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JCMS Advanced Training August 10-11, 2015. Staff and Participant Introductions.

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Presentation on theme: "JCMS Advanced Training August 10-11, 2015. Staff and Participant Introductions."— Presentation transcript:

1 JCMS Advanced Training August 10-11, 2015

2 Staff and Participant Introductions

3 Referral Types

4 Formal Referral (FM)  Child and paperwork together  Examples:  You operate a detention facility  You contract with another county’s facility  Juvenile is in detention when offense is alleged

5 Paper Complaint (PA)  Paperwork is received prior to face-to-face contact

6 Paper Formalized Referral (PF)  Started as a PA  Formalized with face-to-face contact  Open existing PA Referral  Change Referral Type  Add Referral Date and Time  Update other fields as necessary


8 Interim/Permanent Transfer Referral (TR)  Supervision of a juvenile from another Texas county is transferred to you through Inter- County Transfer  TR Referral is entered by receiving county  Enter the PID assigned in home county  Create the appropriate Supervision

9 Interim/Permanent Transfer Additional Information

10 Interim/Permanent Supervision  Supervision provided in the Receiving County is reported to TJJD  County Referred – Enter your county  Currently, the TJJD Statistical Report doesn’t include supervisions if the County Referred is not in your jurisdiction.  Offense and Disposition are not reported to TJJD by the Receiving County


12 Interim/Permanent FAQs  Referrals sent to your department for Disposition are Paper Complaint Referrals.  What happens to Supervision in the sending county?  Close as Transferred out of Jurisdiction  Open an IICT Supervision (optional)

13 Supervision Screen in Sending County

14 Interim/Permanent FAQs continued 1.Interim was requested, but never began. Do not enter a TR Referral. 2.Sending County requests supervision for a modified probation order. Juvenile had a long list of referrals. TR is based on referral with supervision. Chrono additional referrals/VLCOs. 3.Child on Interim leaves and then returns. Do not create a new referral. Attach supervision to previous referral.

15 Interstate Compact Referral (IC)  Supervision from another state is transferred to you through Interstate Compact  Supervision provided in the Receiving County is reported to TJJD  Originating Jurisdiction - – Enter County; your county  Currently, the TJJD Statistical Report doesn’t include supervisions if the Originating Jurisdiction is not a county in your jurisdiction.

16 Interstate Compact Referrals (IC)  Interstate Compact Flag  Do not use Interim Supervision for IC kids  Use Court Ordered Probation or Deferred  Use “Unknown” offenses when necessary

17 Unknown Offenses


19 Crisis Intervention Referral(CI)  Juvenile 16 or younger  No pending charges; Not on supervision  Face-to-face contact is required  No valid offense - CINS offenses are NOT recorded in Crisis Intervention Referrals

20 Crisis Intervention Referral (CI)  Use one of the CI Offenses  Home Related  Community Related  School Related  Enter a Disposition  Diverted or Supervisory Caution by Dept  Do not enter Supervision or Programs

21 Crisis Intervention Flag


23 Contract Detention (CD) & Contract Placement (CP) Referrals  Used by departments that provide contract services  Must have a Detention or Placement entry  Must enter the PID assigned in the home county  Originating Jurisdiction PID for out-of-state juveniles - 9999999999

24 Contract Detention Referrals and Offenses  JCMS automatically creates a Not Specified offense for CD Referrals  You may change the Not Specified Offense.  If you change the offense, you must assign a Primary DOI on the Referral Disposition Screen  Violation of Court Order – CD Referrals Only (50129007)

25 Updating Offense for CD Referral Updating Disposition DOI

26 Contract Placement Referrals and Offenses  Three options for CP Offenses  Use the true offense  Use Not Specified  For Violations, use Violation of Court Order – CP Referrals Only (50129008)  Case Plans and CP Referrals – TEMP Supervision

27 Municipal Court/Justice of the Peace Referrals (MJ)  Used to track convictions in MJ or JP Court  Not transferred to TJJD in extract  Do not use to track offenses transferred from Municipal or JP Courts  Do not use to track Contempt of Court offenses

