37 Proposals Received
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 38 Global Design Effort 38 TLCC Process
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 39 Global Design Effort 39 TLCC Process
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 40 2nd Baseline Assessment Workshop 'Reduced Beam Parameter set’ and ‘Positron Source Location’ Result –Assessment of technical implication, proposed in SB2009, –Impact across system interfaces, cost, and schedule –Consensus to be discussed with the GDE and Physics/Detector collaborators, –Proposals submitted for Top Level Change Control (TLCC) evaluation panel (chaired by GDE Director) –Both proposals APPROVED
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 41 Global Design Effort 41 TLCC Process
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 42 Global Design Effort 42 TLCC Process
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 43 Outline Responses to Nov 2010 PAC Report Update on R&D Plans and Scope of for the TDR –TDR Baseline –TDR Phase 2 plans –Scope and Contents of the TDR Future beyond 2012
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 44 Plans through 2012 -------------- Technical Design Report (TDR)
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 45 Timescale: Produce final reports end of 2012 –Technical Design (TDR) –Project Implementation (PIP) First goal: Technical Design (TDR) –SCRF – S0 gradient; S1 Global Tests continue past 2012 –Detailed technical design studies from new baseline –Updated VALUE estimate and schedule. –Remaining critical R&D and technology demonstration (CesrTA complete; ATF-2; FLASH; etc) Second Goal: Project Implementation Plan (PIP) –Studies of governance; siting solicitation and site preparations; manufacturing; etc Technical Design Phase 2
Scope of TDR and supporting work (1) Technical Design Report Outline Part 0: Executive Summary –An overview of Parts 1-4 that is written for a less technical audience, such as decision makers and other branches of science. Part 1: TD phase R&D (extension/update of the Interim Report (IR), but more conclusive) –Introduction/Overview –SCRF Technology –Accelerator Systems –Concluding (or summarising) chapter. 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 46
Scope of TDR and supporting work (2) Part 2: Design report Equivalent (replacement) for the RDR. May well draw on RDR text were it has not significantly changed, although much will need to be updated. 1.Introduction 2.Overview, layout and parameters 3.Main linac 4.Sources 5.Damping Rings 6.RTML / bunch compressors 7.BDS/MDI 8.CFS 9.TeV upgrade path 10.Cost and schedule 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 47
Scope of TDR and supporting work (3) Part 3: Risk analysis and post 2012 work Identified remaining technical risk should support the future R&D programme, in the same way that the identified RDR risk set the scope of the TDP work. R&D : SCRF - ultra-high gradient (relates to TeV upgrade); SCRF System tests; Positron source related, etc Project engineering : Design for manufacture; value engineering; site development (detailed CFS engineering) Technical (Performance) Risk Analysis: Where are the extrapolations? How much is the extrapolation? What is the risk of not achieving extrapolation? What is the impact of failure? What is the mitigation strategy? Part 4: Implementation Plan 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort \48
Starting Point is the RDR Costs 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 49
Impact of Baseline Changes 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 50
Plan for TDR Costing TDR will have new, current 2012 estimates for cavities & cryomodules, KCS, DRFS, and many elements of conventional facilities, especially for Conventional Facilities for Americas and Asia Some aspects of the design have become more ‘site specific’ and we need to decide how to treat that in the TDR cost estimates (e.g. configuration for single tunnel; high lever RF, etc 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 51 See Garbincius for Cost Estimating Plan
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 52 Project Implementation Plan
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 53 Governance – Interim Report example – approach to “in-kind” contributions
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 54
SCRF Cost Effective Production Cost Effective Mass- Production Cavity Specs. / Yield Plug Compatible Interfaces Production process models Vendor models In-kind contribution models Critically important TDP2 activity Learn from XFEL experience 5% ILC Develop realistic models on which to base cost estimate With industry Emphasize global approach (Multiple region mass-production) 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan 55 Global Design Effort See Yamamoto
An Industrialization Model and Responsibility Lab: responsible for perofrmance Industry: responsible build-to-print manufacturing 19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan 56 Manufacturer / industry ILC host-laboratory Hub-Laboratory: AHub-Laboratory : … Hub-Laboratory: BReg. Hub-Laboratory: E Hub-Laboratory: C Regional Hub-Laboratory : D -centered in cooperation/consortium with other regional laboratories Performance specification agreed w/ MOU Build-to-print specification in Contract Global Design Effort See Yamamoto
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 57 ILC: Future after 2012
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 58 CY Technical Design Report complete Baseline established 201120122013201420162010 ILC 2015 Technical design & R&D program 20172018 ILC possible timeline SRF system tests TDR reviews Site EOI’s Cost Estimating Decision to proceed Site/host established Project Implementation Plan completeXFEL operation LHC Physics Run 1Physics Run 2Interconnect repair Existence of low- lying SUSY known Higgs energy scale known timegap
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 59 CY Technical Design Report complete Baseline established 201120122013201420162010 ILC 2015 Technical design & R&D program 20172018 ILC possible timeline SRF system tests TDR reviews Site EOI’s Cost Estimating Decision to proceed Site/host established Project Implementation Plan completeXFEL operation LHC Physics Run 1Physics Run 2Interconnect repair Existence of low- lying SUSY known Higgs energy scale known timegap
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 60 Pre-project ILC Organization GDE will have successfully completed its mandate after TDR + reviews (mid-2013 at latest) ILCSC / ICFA considering transition organization http://cpdg.kek.jp (cpdg username and password).
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 61 GDE - Technically-driven post 2012 program THEME for post-2012 program We are discussing possible major themes to guide this R&D development program. Examples including R&D toward a 1TeV, either directly or as an upgrade, emphasizing achieving higher gradient (energy) economically. SCRF Systems tests; Mass production; Value Engineering, etc. Design evolution: 1 TeV; Positrons; R&D toward major technical advances Must preserve GDE-like global decision making and coordination in new pre-project organization
19-May-11 PAC Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort 62 Final Remarks ILC accelerator R&D and design evolution is on track for producing the ILC Technical Design Report at end of 2012, including a Project Implementation Plan We are developing our scope and work plan for developing the TDR. We have presented our first ideas for the content of the TDR deliverable Planning for ILC development beyond 2012 is very important. We are developing forward looking program like developing cost-effective 1 TeV design.. LHC will open the TeV energy frontier with significant results on the 2012 timescale. The resulting physics results will begin to point the way to the future of a linear collider.
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