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(1) Anaphylaxis response kit ? (2) Cold chain in place? (3) Patient’s immune status assessed? (4) Options discussed with the patient + valid consent obtained.

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Presentation on theme: "(1) Anaphylaxis response kit ? (2) Cold chain in place? (3) Patient’s immune status assessed? (4) Options discussed with the patient + valid consent obtained."— Presentation transcript:


2 (1) Anaphylaxis response kit ? (2) Cold chain in place? (3) Patient’s immune status assessed? (4) Options discussed with the patient + valid consent obtained (5) Vaccine prepared: check dose, reconstitute, locate injection site + administer (6) Observe patient 15 minutes : aware of adverse events after immunisation (7) Live viral vaccines given either on the same day( at different sites) or 3-4 weeks apart

3 Age mont hs Hep B DTP a HibIPV7vPC V Rota virus MM R Men CCV Hep A VCZ Birth+ 2++++++ 4++++++ 6++++++ 12++++ 12-24+ 18+ 18-2423vP PV 48(4 years ) +++

4 Age (years) Hep BDTPa23 vPPVVZVHPVInfluenz a 10-13++ 12-13+ 15-17+ 15-49++ >50++ >65++

5 PreparationsADT Booster (adsorbed diphtheria tetanus vaccine) Boostrix( diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccine) Boostrix IPV(Diphtheria,pertussis,poliomyelit is, tetanus vaccine) IndicationsSimple cut/scrape from a fall Travel Eastern Europe + Russian states Booster> 5 years since their last dose or Age of 50 years Total doses5 doses by the time they leave school

6 PreparationsInactivated poliomyelitis vaccine(IPV,Ipol) IPV containing vaccine (Adacel Polio, Boostrix-IPV) Booster doseTravellers where poliomyelitis epidemic or endemic( Indian subcontinent,parts of Africa + Middle East)

7 PreparationsPriorix IndicationsBefore international travelfor adults born during or after 1966 who do not have evidence of having had 2 doses of a measles containing vaccine in the past

8 PreparationVarilrix, Varivax refrigerated Indications(i)18 months (routine) (ii) Can be given as a single dose up to 13 years (iii) > 13 years, 2 doses are recommended at least 6 weeks apart

9 PreparationsFluarix, Fluvax. Influvac, Vaxigrip IndicationsVisitors over its winter months

10 PreparationsPneumovax 23( 23 pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine) Indications(i)Travellers to areas of current infectivity (ii)> 65 years (iii)Chronic medical conditions(cardiorespiratory disease or diabetes)


12 PreparationsGardasil(quadrivalent: types 6+ 11+16+18) Cervarix(bivalent: types 16+18) Indications(i)12 -13 year old girls(routine) (ii)13-18 year old female adolescents(through school based vaccination) (iii)19-26 year old young adult women( via general practice) Adverse reactions(i)Fainting + adverse reactions (ii)Vasovagal episodes(adolescent + young adult female population)

13 Preparations and indications2 live attenuated vaccines Rotarix( 2 + 4 months of age) Rota Teq( 2,4 + 6 months of age)


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