28 Parole Referrals (PR)  Used by counties that provide Parole Supervision  Used to attach Parole Supervision  Not used for new offenses committed by parolees

29 Non-Jurisdiction Referrals (NJ)  Used for temporary, courtesy services to a juvenile not under your jurisdiction  Example: Facilitating the detention of a juvenile from one department into another department’s facility  NJ is reported to TJJD

30 Prevention/Intervention Referral (PI)  Used to track spending of  Grant T – School Attendance Improvement Projects Grant  Grant S – Prevention and Intervention Demonstration Project  Do not create a Supervision  Create a Program for PI Services

31 Other Administrative Referral (OA)  Used to capture situations not recorded in the other referral types.  OA Referrals are not reported to TJJD.  Associated screens are not reported to TJJD.

32 Screen by Screen Tips

33 Referral Screen  FM, PF and PA Referrals  Originating Jurisdiction = County  County = your county

34 Offense Screen  JPD Complaint Date – Does not change  GOC – General Offense Code  Attempt  Conspiracy  Solicitation

35 Offense Screen Adding an Offense to an existing TRN # 1. Use Add Another Offense button 2. Create new offense and use Link to Arrest button

36 Associating an offense to an existing TRN. Open the Offense Screen Click the Add Another Offense button.

37 Associating an offense to an existing TRN Create a new Offense Screen Use the Link to Arrest button

38 Offense Screen Out of State Location  County is not required when state is not Texas  Violating CREL or TEMP is not an offense  Violating Deferred Prosecution is not an offense

39  Enter the Offense Date prior to searching for an offense.  Do not include N/A offenses in Formal, Paper Formalized or Paper Complaint Referrals. Selecting the Appropriate Offense

40 Examples of N/A offenses that should not be used in FM, PF and PA Referrals. Offense Description Offense Code Citation

41 Detention Screen  Detention Billing Report Daily Rate  CFE – Juvenile in Detention beyond Threshold  Do not close a detention entry when transporting to detention hearing  Changes in Facility or in Cost Per Day  Close current Screen  Open New Screen

42 Change of Facility

43 Detention Screen  Offenses received while juvenile is in Detention = Formal Referral  Under Maintenance, enter Holidays  Used to calculate ‘Length of Stay’  ‘Actual Stay’ includes all days


45 Disposition (Referral) Screen  Tracks the final disposition of all offenses within a Referral  Divided by:  Intake  Prosecutor  Court

46 3 Consolidated Dispositions

47  At Intake and Prosecutor, Consolidated should only be used when multiple referrals are disposed as Deferred Prosecution on the same day.  If multiple referrals are disposed on the same day by Intake or Prosecutor as Supervisory Caution, No Probable Cause, Dismissed, etc. (not Deferred) enter this disposition for each referral.

48 PA ONLY Dispositions

49 Tracking Modified Dispositions  Modifications and Extensions should NOT be entered on the Subsequent Disposition Screen.  Each MODF or EXTD disposition should be associated with a referral for VLCO.

50 Correct entry of MODF/EXTD * Violation could be Technical or New Offense *

51 Incorrect entry of MODF/EXTD Do not enter modifications or extensions as second dispositions

52 RANA  Use Not Administered if a RANA was required but was not completed  CDA  If previous disposition occurred within 14 days of current Disposition, enter previous score.

53 Disposition (Offense) Screen  Tracks action/disposition of each offense  Must be used to track amended offenses

54 Supervision Screen  Show extensions of supervision in the Extension Section of current supervision

55 Supervision Screen  If Supervision is closed as Absent without Permission, you must open an Indirect Supervision  If child leaves on Inter-County Transfer  Close Supervision as Transferred out of Jurisdiction  Create IICT (optional)

56 Inter-County Transfer and Supervision  IICT – used by the SENDING County for 180 days of interim(optional) Attached to formal referrals  Interim Probation* – Used by RECEIVING county  Permanent Probation* – Used by the RECEIVING county after day 180  Interim Deferred* – used by the RECEIVING county *Attached to TR Referrals

