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Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 1 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 BNL - FNAL - LBNL - SLAC Long Quadrupole Giorgio Ambrosio LARP Collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 1 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 BNL - FNAL - LBNL - SLAC Long Quadrupole Giorgio Ambrosio LARP Collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 1 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 BNL - FNAL - LBNL - SLAC Long Quadrupole Giorgio Ambrosio LARP Collaboration Meeting 11 Oct. 27-28, 2008 FNAL OUTLINE: - Status of each LQ task - Overall LQ status - Schedule and budget

2 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 2 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 Long Quadrupole Main Features: Aperture: 90 mm magnet length: 3.6 m Goal: Gradient:200+ T/m Timeframe: Performance and reproducibility by the end of 2009

3 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 3 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 Coil Fabrication Status Found problem after coil #3 heat treatment Performed analysis – further analysis needed Developed solution for LQS01 coils - LQ02 coils Change OL gaps -from coil #8 -from coil #10 Further analysis by core programs?

4 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 4 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 Coil Fabrication Status at FNAL Coil #4 was shipped to BNL after curing Coil #5 impregnated last week –Leakage during curing  flaws close to lead end –2 nd impregnation? –Plan under development Coil #6 prep for heat treatment Coil #7 curing completed last week –Will be shipped to BNL shortly

5 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 5 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 Coil Fabrication Status at BNL Fixtures tested by using coil #2 Coil #4 heat treatment completed last week –Inspection in progress –Prep for impregnation Samples for ground insulation using bistage Kapton –Sent to FNAL and LBNL for evaluation

6 10/27/2008 – 10/29/2008Collaboration Meeting 11610/27/2008 – 10/29/20086 Collaboration Meeting 11 Helene Felice Update on the Instrumentation and Quench Protection Task Summary on LQ coil instrumentation Layer 1: design presented at CM 10 -13 voltage taps on the trace - 4 strain gages stations (azim, and axial) wired externally - 1 external spot heater Layer 2: design presented at CM 10 -7 voltage taps on the trace - 1 strain gages stations (azim, and axial) on the trace => optional Plan for the coil instrumentation finalized

7 10/27/2008 – 10/29/2008Collaboration Meeting 11710/27/2008 – 10/29/2008 Collaboration Meeting 11 Helene Felice 7  Fabrication of 6 sets of traces 1 sets of traces not used  modification of the voltage taps circuits to accommodate the lifting holes  introduction of a cutout in the heaters to accommodate the pockets in the outer layer  boxes on the traces to indicate the location of the strain gages 5 sets of traces used in coils #3, #4, #5, #6 and #7  Discussion in progress about a possible artwork revision before fabricating the next traces (to allow the fixation of a strain relief G10 piece, to fit more accurately the length of the coil) Status on traces fabrication

8 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 8 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 Ground Insulation Cross-section: –Scheme was defined –Use of bistage Kapton under evaluation –Best way to apply, and where, under evaluation Ends: TBD

9 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 9 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 Shipping Fixtures & Mandrels Two coil-shipping fixtures fabricated by BNL –Reinforcement for fork-lift lifting in progress One LQS shipping fixture by BNL –Procurement in progress Six coil-shipping mandrels fabricated by FNAL –Usable for cured coils and not-IL-instrumented coils –We need to develop and procure coil-shipping mandrels for fully instrumented coils

10 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 10 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 LQS Structure Yoke-Shell sub-assembly completed –All four sections have been put together NEXT: Assembly with dummy coils –Pressure-sensitive films test Test with dummy coils (LQSD) at LN –Need to test controlled cooling with LHe?

11 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 11 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 LQC and “Pizza Box” Parts procurement in progress Assembly tooling: –Solid model is done –To be presented soon Pizza Box: –Solid model presented at LQ video-mtg –Finalization in progress –Planning to have stands and base-plate for LQSD test

12 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 12 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 Test prep: LQS handling at VMTF Procedure outline is done –FNAL/LBNL development –Concept tested at BNL with LRS02 –Requires pedestal and additional connector at LQS bottom

13 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 13 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 Test prep: LQ protection at VMTF Additional Heater Firing Units –Need to complete analysis of latest TQC and TQS magnets in order to finalize plan (heater and capacitor banks powering) Symmetric grounding –Tested on TQ magnets Integration of new components with old system –To be tested on small magnet (TQ) before LQ test Adaptive QP threshold –Additional QDS based on FPGA –Regular AQD and DQD systems used as backups with higher thresholds

14 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 14 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 Schedule Coils #6-9 completed by mid April –Coil #4 and/or #5 spare coil(s) LQSD test completed by mid April Start LQS01 assembly in mid April –Coil-handling practice will start earlier Start LQS01 test in July

15 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 15 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 Budget FY09 budget was developed without a clear plan –We were still trying to understand the problem found in coil #4 and exploring solutions –So, I assumed that some FY09 work could be covered by FY08 carry-forward, and we planned to evaluate it after the end of FY08

16 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 16 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 Conclusions Coil fabrication has restarted –With coil #4 and #5 we are close to completing the practice/spare coils –With coil #6 and #7 we have started the fabrication of the coils for LQS01 The assembly of the shell structure has reached an important milestone –See next talk The new challenge of FY09 is the integration of work at all 3 labs (coils, structure, instrum., test prep.) for a successful assembly and test of LQS01 –Plan is almost complete, –Budget will need adjustments

17 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 17 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 EXTRA

18 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 18 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 Long Nb 3 Sn coil challenges Conductor: –Need km-size strand piece length, and long cabling runs (250 m for 4m long quad coils) Insulation: –Need technique for long coils Reaction: –Need long oven –The displacements due to differential expansions scale with length –Total friction force scales with length Impregnation: –Impregnation time increases with length Handling: –LARP set criteria for Max strain: -0.15%<  <0.05% LQ coil

19 Long Quadrupole – G. Ambrosio 19 LARP Collaboration Meeting – FNAL, Oct. 27-28, 2008 LQ Coil Fabrication React&Impr fixture change: –From 2-in-1 used for TQ coils to single coil fixtures for LQ More symmetric coils (+) New parts, new procedures (-) –Symmetric plates (as in LR) Coil design: –LQ coils = TQ coils w minor modifications

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