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Published byClaud Cannon Modified over 9 years ago
1/30/2016COSC-4301-01, Lecture 111 Real-Time Systems, COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 Stefan Andrei
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 2 Reminder of the last lecture Systematic and Automatic Debugging of Real- Time Systems based on Incremental Satisfiability Counting
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 3 Overview of This Lecture Optimization of Specifications expressed in path-RTL [AnC06] [AnC06] Andrei, S., Cheng, A.M.K.: Optimization of Real-Time Systems Timing Specifications. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2006), 7 pages, IEEE Computer Society, Sydney, August 16-18, 2006RTCSA 2006
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 4 Real-Time Systems Specification [JaM87, Che02] Structural-functional specification Behavioral specification (SP) A specification is correct if SP implies the safety assertion (SA) [JaM87] Jahanian, F., Mok, A.: A Graph-Theoretic Approach for Timing Analysis and its Implementation. IEEE Transactions on Computers. Vol. C-36, No. 8, 1987 [Che2002] Cheng, A.M.K.: Real-time systems. Scheduling, Analysis, and Verification. Wiley-Interscience, 2002
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 5 Optimization of Specifications [AnC06] Motivation: After verifying SP -> SA, and the system implementing SP is deployed, performance changes as a result of power-saving, faulty components, and cost-saving in the processing platform for the tasks specified in SP. This leads to a different but related SP. It is desirable to determine an optimal SP with the slowest possible computation times for its tasks such that SA holds.
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 6 Examples A slower processing platform leads to longer tasks’ computation times. Performance changes in the processing platform can be: the result of power-saving (a voltage scalable CPU running at a slower speed), faulty components (one of two motors moving a railroad- crossing gate malfunctions), cost-saving (a subset of the water pumps in a process control system is shutdown), other unexpected reasons. Deriving optimal theorems (or quantifying tolerances), will allow the system designer to determine how far the performance of the processing platform can drift from the norm without violating the SA.
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 7 The Main Idea This is clearly a fundamental issue in the design and implementation of highly dependable real-time / embedded systems. The idea: relax SP and tighten SA such that SP -> SA is still a theorem. Example: SP = {@(e 1,x) + 10 ≤ @(e 3,y), @(e 3,y) - 20 ≤ @(e 2,z)} and SA = {@(e 1,x)-15 ≤ @(e 2,z)}, then SP SA is a tautology. If we relax SP to {@(e 1,x) + 5 ≤ @(e 3,y), @(e 3,y) - 20 ≤ @(e 2,z)}, then SP SA is still a tautology (in fact, this is an optimal one).
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 8 Real-Time Logic (RTL) [JaM86] RTL = first-order logic with special features to capture the timing requirements. Occurrence Function: @:: Event x Occurrence Time, where Occurrence = Nat - {0} and Time = Nat. @(e, i) = t means the i-th occurrence of event e occurs at time t. e Event, i Occurrence, @(e,i) < @(e,i+1) if @(e,i+1) is defined. Jahanian, F., Mok, A.K.: Safety analysis of timing properties in real- time systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. SE- 12, no.~9, pp. 890--904, 1986.
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 9 Real-Time Logic (cont) Three types of RTL constants: Actions: schedulable units of work Events constants are temporal markers External Events: event-name Start Events: event-name Stop Events: event-name Transition Events: event-name Integers: used for timing constraints.
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 10 The Path-RTL formulas [JaM87, WaM94] The general form of path-RTL formulas: functionOccurrence integerConstant functionOccurrence Industrial real-time systems: Railroad crossing [JaM87], [JaS88], [Che02] Moveable control rods in a reactor [JaM87] Boeing 777 Integrated Airplane Information Management System [MTR96] X-38, an autonomous spacecraft build by NASA [RiC99] [WaM94] Wang, F., Mok, A. K.: RTL and Refutation by Positive Cycles. Proceedings of Formal Methods Europe Symposium, 873, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 659-680, 1994
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 11 The Constraint Graph Technique [JaM87] F – the initial path-RTL formula; F’ – the corresponding Presburger formula; PF = C 1 C 2 … C n is the propositional formula of SP SA: C i = L i,1 L i,2 … L i,n and Each L i,j has the general form: v 1 I v 2, I being a positive integer constant. For each literal v 1 I v 2, we construct a node labeled v 1, a node labeled v 2, and an edge with weight I from node v 1 to node v 2 ; For each X j,1, X j,2,…, X j,nj the j-th positive cycle, the clause C j = X j,1 X j,2 … X j,nj is added to PF.
