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Isecur1ty training center Presented by : Eng. Mohammad Khreesha.

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Presentation on theme: "Isecur1ty training center Presented by : Eng. Mohammad Khreesha."— Presentation transcript:

1 isecur1ty training center Presented by : Eng. Mohammad Khreesha

2  Introduction  pwd  cd  Absolute path & relative path  Path completion  ls  mkdir  rmdir

3  To explore the Linux file tree, you will need some basic tools.  Small overview of the most common commands to work with directories : pwd, cd, ls, mkdir, rmdir. These commands are available on any Linux (or Unix) system.  Discusses absolute and relative paths and path completion in the bash shell.

4  The you are here sign can be displayed with the pwd command (Print Working Directory).  Example :  pwd  output like this /home/khreesha

5  You can change your current directory with the cd command (Change Directory).  Examples:  cd /etc  change the directory to /etc  cd Desktop  change the directory Descktop which locates in the current working directory  cd ~ or cd  change to the user’s home directory  cd..  change to the parent directory for the current working directory  cd -  go to the previous directory

6  You should be aware of absolute and relative paths in the file tree. When you type a path starting with a slash (/), then the root of the file tree is assumed. If you don't start your path with a slash, then the current directory is the assumed starting point.

7  The tab key can help you in typing a path without errors. Typing cd /et followed by the tab key will expand the command line to cd /etc/.  Note : Linux is case sensitive…!!!!!

8  This command used to list directory content.  Examples:  ls  list the content of current working directory  ls –a  include hidden files  ls –l  gives you a long listing  ls –lh  It shows the numbers (file sizes) in a more human readable format..  Note : hidden files in Linux starts with (dot)

9  This command used to create your own directories in Linux.  You have to give at least one parameter to mkdir, the name of the new directory to be created. Think before you type a leading /..  Examples :  mkdir mydir  create directory with name mydir in current working directory…  mkdir -p MyDir2/MySubdir2/ThreeDeep  create parent directories as needed

10  When a directory is empty, you can use rmdir to remove the directory…  Examples :  rmdir mydir  remove mydir  mkdir -p dir/subdir/subdir2  recursively remove directories.

11 The End

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