57 Juvenile put on DEFP or PROB and immediately Transferred Out  Open Supervision for one day  Close Supervision the following day as Transferred out of Jurisdiction

58 Program Screen  Under Maintenance, review active Programs.

59 Program Screen  Programs provided in multiple locations require multiple Program codes  Relationship Enhancement Group – Detention  Relationship Enhancement Group – Community  Update the Program Registry if you create or change Programs  Enter Programs when Referred

60 Program Screen  Programs must be a condition of Supervision  Review Funding Sources  If Funding Source changes,  Close as Depletion of Funds/Closure.  Open a new Program Entry on the next day.

61 Placement Screen  Facilities registered with TJJD must use the TJJD Facility Code from the Registry  Non-Secure (12)  Post-Adjudication Secure (37)

62 Compare JCMS Maintenance to Facility Registry

63 Placement Screen  Changing Cost per Day or Level of Care are done without closing the Placement Screen.

64 Behavioral Health Services  Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Trauma, Intellectual Disability/MR  Juvenile under JPD Jurisdiction  Not associated to a Program  A one-time event

65 BH Services - Examples  Mental Health or Substance Abuse Assessment or Evaluation  Doctor visit to review/prescribe BH medication  Purchasing MH medication  1x counseling session  1x Crisis Intervention session to stabilize juvenile in a crisis situation

66 Behavioral Health Treatment  Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Trauma, Intellectual Disability/MR  Juvenile under JPD Jurisdiction  Care intended for or used to remedy a BH problem  Occurs over time  No curriculum. Not a program.

67 BH Treatment - Examples  Medication Management  Case Management – coordinating appointments and doctor visits  Observing and coaching juveniles regarding Life Skills

68 Additional Tips

69 Recommended Search Options  When searching across county, use Date of Birth and Sex.  If you do not find the juvenile you are searching for:  Insure My County Only is unchecked  Insure Archived Records is checked

70 Associating Chronological Notes To A Referral  Chronological Notes associated to a referral are automatically:  Sealed when the referral is sealed  Deleted when the referral is deleted

71 Associating Chronos to a Referral

72 Sealing and Archiving  Seal a Folder - Maintenance  Seal an Offense – Offense Screen  Seal a Referral - Referral Screen  Archive Folders - Maintenance or Juvenile Screen  Folders must have a Folder Status of Closed to be eligible for (group) archiving or sealing.

73 Entering a Folder Status of Closed

74 Close Officer Assignments Closing Supv doesn’t close officer assignment

75 TJJD and the Conference of Urban Counties (CUC)

76  Collaborative system  Help Desk Issues  Resolved by TJJD  Submitted to CUC

77 Issues Resolved by TJJD  TJJD tracks all Help Desk calls  Consistent Answers  Helps us identify common problems  Data Entry questions  Consistency  Benefit to the Department  Accurate reporting to TJJD and local Reports

78 Issues Submitted to the CUC  TJJD creates a HIMS ticket  Results:  Issues are fixed immediately  Issues are added to a deployment  Fixes are deployed in Sprints every two weeks  2-hour outages with each Sprint - Tuesdays  Issues are discussed by Product Owners

79 Issues discussed by Product Owners  Approved and fixed in Deployments  New Referral Source, New Attachment Categories  Approved and fixed in Change Requests  Adding and modifying Reports  Typically bigger/structural changes  Added to Backlog  Not Approved

80 VPN changes in your county  Please let your county IT know that you need advance notice of VPN changes.

81 Creation of Test Record

82 Test Record Create a Juvenile: DOB 10/10/2000 Create Offense Arrest Date: 05/11/2013 TRN: Offense Date: 05/11/2013 JPD Complaint Received Date: 05/11/2013 Offense: Burglary of Habitation (F2) Create Referral Referral Type: Formal Referral Date: 5/11/2013 Originating Jurisdiction: County County: Anderson Attach Offense: Burglary of Habitation IOI: Primary