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 12 The Optimization Problem The previous approaches were focused on the verification and debugging of SP SA [ACCL06], and not the optimization of this tautology. However, it may happen that SP contains overly strong timing constraints or SA can be improved by stronger timing constraints. Can we provide the most relaxed specification SP and/or the most tight safety assertion SA such that SP SA is a theorem (without repeating the verification of SP SA)? [ACCL06] Andrei, S., Chin, W.-N., Cheng, A.M.K., Lupu, M.: Automatic Debugging of Real-Time Systems based on Incremental Satisfiability Counting. IEEE Transaction on Computers, vol. 55(7), pp. 830-842 (2006) Selected as July ToC issue's Feature Article.IEEE Transaction on Computers
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 13 Notations Given S a set of timing constraints, ground(S) denotes {(x,y) | x+I≤y S, where I Z}. Example: For S 1 ={x 1 +3<x 2, x 2 -7<x 3 }, we have ground(S 1 )={(x 1,x 2 ), (x 2,x 3 )}. The timing constraint x+I≤y is (strictly) stronger than x+I–J≤y if and only if (J>0) J ≥ 0. Example: x-5<y is a stronger constraint than x-7<y.
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 14 Notations Given two sets of timing constraints SP 1 and SP 2, we say that SP 1 is stronger than SP 2 (denoted as SP 1 SP 2 ) if and only if for any timing constraint of SP 2 there exists a stronger timing constraint of SP 1. If there exists at least one timing constraint of SP 1 that is strictly stronger than any (comparable) timing constraint of SP 2, then SP 1 is strictly stronger than SP 2 (denoted as SP 1 SP 2 ). Example: {x-5<y, x+4<z} {x-7<y, x+3<z}.
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 15 Strong-ness, Implication and Optimality Theorem. Given S 1 and S 2 two sets of timing constraints such that S 1 S 2 then S 1 S 2 is a tautology. Example: {x 1 +4 < x 2, x 2 - 5< x 3 } {x 1 +3 < x 2, x 2 - 7< x 3 } is a tautology. We say that SP SA is an optimal tautology if there are no other SP' and SA' where ground(SP)=ground(SP'), ground(SA)=ground(SA'), SP SP' and SA' SA, such that SP' SA' is a tautology.
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 16 Optimal Tautologies Example: SP={x+10≤y, y-20≤z} and SA={x-15≤z}. SP SA is a tautology, but is not an optimal one! Examples: 1. SP 1 ={x+10≤y, y-20≤z}, SA 1 ={x-10≤z}; 2. SP 2 ={x+5≤y, y-20≤z}, SA 2 ={x-15≤z}; 3. SP 3 ={x+8≤y, y-20≤z}, SA 3 ={x-12≤z}. SP 1 SA 1, SP 2 SA 2 and SP 3 SA 3 are optimal tautologies.
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 17 Algorithm to Compute Optimal Tautology
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 18 The Key Point Question: Which SP k+1 and SA k+1 to choose such that the condition from the if statement (line 5) is always evaluated to true? Idea: Preserve PF 1 and change only some weights of arcs from positive cycles of CG 1 (e.g., keep the same positive cycles). These changes will be reflected back into the original SP and SA. Since PF 1 is unchanged, there is no need to repeat the verification of SP SA.
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 19 Refinement of the Optimization Algorithm
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 20 Experimental Results OPRATEL (Optimization of Path ReAl-TimE Logic) is our Java implementation of the optimization algorithm. The overhead between SDRTL and OPRATEL is only up to 20%. The verification part was done only once, at the beginning of checking whether SP SA is a theorem. The subsequent task is responsible only for changing SP and/or SA such that SP SA becomes an optimal theorem.
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 21 Future Work Extension to a larger class of RTL formulas Modularization technique of that class
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 22 Summary Optimization of Specifications
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 23 Reading suggestions [AnC06] Andrei, S., Cheng, A.M.K.: Optimization of Real- Time Systems Timing Specifications. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2006), 7 pages, IEEE Computer Society, Sydney, August 16-18, 2006RTCSA 2006
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 24 Coming up next Faster Verification of RTL-Specified Systems via Decomposition Constraint Extension [AnC06] Andrei, S., Cheng, A.M.K.: Faster Verification of RTL-Specified Systems via Decomposition and Constraint Extension. Proceedings of the IEEE Real- Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2006), 10 pages, IEEE Computer Society, Rio de Janeiro, December 5- 8, 2006RTSS 2006
1/30/2016 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 11 25 Thank you for your attention! Questions?
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