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1949: Soviet Union explode first Atomic Bomb Truman develops more horrifying weapons.

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2 1949: Soviet Union explode first Atomic Bomb Truman develops more horrifying weapons

3 H-Bomb (1 millions tons of TNT) November 1, 1952 USA exploded first H- Bomb August 1953 – Soviet Union Explodes their First H-Bomb

4 President after Truman

5 Eisenhower goes to edge of all-out war with Soviets Build-Up Air Force Build-Up nuclear Weapons

6 Central Intelligence Agency Spies Gather INFO. Abroad

7 Middle East (Iran) Want Iran’s Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh OUT Put in SHAH of Iran Shah was put-in now western companies have control of Iran oil fields


9 Soviets Recognize West Germany Soviets have peace treaties with Austria and Japan West Germany Joins NATO (Soviets Scared) Warsaw Pact – Soviets join alliance with seven Eastern European Countries

10 Geneva, Switzerland Allow flights over each other’s territory (open skies proposal) Soviet’s reject this proposal Still looked at as a step toward peace

11 Take over after Joseph Stalin died Communism would take over world Favored policy of “peaceful coexistence” with USA

12 Sputnik: Soviet launches first satellite USA tries to catch Russia and launches first satellite

13 USA flies U-2’s over Soviet Union to take pictures USA U-2 shot down by Soviet Pilot USA pilot jailed by Soviets for ten years Strains relations with Soviets because Eisenhower would not apologize

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