83 Offense vs. Referral Dispositions and Adding Subsequent Dispositions

84 Test Record 1 Scenario 1 – Amend an offense and Adjudicate GOAL: Using the juvenile created in Test Record 1 (DOB 10/10/2000), we will:  Amend a Burg of Habitation to a Criminal Trespass  Adjudicate the juvenile to Probation  Create a Probation Supervision Screen

85 Test Record 1 Scenario 1- Amend an Offense and Adjudicate Step 1- Amend offense Amendments/Revisions must be entered on the (Offense) Disposition container: At INTAKE:  Refer to Prosecutor - Petition Requested (5/13/2013) At PROSECUTOR:  Amend to a Criminal Mischief  Petition Filed (5/17/2013)

86 Test Record 1 Scenario 1 – Amend an Offense and Adjudicate Step 2 - Adjudicate to Probation  From (Offense) Disposition Container At COURT:  Dispose as Adjudicated - Placed on Probation (6/25/2013)  From (Referral) Disposition container:  Accept the Calculated Disposition  Enter RANA Scores

87 Test Record 1 Scenario 1 – Amend an Offense and Adjudicate Step 3 - Enter Supervision  Access the Supervision Container  Supervision Type = Court Ordered Probation  Supervision Begin Date: 6/25/2013  Estimated End Date: 6/24/2014  Level/Phase: Regular  Assign a Primary Probation Officer

88 Test Record 1 Scenario 2 – Revising an Offense to a Violation GOAL: Using the juvenile created in Test Scenario 1 and adjudicated to probation on 6/25/2013, we will:  Create a referral for a new offense  Revise the new offense to a Violation  Dispose of the new referral as Prob Modified  Extend Probation/Change the Supervision Level  Add a Program

89 Test Record 1 Scenario 2 - Revising an offense to a VLCO Step 1 - Create a FM referral for Poss Marij <2oz (MB) CREATE OFFENSE  Arrest Date: 03/12/2014  TRN:  Offense Date: 03/12/2014  JPD Complaint Received Date: 03/12/2014  Offense: Poss Marij <2oz (MB) CREATE REFERRAL  Referral Type: Formal  Referral Date: 3/12/2014  Originating Jurisdiction: County  County: Anderson  Attach Offense: Poss Marij <2oz (MB)  IOI: Primary

90 Test Record 1 Scenario 2 - Revising an offense to a VLCO Step 2 - Create an offense screen for the Violation Create Offense  Most Offense info is the same as the Poss of Marij <2oz  Violation Offenses do not have TRN/TRS numbers  JPD Complaint Received Date: 03/17/2014  Offense: Viol of Court Order – New Offense

91 Test Record 1 Scenario 2 - Revising an offense to a VLCO Step 3 - Include the Violation in the existing Referral Attach the Violation offense to the Poss of Marijuana Referral  Open Referral for Poss of Marijuana  Click View/Click Edit  In Offense Section,  Click Add Another Offense  Select the Violation  IOI = Revised  Attach Original Referral

92 Test Record 1 Scenario 2 - Revising an offense to a VLCO Step 4 - Dispose of the Referral Referral Disposition Screen  Enter the Disposition of Probation Extended (03/25/2014)  DOIs  Poss of Marij – DISMISSED  Viol Court Order New Offense – PRIMARY  If using the (Offense) Disposition Screen  Enter an Intake Action of Referred to the Prosecutor to advance the Edit to Prosecutor.

93 Test Record 1 Scenario 2 - Revising an offense to a VLCO Step 5 - Extend Supervision, change Supervision Level and add a Program Supervision Screen  Extend Probation on 3/25/2014  New Estimated Extension End Date = 3/24/2015  Enter new level of Maximum beginning 3/25/2014 Program Screen  Referred Date: 03/25/2014  Program :Substance Abuse Treatment  Begin Date: 04/08/2014  Estimated Release Date: 09/24/2014  Level/Phase: Level 1  Attach to: Violation – New Offense

94 Questions?

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