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12 July Independent review of radio spectrum management: presentation to the RA Mobile Services Committee meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "12 July Independent review of radio spectrum management: presentation to the RA Mobile Services Committee meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 July Independent review of radio spectrum management: presentation to the RA Mobile Services Committee meeting 12 July 2001 Daniel Storey Secretary to the Review

2 12 July Overview Rationale: why the review Terms of reference: what’s in, what’s out Consultation process

3 12 July Rationale Why review? –Radio spectrum a finite resource facing increasing demands –So greater premium on encouraging dynamically efficient use across the spectrum –RA achieved much in spectrum management innovation in recent years: opportunity to look forward to future framework

4 12 July Rationale Why now? –3G auction a £22 billion ‘wake up call’ to Government and business: spectrum management matters –Communications Bill and OFCOM creation: opportunity to set statutory framework –convergence of data, communication and entertainment services, challenging current approach to spectrum and broadcast regulation

5 12 July Terms of reference: what’s in “The review will advise on the principles that should govern spectrum management, and what more needs to be done to ensure that all users, including non-commercial users, are focused on using their spectrum in the most efficient way possible. In doing so, it will consider the use of spectrum management tools such as spectrum valuation, pricing and trading.”

6 12 July Terms of reference: what’s in “The recommendations that the review produces need to be practical as well as desirable. It will consider not only analytical issues but also the incentives facing different users and realistic mechanisms for improving spectrum management”.

7 12 July Terms of reference: what’s out The Review will not –revisit decisions about the creation of OFCOM and the transfer of spectrum management functions to the unified regulator –make recommendations on the resourcing and internal organisation of RA/OFCOM activities devoted to spectrum management

8 12 July Consultation process Initial round of consultation meetings, April-May Review consultation paper published 18 June [@] Responses sought by 17 August Bilateral meetings with interested parties, July- September Report to DTI and Treasury Ministers, December 2001

9 12 July Consultation paper Guiding principle: all users should face some financial incentive reflecting opportunity cost of spectrum Non-commercial users: –application tailored to particular sector –focus on scope for spectrum charging in broadcasting, defence and some aeronautical services to encourage efficiency and sharing

10 12 July Consultation paper: market mechanisms Spectrum auctions: supportive - but how to release more spectrum into the market Spectrum trading: supportive - but restrictions on use hinder trading, innovation, new entrants Spectrum pricing: supportive - but really a substitute for auctions and trading

11 12 July Consultation paper: other issues Transparency: spectrum licence assignment register? Delegation: scope for commercial band managers? Deregulation: scope for commercial services in licence-exempt spectrum?

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