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Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in Devon What this means for the population of Devon Jacob Dunkley Strategic Development, NHS Devon.

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Presentation on theme: "Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in Devon What this means for the population of Devon Jacob Dunkley Strategic Development, NHS Devon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in Devon What this means for the population of Devon Jacob Dunkley Strategic Development, NHS Devon

2 Roles and Responsibilities Commissioning the majority of health services for the population Working with providers to ensure safe, high quality and value for money care Being an active partner with local authorities, and with patients, carers and communities

3 CCGs commission… NHS Commissioning Board Who commissions what? Emergency, urgent care & elective care Community health services Maternity Rehabilitation & Continuing Health Care Children, LD and MH Infertility, Abortion, Wheelchair & Home Oxygen Treatment of infectious diseases Primary care Pharmaceutical and appliance contractors All NHS dental and NHS sight tests Highly specialised and high security psychiatric For those in custody/prison For members of armed forces Public Health for ages 0-5 Immunisation and screening Sexual assault referral Child Health Systems (CHIS)

4 Devon’s CCGs, Localities and clinical Chairs Dr John Womersley Dr David Jenner Dr Peter Rudge Dr Derek Greatorex

5 NEW Devon 127 member GP practices Largest CCG in the country Population served 901,200 Budget of approximately £1bn South Devon and Torbay 38 member GP practices In the top 1/3 rd of CCG size Population served 282,000 Budget of approximately £400m Devon CCGs Leadership through a governing body Clinicians roles bringing added value

6 2,330 square miles 22.3% live in rural areas 21% is over 65 years old 11% in ‘most deprived’ areas nationally Data from Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Public Health Observatory and Town profiles ‘NEW’ Devon

7 NEW Devon Prevention, self care and maintenance Elective or planned care pathways Urgent care pathways Care for frail older people Mental health and learning disabilities services Medicines optimisation Primary and community services Priorities for improvement

8 The NHS Future Forum in its report to government: People at the centre ‘If the fundamental purpose of the Government’s proposed changes to the NHS – putting the patient first – is to be made a reality, the system that emerges must be grounded in systematic patient involvement to the extent that shared decision making is the norm.’

9 Who will be involved Member practices and staff Patients, carers and the public Scrutiny and elected members Health and wellbeing boards Local HealthWatch Clinicians and other professionals Local authorities Healthcare providers How will CCGs involve? Statutory duties Department of Health 4 tests of change Friends and family test Authorisation requirements NHS Constitution NHS mandate NEW Devon Involvement

10 NEW Devon statement for involvement 3 levels of focus on shared decision making: Personal: Individual and family engagement in health, wellbeing and care Local: Clinicians and communities engaged in co-designing local services e.g. Asset approaches Strategic: Population insights into longer term planning and shared decision making

11 NHS Outcomes Domain 1 Preventing people from dying prematurely Domain 2 Enhancing quality of life for people with long term conditions Domain 3 Helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury Domain 4 Ensuring people have a positive experience of care Domain 5 Treating and caring for people in a safe environment; and protecting them from avoidable harm

12 Any questions? Thank you for your time. Jacob Dunkley Strategic Development, NHS Devon

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