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General Workers Union General Workers Union History  Established 5 th October 1943  Largest Trade Union in Malta  Founder Member of ICFTU  Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "General Workers Union General Workers Union History  Established 5 th October 1943  Largest Trade Union in Malta  Founder Member of ICFTU  Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Workers Union General Workers Union History  Established 5 th October 1943  Largest Trade Union in Malta  Founder Member of ICFTU  Executive Committee Member ETUC  Founded Trade Unionism in Cyprus (1960s)  Is the Maltese workers voice in ILO

2 Structure  Membership (grass roots)  General Congress (4 years)  National Council (61 members)  Central Administration (5 members)  8 Trade Secretariats  Departments: – Finance - Legal - Legal - Research & Information - Research & Information - Education & Training - Education & Training

3 T.U. Density

4 The Postal Sector  Postal Services operated within the Public Sector  2002 - Postal Services privatised to Transend, a subsidiary of New Zealand Post  2 T.U. represents the postal workers but the majority union negotiates  U.H.M. is recognised as the majority union in postal sector (thus enjoys negotiating rights).

5 Telecoms Sector  Majority Union + 80% T.U. membership  Negotiates a CBA every three years  Adapting to the liberalisation of the sector  Ensured that liberalisation of the sector would not result into the laying off workers  Improving working conditions within the sector has become extremely hard

6 Future Challenges  National level :- - transforming the MCSED into a real - transforming the MCSED into a real tripartite forum for social dialogue tripartite forum for social dialogue - protecting the welfare state/job creation - protecting the welfare state/job creation - making workers understand better the - making workers understand better the changes in the world of work changes in the world of work - that the burden of economic restructuring - that the burden of economic restructuring will be shouldered by all according to will be shouldered by all according to his/her ability his/her ability

7 Future Challenges  International :- - contributing towards the competitiveness of the economy in the global markets of the economy in the global markets - integration within the EU and the implementation of the EU Acquis implementation of the EU Acquis - meeting the challenges brought about by globalisation by globalisation

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